

All I wanted was to make enough money to live comfortably and put my little brother through college, but apparently, fate didn't like my plan, and kicked me in the butt so hard that I was sent flying until I ran into a bunch of supernatural problems. And that's not counting this diabolical screen that connects me with 5 other problematic people from other worlds. But it doesn't matter, because I will survive, and I will become strong enough to give fate the middle finger. And after I do it, I swear I'm going to catch the idiot who thought doing this to me would be funny, do you hear me ROB?!! I'M GOING TO CATCH YOU!!

krakenian · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: Presentations 3

From a young age, Rem had gone through a multitude of different situations that shaped her to be who she was today, being the twin sister of the second coming of the Oni God, Rem felt left behind even before she understood what that meant.

All the people in the village always loved and admired her sister, while she only received crumbs in the form of looks of pity or disappointment for not being as great as Ram was.

Her magic power was inferior, her strength was inferior, her control over her oni powers, her charisma, her intelligence, there was not a single thing that Rem could excel at.

Being just a little girl, Rem didn't know how to deal with all of her negative feelings, and she ended up falling further and further into a spiral of insecurities.

But it was at that moment that her sister saved her, while most treated her with pity or disappointment, all her sister offered her was love, and then she understood, how incredible Ram really was, and how insufficient Rem was.

And for that reason, she decided that she wouldn't have to keep trying, why fight against the current? Doing that would be unnecessary, after all, even if she tried hard, everything she did her sister could do a thousand times better, so all she had to do was walk behind her, and Rem was happy with just that.

Until the night that changed their lives came, in a way that was both unexpected and brutal and cruel, the oni village was attacked, the members of their race, decimated, and their family, murdered.

Even today, years after the event, she remembers how her mind went blank for a moment as she fell to her knees and watched the lifeless bodies of her race members burn.

Her body did not respond to her, and she only regained the ability to think when she was surrounded by several witch cultists ready to murder her too.

And once again, her sister was the one who saved her, even at such a young age, Ram took down the witch's worshipers with the same ease he would need to push away an insect, the wind blades flew, cutting through her enemies as if they were not even there.

But when she approached her to inspect her and help her up, one of the cultists managed to sneak behind Ram, and with a single cut, the future of the most powerful member of the Oni clan was completely taken away along with her horn.

Both survived only thanks to the help of Roswaal, a nobleman from the kingdom of Lugunica who welcomed them into his lands in exchange for them being part of his staff, and not only that, but he was also in charge of helping Ram with his new problem of prana caused by the loss of her horn.

And Rem never forgave herself for this, that it was her sister who lost her horn, that she was the one who suffered every day from the inability to absorb prana, from being born as her twin, from the fact that when she saw Ram lose her horn, for a single second, she felt relieved.

That was the reason why from that day on she would give everything to achieve at least the minimum that her sister could have done, even if she put her life at risk, after all, the life of a defective and disposable copy would never be comparable to that of the brilliant original.

Rem thought that her life would continue in this way, even with the arrival of Emilia, a silver-haired half-elf, who, by order of her lord, was to be treated with the utmost respect, these thoughts did not change.

It was true that at first, she felt uncomfortable with the presence of this new member in the mansión, still, after living with her for a few days she realized that she was practically like an innocent child in almost all aspects, so Rem put aside any first impression and treated her with the same professionalism that she would offer to Lord Roswaal or Lady Beatrice.

And today, like many other days, she followed her routine to the letter since the morning, being the first to wake up with just a couple of minutes difference from the oldest maid in the mansion and the one who had taught her the ways of the maids, Frederica.

With her uniform on, she walked straight to her sister's room to wake her up, but upon entering she noticed something that instantly made her day go from a normal one to a bad one, lying in her bed was her older twin sister squirming as she moaned in pain.

Rem immediately approached her and was able to confirm that this was one of those days, it happened that from time to time Ram suffered pain due to insufficient prana, it was not something that happened too often, but when it did, Ram would be indisposed for the rest of the day.

"Good morning Rem". She greeted with a forced smile as she gritted her teeth and sweated a little.

"Nee-sama". Rem's heart tightened with sadness and helplessness at seeing her sister in this state.

However, she still moved quickly, opening one of the drawers in the bedroom closet and taking a cloth to wipe her sister's forehead a little while she applied healing magic to at least ease her pain.

"I will immediately notify Lord Roswaal of your condition". She said as she finished wiping the sweat from Ram's face.

"Thank you Rem, and don't worry, this isn't enough to bring me down, I'll be fine by the time it's lunchtime"

"You shouldn't, Nee-sama has to rest properly to recover fully, Frederica and Rem will take care of everything for today, please don't worry". The younger sister asked with a pleading expression, and being Rem, any retort or defense that Ram could make was completely shot down, so she ended up nodding to accept the younger twin's request.

After that exchange, Rem left her sister's room and quickly moved to the room of the lord of the house, the strongest magician, and also the most eccentric man in all of Lugunica, to inform him of her sister's condition.

It was fortunate that it was not long before his normal waking time, and that Roswaal held Ram in high regard, so after telling him, the lord decided to skip breakfast to deal with Ram's problem, so the only one at the table during breakfast would be Emilia.

"Frederica, did something happen? I didn't see Roswaal, or Ram, and Rem". Emilia asked after finding herself alone in the dining room except for the blonde maid.

"You don't need to worry Emilia-sama, a situation arose that left Ram indisposed for today, the master is taking care of her at the moment, and Rem left for the village to get some supplies that were in short supply". The beast woman responded with a professional but also friendly tone.

"Oh, I see…" Emilia said quietly, feeling both concern for the pink-haired maid and a little sadness at the fact that she was eating alone, just like she had done when she lived in the forest before forming her contract with Puck.


Meanwhile, Rem walked calmly carrying a barrel full of provisions in each arm as if both objects were as light as a feather.

'I will finish all my duties as quickly as possible so I can prepare some soup for Nee-sama'. She thought, already managing to see the mansion in the distance when unexpectedly, a blue object appeared floating in front of her face.

Welcome to the Alternate Multiversal Chat "Maid with Survivor Syndrome"

"!" Surprise was quickly replaced by caution, the barrels falling to the ground as she jumped back and readied her morning star.

But to her surprise, the box followed her and ended up in front of her face once again.

For a couple of seconds, Rem didn't say anything, waiting for this thing to do something, and when the letters appeared in this box indicating the presence of other people she made her statement.

"As maid of the Mathers house, I demand an explanation, attacking me is attacking my Lord's lands, there will be no mercy for the enemies". She said in a voice that warned of her next actions if she did not get the answers she was requesting.

And the only thing she got was the words of more people demanding explanations, so she attacked, the spiked sphere of her morning star moved at dizzying speeds in the direction of the screen, but instead of hitting the object and destroying it, her weapon passed through the box as if it wasn't even there.

"What?!" Rem was shocked, but she recovered a second later, raised her hand, and said. "El Huma!"

Following her orders, the prana swirled and 3 ice spikes shot out of her hand, but just like before, the magical attacks simply passed through the blue box as if it were not tangible and continued on their way until stuck in the road, disappearing after a couple of seconds.

Rem was shocked, and with every second that passed she could feel her nervousness increasing, none of her physical or magical attacks had any effect on this thing, so still on guard, she waited for the object to do something, but all she saw was like the other people communicated through this thing, which reminded her the communication metias that some merchants had and those she knew existed in the capital.

Keeping complete silence and sharpening her senses to the maximum, Rem moved, leaving behind the barrels with supplies, she ran back to the mansion to warn them of what was happening and the possible attack they might be facing.

Arriving at the entrance of the mansion she saw a familiar blonde woman, so she opened her mouth, ready to alert her of the situation, but before she could utter any words, a severe headache hit her making her lose her balance and fall.

The moment Frederica saw her colleague fall to the ground and hold her head, she ran as fast as she could towards her.

"Rem! Rem! What's going on?!" The older maid asked, her voice showing her clear concern and distress.

"I-!" Even through her pain, Rem tried to communicate what had happened, but her attempt was silenced as the pain in her head increased in intensity.

"What's going on?!" A new voice rang out as a slender, silver-haired figure ran towards both maids.

"Emilia-sama, I don't know, Rem collapsed from one moment to the next". Frederica said what she knew, and when Emilia noticed the expression of pain that Rem had, she placed her hands on her head while the glow of her healing magic was present.

Emilia's eyes widened as the blue-haired girl's pained expression did not diminish one bit.

"It doesn't work, why doesn't my magic work?!" Emilia said alarmed when a small floating cat emerged from her hair and frowned at the situation.

And while all this was happening Rem did her best to endure the pain, opening one of her eyes slightly, she could see that neither Frederica, nor Emilia, and even Puck, who was a great spirit, seemed to notice the box that was still in front of her face.

'Why? Why they don't see it?' She asked herself anguished, until finally, the pain disappeared from one second to the next without leaving a trace.

"Rem, what happened?" Frederica asked again while Emilia had a worried look.

Rem was about to try to speak again, but a hint of nervousness and fear was present when she remembered the pain that had silenced her on the two occasions she tried to talk about the box that everyone continued to ignore, and it was at that moment that the thing appeared again, only this time it was red.


Reading the warning, Rem felt her chest tighten, was this some kind of curse?

"I... I have no idea, when I was returning with the supplies my synesthesia activated, and when Frederica saw me I felt a strong headache". She gave a hasty excuse, hoping they would believe her.

Frederica showed a slightly confused expression before speaking. "Your synesthesia? I recently went to Ram's room, and Master Roswaal said that her treatment would be over shortly and that there was no problem"

"I... um... don't completely understand the situation, but don't you think you should rest? Maybe what happened to Ram today affected you a little?" Emilia demonstrated her concern for the maid by giving her advice.

"I would recommend following Lia's advice, I didn't feel any strange prana fluctuations so it may be a headache due to stress". Puck added.

"Rem, I agree with Emilia-sama and the great spirit-sama, you should take a break, if you don't want to do it for the rest of the day, at least try to do it until lunchtime, I can take care of everything"

Rem hesitated, and her eyes darted briefly in the direction of the box, but if even a great spirit had not been able to recognize its existence then she did not know what else to do, so she decided to accept the recommendations and retired to her room.

But not without before thanking everyone for their concern and indicating where she had left the barrels with the supplies.

Once in her room, she changed her uniform for her other clothes so as not to wrinkle them and sat on her bed while not taking her eyes off the box in front of her, seeing how these people had continued to communicate while her whole situation was happening, so she quickly read everything these individuals had said.

And when she finally ended she didn't know what to think, to say that everything she had just read seemed ridiculous would be the biggest understatement, what both this "Tag-along" and "Cool bad Student" had said was impossible from the root, so both of them were instantly classified as tricksters and potentially dangerous people.

But, still, she didn't really know how to deal with this matter, she was unable to defend herself, and that scared her, she felt like a helpless girl who lost almost everything once again, so she responded aggressively in a vain attempt to intimidate these intruders and get answers.

But in the end, neither her threats nor that of another of the members of this "chat" had the desired effect, and she only found herself increasingly confused by the declaration of the majority of members' ignorance towards the kingdom of Lugunica.

Rem didn't know what to do, how could she deal with this situation? She couldn't tell anyone what was happening to her and she didn't know if this "chat" could hurt her again like it did with that headache.

And when she was starting to get impatient and hyperventilate, ignoring the recent statements these people were making, a new box that appeared above the chat caught her attention.

"Tag-along has invited you to a video call"




With this, we only have one more character left to reveal, Rem is an interesting character, she is in my top 3 female characters from Re: Zero.

And personally, although the whole issue of her being one of the main reasons why Subaru didn't give up, and did everything to wake her up was good, I think making her fall into a coma was not a good move, and I'm not sure if I like what Tappei did with her character in arc 7.

Ah, this thing isn't objective, but for me, she is one of the best waifu of the isekai genre.

Anyway, can you imagine what would happen with the chat if she fell into a coma?

Remember that there are updates every Friday and Monday, if you like this story, please leave a comment, review, or a power stone, see you in the next chapter.