
Chapter 7 : Assault Punch

“Wohoo, seriously you can use so many element, right? Then I’ll use my water elemental too but I will use another liquid.”

I said to the spirit while generating a purple poisonous water ball. Then I’m stands up and quickly use my water elemental power to create a trident. Then the spirit running through that beast, he jump after he reach the edge of this building trying to stab that beast heart. He then fly through his chest and then he stab him but, because that beast’s skin are quite hard, the spirit can pierce through his skin. Then he throw back into the pillar debris. Then I see a corrosive liquid that seems dropped from the Vanigrad’s desk.

Without think about the risk, I pull that liquid using my water controller skill. Then I mix these two liquid that flows above my left hand. The colour of liquids turn from purple and black into dark purple and it’s appear at the middle of that two liquid. Both liquid are already fused, that liquid just break my. Then I control that liquid to hide behind a debris behind of me.

“Prepare to die, you dumb.”

Then, I’m walking along with the spirit that go after me and try to attack him once more using that trident.

“Hahaha, the first time maybe I can’t break your stupid shell but right now I will break and stab your he- AAAAAA.” The spirit threw by that beast’s tail into a building near this place.

“Uwah, useless. Even though he gives me this power. But, uwah that’s worst... Well I’ll leave that old guy right here and back to the mansion so I can flirting with those maids mwahaha.” I said with a voice slightly trolling at him.

“HEY! Don’t you flirt my maids!”

He suddenly appeared with a debris above his head and from his forehead there’s a blood dripping down to his chin.

“Nah I’m kidding. I’m going to earth after this end.” I said to him with my heavy voice.

Then I’m doing a left jab to the air with my wind skill. Suddenly that beast screaming like he just hit by a strong thing right into his face. He then continue his attack by turning his head down and his feet up and then kicking his kick and then doing a overhead kick that threw the mystical beast down.

“Haha! I know I can’t do it. Now then.”

Then I direct my left hand back while opening my palm. After that, I pull it as fast as I can while aiming it at the beast's chest. That beast screams more louder and then he fall down into that building behind me. That building suddenly crack like it’s going to be destroy. I'm flying straight until I'm above the beast, when I’m gonna finish him using my super high concentration wind ball. Suddenly I feel pushed at my head, then my vision turning blank and Rugia appears once again and says.

“You, it’s your first time coming to this planet right? I mean this dimension right?”

“Huh, it seems the four goddamn kings are right.”

“They will be reincarnated into a human child named Faried Zein.”

“Hey, Lord Rugia. H-H-How are you? ( I made it! I speak with him).”

“Hahaha, you must’ve been freaked out when you found that I’m that mighty Rugia aren’t ya?”

“Calm down kiddo, and I’m here just want to tell you how to use that assault punch. But first I will tell you a little bit history of it.” Rugia said while he raise his head

I’m so trembling at this point, suddenly there's a little light shining on Rugia's body. I can see his dark skin under from his neck until his chest. He opens his big wings that can cover the earth left and right side. The colour of his wings with dark purple and magenta. His tail the tip of the tail covers a little of the front legs, at the end there is a kind of sharp iron that is likely if stabbed into the earth will make a hole in the core.

Honestly, I makes my fear more bigger. Then he use his right wing to push a bit. Then his wing patting my left shoulder back as if telling me to look back. Then I see a black skeleton with a big size raising his sword and running towards me. I’m panic not because he looks like trying to stab me. But his size makes me freak out. Suddenly a green fire comes out above me, it burn that skeleton. That fire feels warm and then. Rugia says.

“Okay I have a fuel for cooking now."

“Wait how can you cook with your form like that?”

“I have another form...”

“Ohh, you have another form...”

“Okay now listen kiddo, I have no much time chatting with you again. I haven’t eat anything since you beat that Vanigrad then fight Rubaskh, the beast that you’re fighting right now.”

“If you’re asking is he my child, no. He just an intruder from my homeland. I won’t tell you about my homeland right now.”

“Okay so, how can I activate it?”

“Haha, you’re politeness makes me ticklish. You’ve changed... Ups I almost say it.”

“Okay the history first remember. So the first thing is the 5 kings create this power but periodically with their own elemental power.”

“They’re the hero that chosen by my two children used to be when they were still alive. How to activate it are very simple. But you will lost all of your stamina if you use the full power one so I recommend you using the mini version for now.”

He said with heavily that makes me a little bit shivers. Then I ask him.

“Ohh yea can I ask you, if I use all of my stamina but my skill or magic are still activated what will it cost?” I said seriously, and then he answer.

“You will loose your body part or your expression even your memory but well the third option doesn't apply to you beca- you will find it later, back to the topic. You only have to clenches your fist until you fill a little bit tired. Then, you should approach your target while saying ‘Mini Assault Punch'’ if you’re using the mini version. You can develop this ultima to a maximum level that no one can achieve.” He fading slowly after he said that while saying ' I can't wait to fight with you someday’. Then he disappear.

After he disappeared I see Rubaskh, are standing and see me while the spirit trying to breakthrough his wings that covering his stomach. He growls at me and he stare at me while his eye colour being brighter. With some noisy voice, suddenly I can’t move my body and then there’s so many voice appears from nowhere.



“You shouldn’t be in this world!”

“Die already!”

“Even your family disappointed to you! You’re a monster!!!”

Those word comes from my head, and time by time it makes me depressed.

“Zein, what happened? Ah, YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM?!”

The vessel then falls into the ground, he looks so desperate. The spirit who seeing this going fury and he used the fire element to burn Rubaskh while saying ‘FLAME O VORTEX’. Then, three flame then appears from the spirit’s creating a three head snake like hydra and bite Rubaskh. That beast then screaming and the spirit shouting.

“Lord Zein! Calm down, I’m coming there.” The spirit fly down and hug the vessel using one hand.

The vessel scream and being crazy, he throw the spirit into a big shiny black stone. He screams in pain because his backbone cracked. But not long after it, the the vessel talk to him using telepathy. He says that.

“Ayo man, I’m sorry man! But I’m just realise this is just an illusion from that beast. It seems like I can’t crack this illusion by myself right now.”

“Can you break it for me?”

“How can I break that illusion... oh right if I’m not mistaken, I should find the black purple ball on the victim's body.”

“Hang up there I’ll give you a hand right now.”

“Be careful, I can’t control my body.” The vessel said and his voice suddenly disappeared.

The spirit stands up but he remembered that his bones were broken and he started to say.

“My back... MY BACK! Ouch my back!”

He walk slowly while holding his back But. Miraculously, his backbone fused back together.

“So that’s why my bone could be broken that easily, THIS IS THE IRON METEOR THAT FALLEN YESTERDAY UHH DARN IT! Why the hell is this item fallen he- wait what?” Then the spirit find something from that meteorite. He see the same reptile scales like Rubaskh have.

“Ohh, I see. so from here he appeared, but how did he disguise himself as Vanigrad? Anyway I have to save the kid first!"

Then the spirit destroy that meteorite and suddenly that beast are just screaming for no reason. His white scales turn into a brown semi red colour. The vessel are getting a little bit better but still he have to break that illusion. The spirit that see that are just surprised, but he remember he have to save the vessel. He run towards him but the vessel try to attack him because of that power. The spirit can dodge those movement and he find the weak point of that power.

“Dude, sorry...”

Then the spirit trying to getting more closer at him to hit that weak spot. He then kick the weak point that are… on his vital point. After he kicked it quiet hard. That black semi purple ball disappear along with the spirit who fall to the ground in pain as if he are about to die. The spirit apologies repeatedly at him but the vessel couldn’t stand up even say any word for awhile because he feel that traumatic pain again since a few years after he was in the 2nd grade of middle school. But then, Rubaskh are growling and says.

“WHO DARE TO DESTROY MY SOURCE OF POWER.” Then the spirit shouting.

“Do you mean that meteorite?”

“Yesh... it.. is. You don’t know how much I lost my power just to serve that pervy goblin!”

“I see so that’s how he lives on Vanigrad’s body... He made a contract with him and give him his power to get everything he want. Even a will to rule this industry.”

“ I made a con-.”

“Yea I know, I know! You made a contract with Vanigrad and he sealed you on his body for a 2 years right?” the spirit interrupted Rubaskh’s conversation.

“I see, as I expected. He just do what I’m thinking of.” Suddenly the vessel wake up and look at the Rubaskh place.

“Whoa, sup with your colour skin bro? Its very disgusting.”

“What did you said?! I FORGIVE YOU!! NOW DIE!!!” Rubaskh swings his wings and making a strong wind like earlier

“This is what I’m waiting for!”

Then, The vessel run towards the building and jumped very high and landed on the walls of the building. then, he run up to the Rubaskh. He then notice what is the vessel planning. Then he use his acid to stop him. The vessel dodge those acids but one of it almost get the vessel. Luckily the spirit block that acid using his earth element skill.

“Thanks, bro!” Said the vessel, the spirit smiles and says.

“Go on, kiddo!”

The vessel climb the thing that the spirit created. He use it as refuse to jump up. with all his strength he jumps and hit the neck of the Beast. then he does a roundhouse followed by a right jab and finally a chop kick. Rubaskh's head bounced off and hit one of the pillars. He open his eyes and do a counterattack using his tail. The vessel easily dodge the attack and kick its tail towards the hole in Rubaskh's body made by him.

Rubaskh scream in pain and he sprout a fire from his mouth. The vessel block it using the water element and counterattack with a high-concentration wind ball. But unfortunately he missed because Rubaskh wings interrupt him.

“Tch, lame!”

“I’m... forgotten.” The spirit said while a sad face.

“Hey me! tie him up with anything."

Said the vessel from up above. The spirit raise his head hand with happy expression he says.


Then the spirit fly quickly towards them. And tie Rubaskh with the a green rope-like plant produced by the spirit's power.

“Haha, nice now...”

The vessel clench his fist as strong as he can. Then suddenly a blue, dark and red aura comes out from nowhere and it gathering in the clenches vessel's right hand. Rubaskh feel something dangerous from the power in the vessel's right hand, then he try to disturb it with a fireball. He shoots 3 fireball and then when he just going shoot the fourth ball. The spirit close his mouth using the plant again.

“I don’t know what power it is. But, NOW!”

The vessel fly faster into the Rubaskh hole that covered with his tail and pointing his fist. And warn the spirit.

“Stay away from this building, bro.”


The spirit said while away from the building. After the spirit left the building. The vessel widen the distance of his fist, then the aura becomes even bigger. when he's about to hit the Rubaskh he said this in a low and cold voice.

“Mini, assault... punch.”

Then he hit that beast, the aura spread and pierce through Rubaskh body even reach that building ground area.

“AARRGGGHHH YOU...! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS!” Rubaskh said and he disappear along with the building and the area.

“EAT THAT YOU BLOODY FOOL!!! HAHAH- AA UHH...” suddenly the vessel's body went limp and he fall down to the ground.

“Gotcha!” Said the spirit while grabbing the vessel before he fall to the ground.

“Uhh, Sorry dude.” Said the vessel in a weak voice.

“DAMN THAT WAS COOL BRO IS THAT THE ASSAULT PUNCH THAT YOU’VE SAI... Hey, Lord Zein. LORD ZEIN! Lord Zein wake up. LORD ZEIN!!” The vessel just about to close his eyes.


The spirit then carrying him and open the portal to his bedroom in the mansion. He turn off the switch and let him sleep. After he close the door, with his sad face he walks to his room reflecting on what he had given to the vessel, guilt and regret emerge from the mind of his mind. His heart is not calm, he can't sleep well. He changing his sleeping position several times but still, he can’t sleep. Then someone knocking 3 times and open the door and says.

“Lord Raihan, it’s me Rohesia...”