
Chapter 18 : Dispenser

And thereee we go, another fight where this time the enemy looks quite strong and cunning. Oh never mind! At least I hit them a few times and run away, I said to myself while thinking of a strategy to hit them. I take the initiative to retreat three step back and look for an opening to attack them together. I then take a breath and then says.

“Fuuuh… huh? Hey look At that Piercing it’s very PeakY, it’s that your birthday present?”

“Tch, it’s OnMith… my lord, or shouldEr pads for easier memorization.”

“Well, I don’t care if I it’s a shoulder protector or onmek or whatever it is. The important thing is I don’t want to spend time playing with you guys, I just want to eat in my office canteen…” I said arrogantly while crossing my arms in front of my chest then I continue to says.

“…I also don’t care how you think of me as a king but, I will try my best not to make my citizens suffer. Btw why do you hate me?”