
The Ambassador's Daughter: Love & fame

Filthy rich,famous,young,a top model and gem in Istanbul's modelling industry,in love and dating the most prominent and eligible bachelor in Istanbul,Elba Rubi Jamal alas the ambassador's daughter has absolutely everything and everyone at her beck and call.Everything every modern woman would wish for. But what happens after she discovers she has been living a lie?That she isn't who she really thinks she is after accidentally discovering her parents' hidden secrets?Her perfect life takes a dive down the cliff and the fall down is long... lonely.Will she survive the fall and the impact after the fall?

Katterina_M · Urban
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17 Chs

Basak & Yasmine's anniversary

The party hosted at the Erdogan mansion was in full swing by the time Lamar showed up with a plump redhead woman by his side.She wasn't stranger to Elba.She was the same girl spotted tagging on Lamar's arm to parties and nightclubs in Rome all week,the same week he had been avoiding her.

She had been eager to see him tonight,but not with another woman on his side.Lamar was her's alone and that's why she was walking toward them ready for a confrontation.

"Elba."She involuntarily stopped not in the mood for a chit chat.

"Hello."Elba turned to the gentleman unsure of how to address him.Would it be rude to call him Mr Bansaki?Elba had never really been interactive with him ...or his sister.Speaking of the bitch..."What are you doing here?"Oh,good.She sounded exactly how she didn't want to,rude.She had only one recipient for her frustration tonight,Lamar Erdogan."Sorry,I don't mean to be rude but this is supposed to be a family and friends only affair."Elba smiled,like genuinely smiled and if she kept doing that, she'd have no anger left to confront Lamar with.But it worked it's magic because Kucuk smiled back not offended at all.

"Basak invited Sapphire,to try and soften her a bit regarding the lawsuit,and she in turn invited me as her plus one."Elba searched around the crowd for the she devil that was Kucuk's sister only to find her dragging a peck on Lamar's cheek,her Lamar.She flamed up again."You look stunning."Kucuk managed to distract her again."I'm a big fan but never really get a chance to get an autograph.Thank the almighty I ran into you tonight."Elba giggled at his statement while Kucuk let out a deep throaty laugh.

"So your sister has a lawsuit on Basak?"She got curious.She wouldn't be surprised if the old man had tried to have his way with Sapphire.

"The Erdogans in general.She's petty ,and thinks they deceived her about the Kempinski.It's a long story and I'd hate to ruin the lively party with boring stuff."The party was lively enough but the hosts were nowhere in sight.Elba giggled again unsure of why because she was far from a happy woman tonight.Lamar and the Bansaki bitch were out of her sight , including the plump redhead that arrived with Lamar.

"So...you wanna grab drinks sometime?"Kucuk noticed Elba's distraction.He held his breath awaiting her refusal of his invitation,if she actually heard him.She had the effect of taking his breath and voice when around him and talking with her the last five minutes were pleasure.

"No,she don't want to grab anything with you!"Ugh!Lamar fucking Erdogan!."Hey babe."Lamar turned to Elba and landed his mouth on her full lips.That was supposed to be him and would be in the near future.Kucuk bit on his teeth to refrain from saying anything stupid.

"Excuse us."Elba said when dimwit Lamar let her up for air,her eyes glued on Lamar andp they went out through the back door hands locked.

Kucuk grunted.The night was going so well until Lamar showed up.Atleast he had the few moments of peace with Elba to keep him going another day.He would never get over her sweet giggles.


Lamar pinned Elba against the wall as soon as they were away from prying eyes and ears.He left a wet trail up her neck then found her cherry tasting lips.His kiss was intense, almost painful and it absorbed all of the anger Elba had piled up over the week.He slipped his hand through her dress's slit and moved her panties aside before sliding a finger into her soaking folds.He had been dreaming and daydreaming about doing that the one long week he was in Italy.She was his sanity dose.

Lamar was good at surprise elements and Elba loved the work of his hands.And maybe that's how he'd been working the redhead all week in Rome!Elba's receding anger came back tenfold and she bit his lower lip then pushed him off her.

"Why didn't you return any of my calls or texts?And what is that woman doing here?"She had been so on edge and overly insecure after Sapphire called his penthouse.She knew without doubt she Sapphire was upto no good.Lamar sucked on his bruised lower lip then ran a hand over his curls.

"I'm sorry, babe.I got busy."Busy he said!

"Doing what exactly?Entertaining that redhead and flagging her all over Italy?Fuck you!"A lump she didn't want rose up her throat.He got too busy to text or call her while she had been driving on edge wondering what was up with him!

"You're overreacting.Fuck...you were the one flirting with Bansaki in front of me!"He shot back.

"I missed you."Elba said in a choke quickly wiping a stray tear from her left cheek.She saw Lamar's shoulders relax and took a step toward him."I've missed you all week,take me out of here."She whispered standing on toes to place a quick kiss on his lips.She let it linger there a few seconds before she felt him give in and lift her up."I wasn't flirting with Bansaki."Elba whispered.She would never imagine herself with any one else.She had Lamar and he was everything.

"I didn't cheat on you with Cecil,or Sapphire or anyone.I love only you my queen."Her stomach fluttered everytime he confessed his love for her.And she made a mental note of the redhead's name,Cecil.Another thing she was yet to find out was what she was doing in Istanbul.