

Long by now, little Peter is VERY paranoid. Needless to say, he's never been to a foreign country before...unless Deseret counts.

His hostess really loves her big investments. That much he's deduced. She's a lot like Morgan. At least she seems to have more autonomy than what Ms. Potts gives Morgan. Maybe even INDEPENDENCE, itself...

On a bookcase, a sable marten, with silver-colored fur, stands. His hostess probably bred it for the sole purpose of killing, stuffing, and mounting it...all so the Silver Sable could have a silver sable...

In general, his hostess seems to prefer her silvers and whites. She also seems to like her Colt revolver-shaped keychains...

Still mite-sized, Peter perches on one, and looks around. He's in a glass dish. He seems to share the neighborhood with many keys, tags, and coins. The coins are worth anything from five centimes to ten francs.

To Peter, they're the size of floors. This keychain pendant is like a mountain. All around him, the glass wall of the dish is like a fort. If he didn't know any better, he'd say he was in the Winter Palace itself...

Somehow, Peter finds a way out. He shoots out a webbed thread, and balloons his way through Aniana's business district.

He shudders. Again, he's never been to a foreign country before. This is all strange to him. In fact, he's too scared to look for a way back to Queens.

He balloons over the Royal Palace. It's grand. It's hard for little Peter to believe that his new host gets some orders from who lives there.

He returns to Silver Sable International's main building. He flies in circles around most of his host's assets. Basically, she dwarfs him. She's made a fortune that he can't even begin to imagine.

This wouldn't be the first time. He's already been dwarfed by Ms. Potts and Morgan, back in Queens. Alas, neither lady has a Symkarian accent. Peter would never say this out loud, but he is SO turned on by everything about Ms. Sablinova…

She's got so many assets. She's got factories, where weapons are proliferated. And these weapons can do SO many things that a Henry rifle sure can't do. On one hand, Peter can relate. OTOH, he has a hard time finding people like this in Queens.

The Starks and the Osborns are great, but... Every now and then, a mentor dies, and a best friend goes rogue.

At last, Peter returns to Ms. Sablinova's penthouse. She'll be rising at any moment now...