
The Amuck Love

The Untamed Love is not a typical romance story. Ain't a fairytale nor a movie. It's made realistically, for us to widen our perspectives in life, in judging other lives. Amaya Robinson, a second year nursing student who dreams to be a cardiologist and finding her father but to be able to achieve, Amaya entered into a chaos and complicated world of being a prostitute and leading the way to the heart of the womanizer business tycoon, Seb Jackson. The question is, can a wealthy and respected person will fall in love with a prostitute? Find the answer with yourself. PS. Read at your own risk! 17 years of age below is strictly probihited. _________________________________________ All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the writer. All characters in this story are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is pure coincidental. The Untamed Love written by Maryixxx Still ongoing...

jungsok143 · Celebrities
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19 Chs

Writing Contest #114

PS. I am currently writing, The Mysterious Ritual: World of Magic for a Writing Contest #114. My username is Maryixxx.

Please, vote and read it. Many thanks, butterflies. You can find it, and it's ranked #13 now.