
Threshold: Part One

AN: Threshold. Boy. Was this episode a disaster. My thoughts on this episode always go back to the simple question of: Where the writer's on drugs during this episode? Probably not, but I will come up with any excuse to explain how this episode was made.

I am actually pretty excited to write this episode, it is so weird and...to be honest disturbing. You can do a lot with this episode.

Honestly, the episode is pretty ok (Besides Tom RIPPING OUT HIS TONGUE!) until the...you know. Let's just prance around the ship, kidnap the Captain, turn into lizards and...oh yeah...have babies...

The question has to be asked, why...why the fuck was Captain Janeway on the one deck that had no security? AM, AM I MISSING SOMETHING?

*Bangs head against desk*

This episode really hurt me.

Then the lizard babies. I am not going to get started on that because there is just so much wrong with that...that plot point!


Chapter 50: Threshold: Part One.

(Five days after The Teddy War/Short Story.)

Tom Paris's POV

"Warp five. Warp six. Warp seven. I've reached critical velocity." I yelled as the shuttle was violently shaken.

"Okay. Everything looks good on this end. Fire up the new engines." B'Elanna ordered on the com system.

"Acknowledged. Engaging transwarp drive in four, three, two. Transwarp online. Warp nine point two, nine-point three. My vector's drifting." I exclaimed. Desperately trying to control the ship.

"Try to stabilize your field symmetry." Harry suggested from the bridge.

"Got it. Warp nine point six, nine-point seven. I'm reading a fracture in the port nacelle pylon." I said as spark's started to fly.

"Full power to structural integrity."

"Warp nine point nine, nine point nine five. I'm approaching the threshold, but the nacelle isn't holding!"

"Tie in auxiliary power!"

"It's no use. I'm breaking up! I'm breaking-"

The shuttle simmered away and I fell to the holodeck floor. I looked behind me and saw B'Elanna at the console. Looking unimpressed.

"You're dead." B'Elanna bluntly said.

---27 minutes later---

"It's the pylon again. Every time we get close to crossing the threshold, the subspace torque rips a nacelle off the shuttle." B'Elanna explained, slamming her cup of coffee down and glaring at the padd on the messhall table.

"What about a duranium alloy? We could try using it to reinforce-"

"No, I've thought about that already. It's too brittle." She replied, as Neelix came over with a coffee pot.

"More coffee? Ah, you look like a happy bunch." Neelix chirped in with sarcasm as we handed him our cups.

"We've hit a wall." Harry announced.

"Oh. Well, maybe I can help." Neelix suggested with a big smile. Pulling up a chair and sitting with us.

"Great." I bite out sarcastically. "Do you know anything about quantum warp theory or multi-spectral subspace engine design?"

"No. But I'm a quick study. What are we working on?" He asked. Leaning over to look at the array of padds.

"Do you have anything to eat?" B'Elanna pitched in. Trying to distract Neelix and getting him away from the table. We appreciate his help...but at the same time...this isn't going to work with him.

"Sure. There's some Kalavian biscuits, somewhere in the kitchen." Neelix said, focusing on the padds. After an awkward moment of silence B'Elanna slowly got up from the chair. Looking to us with confusion.

"I guess I'll go find them myself. Fill him in." B'Elanna said and moved away from us to the kitchen.

"Neelix, it would take too long to-"

"What are you saying? I'm not smart enough?" Neelix snapped back. "I'll have you know I did two years as an engineer's assistant aboard a Trabalian freighter. I'm well-versed in warp theory."

"Okay, okay. We'll tell you." I said. "We're trying to break the maximum warp barrier."

"Nothing in the universe can go warp ten. It's a theoretical impossibility. In principle, if you were ever to reach warp ten, you'd be travelling at infinite velocity." Harry explained to Neelix.

"Infinite velocity. Got it. So that means very fast."

"It means," I pressed in annoyance. "That you would occupy every point in the universe simultaneously. In theory, you could go any place in the wink of an eye. Time and distance would have no meaning."

"If Voyager achieved warp ten, we could be home in as long as it takes to push a button." Harry said with excitement.

"Wow! And you're working on this?"

"We discovered a new form of dilithium in the asteroid field we surveyed last month. It remains stable at a much higher warp frequency." I said. Pointing to the nebula's sensors data on one of the padds.

"The problem is, every time we simulate crossing the transwarp threshold, the nacelles get torn off the ship."

"I remember there was a time when I lost a warp nacelle going through a dark matter nebula."

"This is a very different problem." I insisted.

"I realize that. I'm just using it as an example. As the ship went through the nebula, it sent out a dark matter bow wave. Eventually, so much pressure built up, it tore the nacelle from its housing. Now, maybe the same thing is happening to you." I replied.

"No, the simulations don't indicate any kind of subspace stress on the nacelles."

"Wait a minute. What about the shuttle itself?" I asked. The puzzle pieces coming together.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Maybe we've been looking in the wrong place. What if the nacelles aren't being torn from the ship? What if the ship is being torn from the nacelles?"

"The hull of the shuttle is made of tritanium alloy. At the speeds we're talking about, that alloy could depolarise."

"And create a velocity differential. The fuselage would be travelling at a faster rate of speed than the nacelles." I said. Excitement building as B'Elanna returned with a cookie on her mouth and placing the plate down.

"That means we just have to set up a depolarisation matrix around the fuselage."

"That's it! Neelix, you're a genius." I said. Neelix looked up to B'Elanna with a questioning gaze.

"I have no idea what they just said." He muttered to her. Harry and I bolted to the holodeck.

---Two hours later---

"Warp nine point nine two. The pylons are secure. Everything looks good. Nine point nine seven, eight, nine. Warp ten!" I called out on the monitor. A recording of the most recent events from the holodeck, playing on the screen in the briefing room. Everyone in the senior staff watching carefully as I pasted the barrier.

"You've crossed the threshold. You've done it. And there's been no damage to the nacelles." B'Elanna said on the comm channel. Then the video abruptly ended. I felt a swell of happiness. Finally I was able to do something that my old man could be proud of me.

"When you came to me a month ago and said you had a way to cross the transwarp threshold, I thought it was more of a fantasy than a theory. Congratulations to all of you." Captain Janeway said with her warm smile and nodded to the three of us.

"So we can try a manned test flight?" B'Elanna jumped, gitty with excitement.

"What's your flight plan?"

"I'll bring the shuttle up to speed. The second I cross the threshold, I'll cut the engines, drop out of warp and come about." I replied. Sliding a padd of information to her.

"After that, we'll analyse the shuttle's sensor logs. Once we know it's safe to travel at transwarp, we'll try a more extended flight."

"To be honest, it's almost frightening." Chakotay admitted to us. "Up till now, it's all been theory. I never thought it would actually happen. Are we ready for it?"

"In the last couple of centuries," Janeway started. She stood from her chair. Looking at us all. "We've always managed to use new technologies wisely. I'm confident this time won't be any different. Besides, there's no way to put the genie back in the bottle. All we can do now is keep moving forward, carefully. Well, good luck, Mister Paris. If this works, you'll be joining an elite group of pilots. Orville Wright, Neil Armstrong, Zefram Cochrane and Tom Paris."

"I kind of like the way that sounds." I said with a smug smile. She chuckled and nodded.

"I thought you might."


Bini Filters's POV

(Time: 9 pm)

"Bini? Bini?! BINI!"

I know that voice. And I know I won't answer it. Sleepytime.


"Tuvok to Filters." The familiar Vulcan voice cut through. I groaned and uncurled myself from my blankets. I ignored the bickering at my front door and banging. I slammed my hand on my com badge, sitting on my side table.

"Filters to Tuvok. Do you need something?" I asked, letting out a long yawn.

"There are reports of a disturbanc-"

"I got it handled." Abruptly cutting me off. No doubt something I will be regretting later. "Filters out."

I yawned and stretched my body, straightening my pyjamas and stumbling into my living room. I ordered hot chocolate and took a quick sip. The banging and shouting continued. I screamed in frustration.

I stomped over to the door and jabbed the button.

"WHAT?" I barked to the two kids standing outside my door with Mollie.

Micheal quickly shoved a padd into my face, then showed themselves in.

"It's happening!" He cried and slumped onto my sofa as Sarah ordered a huge tube of Ice cream. "It's really happening!"

I looked down at the padd. It was a "newspaper" the crew had started to write weekly for the latest gossip and entertainment. It's actually very entertaining. The newest headline was:

"Tom Paris breaks Warp 10 Barrier-Will we go home sooner than later?"

Wow. Catchy. But there is no way this is...real right? This isn't possible.

"This...this is bullshit right?" I bluntly asked. Micheal glared at me as Mollie jumped on my sofa. Something I tried to stop months ago but I gave up. Let the dog chill.

"That is serious! We could be going home!" He cried in excitement.

"We are goin home!" Sarah said with a giggle and scooped ice cream into her mouth clumsily. My heart dropped and I fell to the ground. Staring at the gray carpet.

"Home." I don't have a home anymore.


Tal Celes's POV

When we were first thrown into the Delta Quadrant and joined Voyager, I was angry. I had to join the enemy. But at the same time I was happy. I wasn't going to be thrown into jail. It was really a bittersweet moment. Over the past two years, Voyager has turned into my home. I reread the same line, over and over.

"Tom Paris breaks Warp 10 Barrier-Will we go home sooner than later?"

Tears poured down my face as I sucked in a deep breath, sliding down the wall and sobbing. I started praying to the prophets that we get through this. That if we return to the Alpha Quadrant, we won't die at the hands of the Cardassians.

Prophets save us.

Prophets save me.


Tom Paris's POV

I flopped into my leather chair. Sighing as exhaustion overwhelmed me. Then my doorbell suddenly went off. Probably another member of the crew asking me about the rumours.

"Come in." I called out. I looked towards the door to see Janeway enter. I immediately shot up in embarrassment. "Oh, Captain. I, er-"

"At ease, Mister Paris. I know it's late." She insisted. I awkwardly gestured towards the replicator.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked.

"No, thank you." She said. She gave me a sad expression. This wasn't a social call.

"Now, why do I get the feeling this isn't just a social call?" I asked.

"I've just spoken to the Doctor, and it's his opinion that we let Ensign Kim make the test flight." She replied. Anger shot through my system.

"May I ask why?" I asked.

"He checked over your biometric readings from the shuttle simulations. He says you have a slight enzymatic imbalance in your cerebellum." She explained.

"So?" I asked.

"I know it doesn't sound like much, but he can't predict what'll happen when you cross the threshold. He believes there's a small chance that you could suffer a brain haemorrhage under the subspace stress." She explained.

"How big a chance?"

"Two percent." She admitted.

"Two percent? I'll take that chance." I snapped.

"There's no reason to. Ensign Kim is capable of piloting the shuttle for this mission." She insisted.

"Yeah, he's capable. That's not the point." I countered.

"What is the point, Mister Paris?" She asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Well, it's hard to explain, but this is my flight."

"Your flight?" She repeated.

"When I was a boy, my father used to tell me that I was special, that one day I'd do something significant. My teachers at school, all the kids, everyone used to say, Tom Paris is going to do something important when he grows up. Obviously, that didn't happen." I explained. She sighed and shook her head.

"This isn't about personal redemption. We're talking about medical risk. Your life could be in danger, and we need you."

"Captain, this is the first time in ten years I feel I have a life to risk."

"You're sure about this?" She asked.

"Captain, I've never been so sure about anything. Please. Please let me make the flight." I begged.

"Good luck, Lieutenant."


(Next Day: Time 10 am.)

Harry Kim's POV

"Torres to Bridge. The pre-launch sequence is complete, Captain." B'Elanna reported from engineering.

"Acknowledged." Captain Janeway replied. "Ensign Kim, depressurise the shuttle bay and open the space doors."

"Aye, Captain." I replied and followed her command.

"Bridge to Shuttlecraft Cochrane. You're cleared for launch." The Captain said over the com channel to Tom.

"Aye, Captain. See you at warp ten." Tom replied as we all watched the shuttle on the viewscreen.

"Cochrane to Voyager. All systems are nominal. I'm increasing speed." Tom reported.

"We'll keep up with you as long as we can."

"Warp seven," He called out in growing excitement. "Warp eight. Warp nine-"

"Torres to shuttlecraft Cochrane. You're clear for transwarp velocity."

"Acknowledged. Engaging transwarp drive in four, three, two-Warp nine point seven, nine point eight, nine point nine."

"He's exceeding our maximum velocity. I am switching to long range sensors." Tuvok called out.

"Warp nine point nine five."

"He is approaching the threshold." Tuvok said.


Tom Paris's POV

"Engine output at maximum. Velocity, warp ten." I yelled. Suddenly the shaking abruptly stopped. It felt like I was being ripped apart. The shuttle disappeared and I was on Earth. I was watching my Father, holding a family picture in his office at HQ, muttering apologizes.

Then I was thrown to a young girl. A girl who looked like Bini Filters. She was running through a Cardassian prison in a panic.

I watched as Micheal and Sarah stood at their Father's funeral next to the Captain in Indiana.

I saw Tal Celes holding a dead Bajoran and sobbing over his body in the middle of a battlefield.

I saw my sisters, arguing with me over something.

Memories and current events flashed through my consciousness. Overwhelming me.


Harry Kim's POV

"Captain, he just disappeared off sensors." I reported.

"Increase sensor gain to maximum."

"Nothing. I can't find him. He's gone."

---Two hours later---

"I've done three full sensor sweeps. No sign of the shuttle within five parsecs." I reported. Everyone was working overtime on the bridge, trying to figure out what happened to Tom.

"Tuvok, could the shuttle have been destroyed?" Janeway asked, trying to come to a conclusion.

"I don't believe so. Sensors indicate that he did cross the warp threshold."

"If that's true, then he could be anywhere in the universe." I argued. She nodded and agreed with both of us

"We'll just have to keep searching our small corner. Run a multispectral sweep. I want to see if-"

"Captain, there's a quantum surge off the port bow. Something is coming out of subspace."

Our eyes ere glued to the viewscreen as Tom's shuttle streaked into space.

"He's alive, but his life signs are weak." I immediately reported.

"Bridge to Transporter room two. Beam Mister Paris directly to Sickbay. Commander, bring the shuttle aboard. I'll be in Sickbay." The Captain ordered.

"Aye, Captain."


Bini Filters POV

"His life signs are normal. A few elevated serotonin readings in the hypothalamus. From what I can tell, he's just asleep." The Doctor said as he stood over Tom. I lazily leaned against the wall. Listening to the conversation to give Micheal and Sarah the inside scoop of this ridiculous warp 10 situation.

"Can you wake him?" Captain Janeway asked next with the raise of her eyebrow. The Doctor shrugged.

"I don't see why not." He replied and bent down, leaning next to Tom's ear and yelled "Wake up, Lieutenant!"

Tom shot up in alert and frantically looked around, slowly becoming aware of the room. The Captain placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, which seemed to help calm him down.

"Are you all right, Tom?" She asked.

"I'm back." He announced in surprise. Yeah, no shit you're back.

"We tracked you until you crossed the threshold, then you disappeared from our sensors." She explained calmly. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Oh, yeah. I was, I was staring at the velocity indicator. It said warp ten. And then, as I watched it, I suddenly realized that I was watching myself as well. I could see the outside of the shuttle, I could see Voyager, I could see inside Voyager. I could see inside this room. For a moment, I was everywhere. I mean, everywhere, Captain. With the Kazon, back home, with the Klingons, other galaxies. It was all there. I don't know how else to explain it. It was like. Well, no, it wasn't like anything." He rambled on. What the heck does any of that mean? How am I supposed to report that explanation to children?

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time." The Doctor spat out sarcastically.

"How did you get back to Voyager?" She asked.

"I saw that you were looking for me, so I took the new engines offline and ended up back where I started. But, oh, it's starting to slip away. It all was so vivid, and now--"

"Tom!" B'Elanna yelled from the sickbay entrance. Causing me to jump at the sudden excitement.

"Oh, I'm fine. How's the shuttle?" He asked.

"You brought it back without a scratch. The on-board sensors confirm that you did it. You made it to warp ten." She exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Congratulations, Mister Paris. You've just made the history books." The Captain said.

"We should download the shuttle's sensor logs, analyze the telemetry they picked up during the flight before we make another attempt." Tom suggested.

"You're not going anywhere. At least not for a few hours. I have some tests I'd like to run on Your Majesty before I release you back into the realm of ordinary humans." The Doctor protested.

"Fine, you may proceed." Tom relented.

"We'll download the logs. I'll let you know what we find."

---Four hours later---

"This is a new blend. I'm calling it Paris Delight. It's in honour of you." Neelix exclaimed, putting a purple...cup of coffee on the table. Micheal, Sarah and I sat with Tom and B'Elanna as they went over the sensor readings. Micheal and Sarah leaned closer to me, clearly about to ask a few questions.

"He went through the universe and...nothing." Micheal muttered as B'Elanna and Tom gave Neelix hesitant looks.

"What? Oh! Oh, thanks. That's very flattering." He nervously replied.

"I can tell."

"You are looking at this wrong!" I hissed at Micheal.

"You said he went everywhere and nowhere when he went to warp 10. I simplified it for you." He replied.

"You made it sound stupid-"

"I made it sound logical." Micheal interrupted.

"Don't you use logic on me! This isn't the Vulcan army!"

"That. That doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, you might as well get used to it." B'Elanna joked and nailed Tom in the ribs. "You're a hero now."

"I wish I could say it was nothing." Tom said with a chuckle as Neelix walked away. He took a big sip and shivered. "Oh. Oh, I wish Neelix would name something after me that tasted a little better."

B'Elanna picked up his cup and sniffed the aroma. Shrugging and putting it back down.

"Smells okay." B'Elanna said.

"No, trust me." Tom insisted. "You're taking your life into your hands. So, I think the next step is to try to duplicate the first shuttle flight, verify our results."

"I agree. We have to confirm that none of this was a fluke." B'Elanna said.

"But I do think that we should increase the shuttle's memory core by at least-"

Tom suddenly stopped and drew in a deep breathe, his face went pale and he began to shake.

"Um, Tom? You really don't look well right now." I said.

"I don't think that coffee is settling too well." He muttered.

"Do you want to go back to Sickbay?" B'Elanna asked.

"No! No, I've seen enough of the Doctor for one day. Ow! On second thought, maybe I should-"

Tom attempted to stand up, yet collapsed on the floor. The rest of us dived to help Tom as dark veins started standing out on his temples as he struggled to breathe.

"Torres to Transporter room two." B'Elanna barked as we all tried to keep Tom still. "Medical emergency. Beam Lieutenant Paris directly to Sickbay."

"I can't lock onto him. His pattern keeps changing." The crewmen on the comlink replied.

"Torres to Sickbay. We need a medical team in the mess hall right away" She insisted. "Hang on, Tom"

---End of Chapter 50: Threshold: Part Two.---