
Chapter 2 : Dark Nightmare

Not long after we talking about that wyvern. With no reason, my body start to paralyze and then my vision are fading and then I close my eyes. After that, I reopen my eyes and it’s nothing but suddenly, I see kinda floating monitor from nowhere and it contains someone’s view or memory. There are seven memories shows to me.

The first vision from the left side it seems to be the birth of this world. And then, the second is a view from inside of this world before all of theme people are occupy this planet and there’s a interesting thing that I see it’s a wyvern with a red skin that flying above the memory’s owner. The third vision is the most interesting thing it’s the first seven being are born or live to this world and they’re angels humans devils elves dwarfs dragons and the last is the spirits.

The fourth Is the next race birth I can’t tell all of them because it’s too much. Then the fifth is the fertilizing age which is the first time they reproduce their own race the first race that reproducing is dragons and then the devils after that the humans except the angels all of those race are start to reproduce their own race.

And the sixth is the first of all war which it was started by the devils that trying to kill one people from each race. And the seventh this is the only one that the most makes me surprised I see myself are having a big war with some unknown people on my side but with a small group maybe it’s only 24 people that includes me and 1 demon and an angel. And then I see myself on that vision but, weird why are my hair and eyes are turned into a different colour with my eye pupil are turned like a reptile and it fused with a letter F in my right eye? Is that letter have some special meaning, power or something? Suddenly after that vision ended a giant dragon face are shows up in right in front of me and then he says.

“So you see those past and future vision, huh? Then, I have to tell you we’ll meet soon after you reach that ruins.”

And then he’s gone and my vision are back normal and my body are can be move too. And then I hear that guy are just calling me while he slapping my forehead.

“Wow, I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Excuse me sir, with who?” Ask him to me. And then I answer.

“A giant dragon with a dark purple skin with a yellow eyes and dark gold pupils, he had a very long and sharp black claw that it seems it could destroy the frozen mountain Almora. Well his aura are very scary but he’s looks like his loyal to himself and those who are be his friend, his wings are very large that could hide his giant and strong body with only cover it up.” I said straight.


“I’m okay dude just, chill. My mental are already broken since I was on earth tho, and by the way WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!! You’re suddenly appear in front of me and then you said you’ll take me to all of the place in this building?” I said with a little bit loud voice.

“O-ohh yes pardon me sir, I’m William. My age is 240.000 years old. And I’m from the brotherhoods group.” He said with a trembling voice.

“I see, okay William can you take me something to eat I’m hungry now.”

My stomach are rumbling so hard because it’s looks like I’m tired of what happened today and then suddenly he brings some food and drinks. And not long after he brought the food I grab a food that’s looks like a burger while I’m thanking to him. I eat all of the food quickly and drink the water. After that, I’m feeling a little sleepy but I have to go inside that spirit’s office and then I say.

“Hey, Wil. I have to go back to the office thanks for being my tour guide see ya.” I said while walking to the elevator that goes to the next office.

“See you later, My Lord.” He said with a little smile on his face.

And after I reach the final floor Exactly the 100th floor, I see a room written ‘The king and chief room’. Then I’m start to walking straight into that door and opening the door while saying.

“Uhhh…. I’m stuffed.” I’m rubbing my stomach while feel satisfied.

“Is the food are fit for your tongue? That’s relief.” He said while stamping the paper of people’s request.

“Yeaa, the foods in here are very delicioso. Hmm? What’s that?” I’m asking to him with confused face.

“It’s people’s request letter, and as your secretary I have to accept or reject them.” He explains the letter to the me.

“Umm, you should reject it cuzz it’ll be reduce the economy of this country tho.” I said while I’m reading the paper, but I don’t know why he looks so surprise I mean it’s normal for us human to know some political knowledge.

“What , how he can recognize it but I can’t.” The spirit said to himself on his mind.

“It’s easy I have some knowledge about a thing called law.” I said with a straight voice said that.

“Oww, I see…”

The spirit looks confused by it, and then I’m decided to help him to finish and recheck his task and I’m ask the spirit to get some rest. And then one hour passed, I’ve finished doing the task and while looking to outside the giant window I say.

“Fyuuuh, I’m tired maybe I’ll get some breath first!”

The vessel said with a tired and stressed face. And then, he walk into the balcony to get some fresh air while he see the people at the 20th district.

“Haa, now this is what I call the moment of peace… I can see a good view with a fresh air and then I see those people with a smile face and… some punk making some mess, urgh…”

And then he use his stamina to fly through the sky. The spirit that are laying down on the blue leather sofa sofa when he look at the balcony he’s very surprised by the vessel that are floating on the sky.


The spirit said with a high tone. And then, he fly towards the vessel’s direction and after he reaching him the vessel say this to him.

“Hey, let’s fly to that mountain don’t worry it’ll be real quick.”

“Okay… LET’S GO.” The spirit said while his face looks so excited.

“HEY, WAIT!” The vessel try to reach the spirit with a super duper fast speed he had.

They having fun while fly through the sky. They, making fun each other by using the clouds.

“Hey, look. I’m an astrologist. I can see your future. Hmm, yeaaa you will have 23 wife when you’re reaching the 60 million years old.” The vessel said with the cloud above his head shape the astrologist’s hat.

“Haha, now look at me.”

He fly through the cloud and then 30 second later… something very quick are appeared and it goes into the vessel’s direction.

“Ohh, crap.”

The vessel said and he dodge into the right side quickly. The silhouette are getting bigger and bigger. And then, BOOM! The sky are making a straight line into the space and suddenly the spirit came out. With some snow on his clothes.



The vessel said with his face are looks so enchanting. But suddenly he smiles a little bit and throw a snow ball that he created from the top of the mountain since the spirit makes that skyline and said that thing. It hit the spirit’s vital area. Suddenly, his face are going blue like he’s out of oxygen and then he say.

“Y-you, killed me. Uhh…” And he fall down into the feet of the mountain. Zein are panicked, he say.

“SOMEONE HELP HIM! Ohh right, I can fly. Stupid me.”

He fly to the spirit’s fall point and after he reach the place the spirit is gone. Zein starting to be more panic and that he say.

“Ohh, shit!”

He start to find him he clenches his teeth with a guilty feeling, he scrape the snow to the bottom but he can’t find him. And then, he start to walk near that area he shouted Zein… HEY ME.. WHERE ARE YOU. He circling the area for maybe around 10 times but still he can’t find him. Zein are start to think that he was faded on that time like a normal spirit and then his starting to losing his hope, But Meanwhile…

“Mwehehe, good… good, try to find , Hahaha.” The Zein’s spirit said while holding a big snowball in purpose to shoot the vessel. He waited all the time since he fell down.

“Uhh, that’s still hurt me. But, luckily I have an idea.” He muttering to himself.

So the chronology is after I was hit by the snowball he fell down to the feet of the mountain after I was falling down I stand up and said “Shit, that’s hurt.” Quietly after I said that I start to freeze and suddenly I have an idea about how to avenge him.

I start to make a small snowball and roll it into a cave nearby above him and then I waited that kid to come down. The snowball was getting bigger as it rolls near the cave, suddenly I hear the voice of a young boy who sounds like He is looking for something.

“Where did he go.”

A giant circle silhouette suddenly appear… Boogh! That big snowball hit the vessel head. And then the spirit laugh so hard.

“Ouch, you old bastard come here… uhh my head.” The vessel said with his head are stunned by the snowball.

“Oww, did I hit you so hard? HAHA feel my pain.” The spirit said with a satisfied face.

“Uhh let’s head back to the office.” The vessel said while he’s holding his head.

“Okiee dokie.”

And then both of them back into the office and take a shower for a while. In the chief office there’s two bathrooms and the both of the bathroom are separate on are on the left side from the door of the bathroom hallway in the office and another one is at the end of the hall. The spirit use the left bathroom and Zein use the other one. After they taking the bath. Someone come to the their room quickly.

BRAAK! The sound of a door slammed loudly by a man who was out of breath as he said. “Lord Zein…. T/his is emergency. Wait, why Lord Zein are two here?”

That guy looks confused with the condition and he looks to the spirit and me rapidly, And so fast. Suddenly the atmosphere in there are getting awkward. But then, the young boy cut off that awkward situation by open the chat.

“I’m your new king from another world, I’m him but you can call me the body or vessel. I hope we can work together.”

“A-ah… yes, Nice to meet you too sir…”

After hearing that, that guy are seems to be more confuse by it. But suddenly he realise the project to find a new king for Dravistic.

“So… OUR KING IS A SAME PERSON BUT FORM ANOTHER WORLD AND ANOTHER RACE!!! A-ahem, my apology my lord. Then I have some information for you my lord. There’s a request from the government of 11 district to assassinate an industrial manager… the government confirmed this industrial manager working the background.”

To be honest I know what does that means, I mean assassinate? Seriously? Well I’m little bit panic that time but I’m trying to act cool and then the spirit says.

“Thank you, but where’s your manners you hasn’t introduce yourself to your king.” He said with a little bit scary feeling that I can feel it.

“Ohh yes, pardon me my lord. I’m Irvin it’s a pleasure to work under your command.”

“Well, greetings. But hey me, did I hear assassinate is that your job or mine? And what does that mean?”

I’m asking him that question straight and he’s suddenly smiles to me but… why I’m feeling like he’s taking a hard decision like in some movie character that in a problem he have to choose if he have to tell the truth or keep lying for some reason and then. He suddenly says that.

“My lord… I know this is so hard for you but…”

“But what? Tell me quick.”

I’m being more anxious with the way he’s talking and staring onto his hand that are shaking very hard like he has a tremor.

“This is your first job to do. You have to eliminate the target on this mission… uhh well, I know this mission is very hard for you but. This is way you can survive in this world and if you wanna stay in peace.” He said it with very sad face but he can’t cry I know it.


“Nah, it’s just one of the 5 organization’s job and the organization name is The Scythe so yea it’s one of it.”

The spirit are straight saying it with calm voice I don’t know he suddenly be calm but it’s not the time I’m thinking about it. But that little asshole almost make me having a heart attack for a while.

“AND I HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT?!! Uhh damnit I’m not ready for this.”

I then gulping down the water in one gulp. And after I’m being calm the spirit surprisingly says.

“Fine then, I’ll do it.”

“No, I’ll do it alone!”

“Are you serious my lord? Okay then I will take you to the location.”

I said bravely. And then, Irvin lead the way to the place with the spirit and the vessel. While we’re inside of the teleporter space the spirit teach me the basic of assassinating like fighting, how to use the weapon and the point to be an assassin. The point that I get is if you are assassin, you should focus but calm at the same time. And then we reach the place.

“Wait. This place, if I don’t wrong is…. THE HARVER?!! I MEAN THE VEGETABLES INDUSTRY?!!!! AND BESIDES, WHAT ARE THOSE HOLLOW AGENT DOIN HERE?!! WHAT IN THE RUFIS IS GOIN ON….” The spirit surprised by it and then he’s trying to telepathy the vessel.

“Okay dude, I think this won’t be easy for you but I will tell you how to do this.”

“I know I’ll do it anyway tell me how.”

The spirit said while crouching inside a ventilation pipe on that building. And then, after he reach the eating room of that office the spirit use his telepathy to tell what the vessel have to do.

“Go to the inside of the table and then take the knife in his pocket then stab him right on his neck.”

The vessel are just staying and think is he have to do this but then, he decide to do that because he remember what he said before in his office. And after that he take a steak knife on the table near that agent and stab the agent right on his neck. And that is the first time he slays someone and not long after he killed the agent he start to feeling bad and then he started to vomiting because he’s killing a person for the first time.

“Want to continue the mission or I do the rest?” Ask the spirit with a worried voice

“I can hah handle hah it, don’t worry…lead me to the place.”

“Good, by the way this is the main hall and you will be found by another agent, go to the vent under the pillar on your right after that move forward until the next vent.”

Then he go while crouching to find the next vent. But unfortunately when he found the exit from that vent he just drop himself into the wrong place there are about thirty agent in that place and get ready to shoot the vessel. After that, he is navigated by the spirit and Irvin to slay them all and reach the targeted place. While he’s running he is navigated how to slay almost all the thirty agent and he slay them perfectly and finally he arrive at the manager’s office.

“So you here to kill me, ehh? Well then before you kill me I’ll kill you first!”