
The Alternate Universe/Star Trek Voyager

UnknownFilters · Book&Literature
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Caretaker: Part Three

Chapter 3: Caretaker: Part 3.

Bini Filters POV


My god. My body feels like someone slammed a Starship into my head at warp and allowed Earth to sit on my chest. Maybe I am being too dramatic. Well, you would too if you were just slipping into the conscious world.

I groaned as I felt a tiny hand grab hold of my shoulder and shake me. My eyes took a moment to adjust to my surroundings. I looked up to Micheal and Sarah as their concerned faces looked down at my probably crumbled form on the corridor.

Micheal shook my shoulder again.

"Bini! Bini, please wake up! We have to find Mommy!"

I groaned as I pushed myself up from the ground. I rested against the wall and pushed debris off of me. I felt a wave of dizziness and nausea attack me.

"Bini! Bini..." Sarah pleaded as Mollie wined and nuzzled her nose against my cheek like a dog's strange way of seeing if I was OK. I gave her a small push away. I attempted to get up. Of course, my left leg wasn't having it.

I screamed in pain and collapsed back to the ground, I looked down at my injured leg where a deep big gash was. Spilling blood onto the floor.

"Shit!" I swore. My eyes grew wide as I snapped my direction towards the kids.

"It is alright. Mommy swears sometimes." Micheal said as he grabbed my arm. Sarah and Micheal both pushed me up. I rested against the wall as I looked at our surroundings. The corridor. First off was a mess. I looked down at the two worried faces of the kids. I patted Sarah's head and used the wall...that didn't have exposed wires and relays to limp my way forward.

Mollie barked and followed us. Good dog. I think she is growing on me. Even though she has done next to nothing to help me here.

"Come on. Let's go find your mother. The bridge is probably in shambles." I looked towards their chest. Their combadges were gone. I looked down at my chest. Mine was gone too...great. I guess they got thrown off during the chaos of whatever the hell just happened.


Harry Kim's POV

I groaned as I pushed myself off the floor. I didn't seem to be injured. Surprising considering the circumstance. I let out a few coughs as the stale air surrounding the area diminished. How long were we out? Someone from engineering must have turned on environmental controls, or at least repaired some part of it to start recycling the air. Details aren't important right now.

Tom appeared in front of my console. He leaned on it. letting his eyes drift to the messy bridge with plenty of unconscious or worse, dead officers before settling his attention back towards me

"Are you OK, Harry?"

I shrugged as I swiped the debris off my console as it flickered to life.

"I don't know. Do I look OK?" I snapped. Irritation started to settle in.

He raised an eyebrow and did a small tapping tone on my console before starting his way backwards.

"OK, I am going to assume that was a joke and move on."

I heard a groan from the front to the bridge. Captain Janeway used the front railing to push herself into my view from the front railing. Her hair had fallen from its usual tight bun and cover half her face as a large gash was on her cheek. Her uniform and skin were dirty like most of us.

She looked up at me and pushed her hair out of her face as Tom checked on everyone's condition.

"Report!" She barked. I jumped to attention as I quickly checked my console. People started to regain consciousness and each got right to work. Moving the dead off the bridge, including Cavit and Stadi. I will admit, I am not disappointed in Cavit's death.

"Hull breach, deck fourteen. Comm. lines to most of the ship are down. Trying to re-establish." I said. Tom started to clean the area as Ensign Rollins got back to his security console.

"Repair crews, seal off hull breach on deck fourteen." She ordered on the combadge to who knows.

"Aye, Captain." Someone replied on the channel and closed it.

"Casualty reports coming in. Sickbay is not responding." Rollins reported. Janeway growled and tapped her combadge.

"Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, can you hear me?" She asked. But there was no response. I looked back down at my scans desperate to focus on something other than my current fear of the future. Suddenly, I noticed something. Something that quite clearly should not be there. Everything was wrong with my scans. We weren't in the Badlands anymore.

Oh, shit.

"Captain, there's something out there."

She looked at me. Anger radiating off of her as she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"I need a better description than that, Mister Kim." She growled.

"I don't know. I'm reading. I'm not sure what I'm reading." I replied. I haven't even known her very long and yet I don't want to let her down.

"Can you get the viewscreen operational?" She asked. I almost rolled my eyes as I wiped the sweat away from my face as I attempted to do that very thing.

"I'm trying."

The viewscreen flickered to show normal space but an odd structure also appeared. A space station with four arms upper and lower and two larger one's centre appeared on the screen. It was firing energy pulses in one direction, away from Voyager.

"Captain, if these sensors are working, we're over seventy thousand light-years from where we were. We're on the other side of the galaxy." I reported as my final data came in from long-range scanners.

A lieutenant took over being pilot at the front. Much to the disappointment of Tom, who was a pretty experienced pilot and want nothing more than to fly Voyager...but, he was a criminal so the odds of that happening where slim.

The ship moved closer to the array. The Maquis ship, which I had only seen pictures of, appeared to be orbiting the station. Some of the injured began moving off the bridge. Janeway hovered near my station. She fiddled with her combadge as she looked around.

I guess she was worried about Bini and her kids. Of course, she was! Why wouldn't she be? I was now starting to feel the worry too. I looked over to Tom. He wasn't doing much better. Tom tapped his combadge.

"Paris to Filters." No response.

Janeway tapped her commbadge.

"Janeway to Sarah."

No response.

"Janeway to Micheal."

No response.

"We will find them, Captain." I insisted.

"We better." She muttered. She walked back to the middle of the bridge and glared at the viewscreen.

"Continue your scans, Ensign Kim." I nodded.

"I'm not reading any life signs on the Maquis ship. Our sensors can't penetrate the Array either." She nodded in acknowledgment.

"Any idea what those pulses are that are coming from it, Mister Kim?"

"Massive bursts of radiant energy. They seem to be directed toward a nearby G-type star system."

"Try hailing the array."She barked. I nodded.


Bini Filters's POV

This was not how I was expecting to live my Monday morning...or is it afternoon? Is it even Monday? Nevermind. I was just not expecting when I woke up sometime in the past that I would be crawling through the Jeffries tubes to the bridge. About a deck up through the tubes. Sounds easy. Until you consider how big a deck is and how confusing Jeffries tubes are in almost pitch darkness. Having only studied the layout of them once, right before I fell asleep last, with a dog and two little kids.

I am now convinced that the universe hates me with a vengeance. I managed to somehow get Mollie to the next level and started the long process of crawling through the long hallway toward the Jeffries tube hatch at the bridge. Fun.

(AN: How Bini was able to crawl up the ladder and bring Mollie with her. IDK. I don't think it is possible but for the sake of the story and Mollie being a part of it because I didn't want Mollie to be left on Earth. Let's just roll with it. It is 1 am over here. I am running on Hot Chocolate in the summer. I am losing my sanity over here.)

"Bini, are we going to turn into the USS Weston?" Sarah whispered as we continued our long journey. Mollie was happily doing a jolly dog walk beside me as I tried not to gag from dog breath invading my smelling sense.

"USS Weston? I never heard of it." I replied.

"It was an early Federation craft that got lost in space. There was a crew of 30. When their oxygen supply got low and food rations disappeared. They began to draw straws on who to kill first to save supply. Eventually, they all died." Micheal explained. I felt a chill go up to my spine.

"Are you suggesting they ate each other?" I asked.


"What exactly do you think is happening here, you two?" I asked.

"We are going to turn into the USS Weston." Sarah cried. She began to whimper.

I have a major gash in my leg. Bleeding through the Jeffries tubes. I am having dizzy spells and waves of nausea. Now I have a five-year-old on the verge of breaking down and a nine-year-old who thinks we are going to eat each other and influencing the five-year-old as a result.

"We aren't going to turn into the USS Weston. Besides, there are 141 people on this ship. A ship runs on bio-neural circuitry. We can just eat the gel packs and if we have too...people. But there are 141 people. The odds that we would be eaten anytime soon if it comes to that are slim." I reassured them. At this point, I wasn't sure whether or not I was trying to make myself feel better or them.

"Are you sure?" Micheal asked as Sarah struggled to calm down. I rolled my eyes as Mollie let out a joy-full bark. How anyone was happy in this situation was beyond me.

"Where did you even learn a story like that?"

"I learned it in history class. I told Sarah." Micheal replied in a smug tone.

"Dear lord..." I muttered. The school system is failing. We finally reached the end of the tunnel and at a Jeffries tube hatch. We all slumped against the walls, facing each other, taking a breather. I feel like I have been crawling through hell for the past 3 hours. In reality, I am sure it is 30 minutes but I don't care anymore.

"OK, I would just like you to be prepared for what you might see on the other side-"

"Is everyone going to be dead?" Micheal blurted out in panic. There was silence for a moment.

"Excuse me? Wh- I am just about to prepare you for the fact that it might not be the bridge on the other side. Can you two stop spirling into whatever black hole is sucking you two in? Whatever this is creeping me out.

They both nodded and kept silent as Mollie yawn. To be fair I don't think Mollie has had this much exercise days so good for her for staying awake.

I ignored them as I pressed I few buttons and kicked the latch open with a huge slam. I heard a man scream and a loud bang. I peeked out of the tube.

Rollins had fallen to the floor in front of me as we looked at him. Harry was at his station across from him on the other side of the bridge, looking pretty freaked out. The rest of the bridge crew moved to lean over the side of the security console to look at us as the Captain moved to stand behind Rollins and knelt on one knee.

"So...how is everyone doing?" I stammered.

People looked at each other in confusion. Me too.

"Just fine, Bini...ugh...You?" Rollins replied.

"Oh, you know. Surviving."


"Meaning I am bleeding and injured."


He grabbed my arm and helped me out. Followed by Mollie and the kids, who all seemed much too happy to get outta there.

"Mommy!" The kids screamed. They caught the Captain in surprise. She didn't have time to process much of anything at the time they came to view to the time they ran over to her and hugged her. Causing her to fall. Causing Mollie to run over.

The next few minutes was a touching moment between family. Quite touching. I, of course, can only take so much sappiness so was rather relieved when engineering called taking about a warp core breach. Those kids are affecting my mind.

"Engineering to Bridge. We have some severe damage. The Chief's dead. Possibility of a warp core breach." I recognized it as Carey. I forgot his rank...I only met him for a few seconds. Nobody is perfect.

"Secure all engineering systems. I'm on my way." Janeway commanded. She looked towards her children as she pulled herself together.

"You two go to sickbay with Ensign Kim. OK? Engineering is too dangerous." She said in a soft tone. They both nodded.

"No response from the array, Captain!" Harry called out as he moved away from his station and Captain Janeway headed to the turbo lift.

"Ensign, get down to Sickbay. See what's going on. Mister Rollins, the Bridge is yours." She ordered just as the turbo lift closed as she entered it.

"Aye Captain." He said as Harry helped me up and the kids followed closely behind.

"Harry! Wait up!" Tom called as we entered the now empty turbo lift. Mollie followed closely behind.


Tom Paris's POV

When we entered Sickbay it was a mess. Much like everything else on the ship at the moment but this felt worse. The injured started to pour in as I noticed the bodies of Doctor Fitzegard and the only nurse we had laying on the floor of his office with major burns. They must have been next to the console on the wall when it exploded that was behind his desk.

"They must have been right next to the console when it exploded." I told Harry as he placed a complaining Bini on the biobed and ordered the kids to stay with her.

"Looks that way." He replied as he got the asbestos gauntlets and an extinguisher and put the fire out.

"I am surprised it doesn't smell like burnt flesh in here." Bini yelled out to no one and anyone. We looked at each other in horror before glaring at Bini. She tilted her head in confusion towards us.

"Is there a problem?"

Sarah tugged on Bini's sleeve. We all looked towards her.

"I think you are in trouble."


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

I quickly pulled my hair into a messy bun and stormed into engineering. Everyone rushed out of my way as I went over to the warp core. The computer shouting off a warning in that damned calm voice as everyone frantically worked to fix it.

"Warning. Warp core microfracture. Breach imminent."

*Sigh*. Yeah. Tell me something I don't already know.

I went over the warp core railing as smoke poured out of a breach in the containment field. Carey rushed to the console near me. Since he was now in command, he was the one I had to give my main orders too.

"What's the warp core pressure?" I asked.

"Twenty-one hundred kilopascals." He replied."

"Lockdown the magnetic constrictors.

"If we lock them down at these pressure levels, we might not be able to reinitialize the dilithium reaction." Carey explain. I took Warp core physics and maintain and an advanced engineering class. I know what will happen. At least I know he is skilled in engineering.

"Warning. Warp core microfracture. Breach imminent."

"We don't have a choice. We've got to get the reaction rate down before we try to seal it." I explained.


Harry Kim's POV

I ran a dermal regenerator over Bini's gash as she hissed in pain as the skin reattached its self.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" Bini asked.

"I have medical training Bini. I know what I am doing." I insisted for the 3rd time in the last 5 minutes.

"You are an ensign that just came out of the academy. You have had basic medical training at most. I know how the system works, sunshine." I withdrew the dermal regenerator.

"Sunshine? How would you know how the system works? You are 14!"

"I was in the Maquis for a year. I didn't learn how to hack just for the fun of it."

Tom rushed past me running to the injured. I suddenly remembered the hologram! Starfleet created a medical Hologram! Maybe it is functional...

"Computer, initiate Emergency Medical Holographic programme."

A balding man with a sour expression. He looked to be in his 40's shimmered into existence. Much to the surprise of Micheal and Sarah Janeway who were getting treated by an ensign with a regenerator for cuts and bruises.

He looked at me.

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." He demanded. Mollie started barking at the hologram. He ignored her. As if seeing a dog was normal for a Starship and headed towards an injured woman laying on one of the few biobeds in sickbay.

"Multiple percussive injuries." I said.

"Status of your doctor?"

"He's dead."

"Point four cc's of trianoline."


"We lost our nurse too." Tom called from the other side of sickbay.

"How soon are replacement medical personnel expected?"

"That could be a problem. We're pretty far away from replacements right now."

"A replacement must be requested as soon as possible. I am programmed only as a short-term emergency supplement to the medical team." He explained."

"Well, we may be stuck with you for a while, Doc." Tom pitched as he joined us.

"There's no need for concern. I am capable of treating any injury or disease." He bragged and continued his way around Sickbay. Barking out orders. Tom moved to stand beside me as we watched him annoy and scare the people around him.

"I don't know how much longer my sanity can hold out." Tom mumbled.

I nodded wordlessly.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

I ran a micro relay processer over the cracked seal. I stood up and looked at Carey as he stood at the main Warp core console attached to the railing on the other side.

"Unlock the magnetic constrictors."

"Constrictors online."


"It's working. Twenty-five hundred kilopascals and holding." He replied as a grin spread across his face. Finally, something was going right today.

"Bridge to Janeway. We're being scanned by the array, Captain. It's penetrated our shields." Rollins called over the comline. I slammed my hand down on my combadge. Maybe I was wrong-

Carey disappeared in a transporter beam. We were being transported away---


Bini Filters's POV

The holographic doctor waved some sort of small thing that was connected to a tricorder he was holding. I kept moving my head to avoid that thing. I wasn't going to let him scan me with something that could be dangerous.

"Stop moving!" He ordered. I, of course, weaved out of his way again.

This was fun. I should annoy him more. That is if I survive this whole ordeal. Which at this point I probably won't. Foreward think for the win.

Suddenly I felt a tingling sensation. My surroundings disappeared to then rematerialized in a field. A freshly cut farm field. Near a farmhouse. Surrounded by confused members of the Voyager crew.

Mollie ran over to me and toppled me over, licking my face. I pushed her off again as the crew began to move towards the farmhouse. Their attention focused on a Lady who introduced herself as Aunt Adah. Then to an old Banjo Man who started to play the banjo as people emerged from the forest and started to grab the crew for dances. They all tried to refuse but some were pulled in any way.

Where were the Captain and the kids? I am sure they wouldn't just leave Mollie with me.

"Come on, girl. We are going to go find out what is going on." I said. Geez, now I am talking to a dog. I need to sleep! The crew started to spread out. I shrugged and picked up a fallen tricorder.

I checked the readings. We were in a holographic environment. Doesn't surprise me. I have to find the source. I am assuming that is what everyone else is doing here.

I spotted Harry and Tom arguing in the distance after a blonde farm girl left them mere seconds ago. I quickly ran over to them.

"Guys! Guys!" I called out as I reached them.

They looked towards me but Tom's eyes still followed the hologram. Harry elbowed him in the ribs. Causing him to fall back into...reality I guess.

"Paris, she's only a hologram."

"Doesn't hurt to be friendly."

Em, agree to disagree over here.

"HEY! Over here. I need some help. Have you guys seen the Captain or her kids?"

They both shook their heads.

"Not since the crew split up. Sorry." Harry replied.

They walked off again. Continuing the argument about the holographic girl. Morons.

I glanced down at my readings. They certainly surprised me. Sporocystian life signs. Coming from the old worn down barn ahead...

I looked around. Everyone, even the holograms had moved to a different part of the farm. I was alone...my only source of protection was an Irish settler and my red stripe Taekwondo moves. I don't like those odds but my combadge is gone.

"Come on, Mollie."

I felt like I was taking a death march to the barn of hell.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

I had been able to find every other member of my crew other than Bini or Mollie. Both or which multiple people were concerned about including my children and myself. I saw Tom and Harry returning to the farmhouse as Sarah and Micheal called out for Mollie to come.

"Ensign Kim. Mr. Paris. Have you see Miss. Filters or Mollie?"

They both nodded.

"Um, yeah. Bini was with Mollie. Last we saw her, she was headed towards the abandoned old barn. But there is nothing there. She was holding a tricorder. She saw the readings herself." Tom replied. I nodded.

"Alright then. Micheal, Sarah! Come on." I called.

I started in the direction of the barn. A good ten-minute walk. Micheal and Sarah were scared and confused. I would be too in this situation. I ruffled both their hair and held each of their hands. They gave me small smiles that gave me a little more hope.

"It will be OK, Kiddos. We will make it home soon."


Bini Filters POV

If this barn was going for the creepy factor it definitely delivered. Maybe a bit too much. I opened the large door. It creaked open to reveal a dark broken down musty barn. The only source of light was from the sun that managed to get through the creaks in the ceiling and wall.

Old hay littered the area, a thick stale stench overtook me as I stepped farther into the barn. I am regretting every moment I am here.

Mollie growled and barred her teeth out as we moved farther in. I checked my tricorder as insistent beeping went off. There is some kind of matrix-processing device. It may be the holographic generator. There are humanoids in here. I'm reading a Vulcan and several humans. My crew!

They are alive. But unconscious. I have to report this to the Captain. I spun around as I heard the door creak open again.

"Bini?" A small girl's voice called out. Sarah?

The Janeway family walked through the door.

Captain Janeway, forever the ice queen over here. Micheal and Sarah who looked scared half to death walked in.

"Bini?" The Captain said as she spotted me in the middle of the barn.

"Captain. They are here. The energy signature is from here." I explained in the quickest way I could. She checked her tricorder.

"You are right, Bini. We need to get them out of here." She demanded. They moved to my location.

Suddenly, the young girl that Tom and Harry spoke to earlier appeared holding a pitchfork and looking mad as hell. With an also pretty scary dog snarling beside her.

"I'm not ready for you yet!" She screamed.

Sarah panicked and hugged her mother's leg as Micheal took a startled step back. Mollie barked viciously at the pair as she stepped forward. She disappeared again.

Only to reappear in front of the Captain. The Captain's mask dropped from her face as fear and surprise registered. The girl jabbed the pitchfork into her side. She screamed out in pain as she plunged it. Blood soaked her uniform as she gripped the weapon.

I swore and grabbed hysterically Michael and Sarah away. Shoving them a bit too roughly behind me as Mollie began to prepare to fight the dangerous dog. I ran forward and gave the girl a 360 hook kick to the ribs. She stumbled backwards. Giving the Captain enough time to painfully take the pitchfork out of her side. She collapsed to the ground. Desperate to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. The girl tried to punch me.

I blocked it with a middle block but she countered by giving me a sidekick. I felt my ribs crack as I stumbled backwards. Suddenly a fist connected with my face. Sending me down to the ground. My vision grew fuzzy as in my dazed state I saw Mollie protecting the children as the dog came at them. They screamed with tears streaming down their faces calling for help. Any help. Mollie took a blow as the dog flew forward. Biting Mollie in the side she yelped and fell to the ground. But soon stumbled up and continued the fight.

The Captain had lost consciousness. The side and ground soaked with blood as at least one of her hands covered it. She needed help. She was wearing a combadge.

With my last remaining strength. I jolted forward. I knelt and grabbed her combadge.

"Filters to the crew. BARN! Get to the damn barn! The Captain is critically injured. Under attack."

I admittedly did not plan that message very well. I was about to add more when the girl kicked my head. I should have gotten up damn it. I screamed as the pain engulfed me. I felt as if a borg cube shot right through my system. With a hint of assimilation.

The world faded into black. That seems to be happening a lot recently.


Random Crewmembers POV

Some of us screamed. Some of us shrieked. Some couldn't speak as we looked upon the scene that greeted us when we entered the barn.

The Captain's children were the first thing that we saw.

They were shrieking and crying. Calling for their mother as they both held their dog, Mollie and I believe her name was. She was badly injured. She had scratches and two bite marks that I could see.

The Captain was in the middle of the barn. I honestly wasn't sure if she was alive or not. She was lying face up. She looked so pale as blood spilled out of her side and created a pool on one side.

Bini was a few centimetres ahead. Crumbled to the ground. She was covered in bruises. Also unconscious with blood dripping out the side of her mouth.

This is fuckin bad. Not how I expected this mission to go yet here we are.

An old woman, a young girl holding a pitchfork, with a dog all stood at the back of the barn. Watching us with stone expressions.

"Very well. Since no one seems to care for any corn, we'll have to proceed ahead of schedule." She snapped. The back wall vanished to reveal a long corridor full of medical equipment and beds.

At the front, there were several humanoids and one Vulcan. I am assuming that is where the Maquis crew went. We all took a step back. Not that it mattered as a familiar feeling took me over of the transporter beam that took me from Voyager took me again.


Micheal Janeway's POV

I am scared. Mollie got hurt protecting Sarah and I. Mommy might be dead like Daddy.

So could Bini...

I can't move.

I am strapped to a bed. I do not know what is holding me down. I look to my left. Mommy is there. But she is asleep. She doesn't look good. I looked to my right. Sarah is there also. She looks like Mommy only a little healthier looking.

I look up at a strange metal point coming down towards me. It looks like a big needle. I don't like needles.

Someone is screaming. People are screaming.

It plunges its self into my stomach. Pain.

I scream at the top of my lungs. It hurts too much!

Mommy! Help me, please!

---End Of Chapter Three---

AN: You guys are probably sick of me leaving Author notes all the time. So let me make this quick. I was wondering if I could get some feedback still.

Who are your favourite characters so far?

Who are the worst?

How can I improve?

I would also like to point out that I started writing this at 10:41 pm last night.

It is 6:22 am.

The Office US has helped. That is what I have been watching all night. Great show. Check it out. I need to make breakfast right now.

-UnknownFilters (Bini Filters.)

UnknownFilterscreators' thoughts