

All I wanted was to make enough money to live comfortably and put my little brother through college, but apparently, fate didn't like my plan, and kicked me in the butt so hard that I was sent flying until I ran into a bunch of supernatural problems. And that's not counting this diabolical screen that connects me with 5 other problematic people from other worlds. But it doesn't matter, because I will survive, and I will become strong enough to give fate the middle finger. And after I do it, I swear I'm going to catch the idiot who thought doing this to me would be funny, do you hear me ROB?!! I'M GOING TO CATCH YOU!!

krakenian · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 11: Wait, this was a school story? Naive! Always has been

"Um". I let out a weak moan of discomfort as my eyes fluttered open.

"My head". I complained as my hand rubbed my face and stood up.

"It can't be healthy for anyone to be fainting so often". I said, standing up as a small box appeared in front of my face.

38 hours until the chat restoration

"Yes, yes, I'm aware that nothing that happened yesterday was a dream". I said sliding the blue screen to the side with my hand and making it disappear as I continued my way to the bathroom.

Once I finished washing my face, I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I remembered the last thing that happened before I lost consciousness.

The 2 "gifts" I received were something completely out of this world, the whole experience of an individual like Son Goku, along with the ki manipulation, just imagining what was possible with this made my skin crawl.

Somehow I felt that something in my being had fundamentally changed, I was still completely unable to feel or interact with any form of ki, but I still saw and felt things differently.

The rhythm of my breathing, the way I the way my muscles moved, my reflexes, everything somehow changed, increasing not in an abysmal way, but until I got the most out of my body.

I was still a weakling, and probably anyone with decent training in any form of fighting could kick my inexperienced ass, but in my head were ways to get stronger, to raise my strength to limits that any normal person would consider fanciful in the best case.

The memory of the dolls came to my mind, and as one of the system cadres warned that I and the other members of the chat would be assigned missions, I wanted to live, and now that I had the tools to strengthen myself it was more than obvious which should be my next actions.


Touji stood up from his bed while stretching both arms and yawning, his right hand instinctively rubbing his eye as he threw off the covers, put on a sandals, and shuffled towards the bathroom.

Once he finished washing on the way to the kitchen for a glass of water, but what he found instead was a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, a glass of orange juice, and an apple, all covered by a small cloth basket, served and ready for him to eat.

A little surprised he spoke out loud. "Brother!" He called and waited a couple of seconds for an answer, but the brother he was calling did not answer, so he went to his room, and since there was no one there, he returned to the dining room and took the note that was on the table.

I'm out to take care of something important, it might take a while, but I'll be here before lunch, eat your breakfast.

Sincerely, the coolest big brother ever.

Once he finished reading, he put the note aside and sat at the table a little surprised.

Normally his brother slept late on weekends, especially on Sundays, but it seemed like that didn't happen yesterday or today.

Still wondering what his brother would do, he removed the cloth basket and ate.

The time after breakfast passed quite quickly, and out of boredom, Touji decided to go out and visit his best friend and neighbor, leaving the apartment empty.


And finally, after a little more than 2 hours, the door to the Kaname residence opened, and an exhausted and sweaty figure entered with slow and trembling steps.

"Finally home". Ryuichi said as he went through the kitchen to get some water, there he saw the note that he left for Touji before leaving, only next to it there was a new one.

I went to Koichi's house to play.

Leaving the paper where he was before, Ryuichi drank his water and then continued his way to the bathroom so he could take a shower.

"The workouts are more difficult than they seem in mangas and novels, the last time I did something like that it wasn't that difficult". He half said, half complained about the muscle pain.

And as the water fell, using his newly acquired knowledge, Ryuichi clumsily controlled his energy so that it would help speed up his body's recovery at least a little.

In his current state he was unable to strengthen his body due to his incredibly small ki reserve and because, even when he "knew" how to do it, his body was not ready for something like that.

He was unable to project any type of energy for the same reasons above.

And he also couldn't sense the ki of other living beings due to his lack of experience.

But what he could do was direct the little energy he possessed to help his body recover, even if this was difficult for him and the recovery rate was only a little faster than normal.

Therefore, the best thing he could do at this moment would be to strengthen his body so that it would be ready to support his own ki while increasing it.

But since he had not trained in years, muscle pain and fatigue were eating away at him after he finished his warm-up run and some basic exercises.

"I'm going to die". He complained, lying in his bed after having eaten lunch, without the desire or energy to get up and do anything other than simply exist. "It was a good idea to prepare lunch before I went out to train, otherwise I would have to order something for us to eat"

With nothing better to do Ryuichi closed his eyes, using the knowledge he gained to meditate while trying to feel the energy within him as clearly as possible.

Son Goku's knowledge of martial arts and ki was vast, and incredibly extensive, a product of all the different enemies he faced and the teachers he had.

But even when all that knowledge and experience was literally inside Ryuichi's head, for him was like standing in front of a seemingly small book, but as the more pages he turned, the more seemed to appear, each time with more and more complex things.

Each application of ki branched out into different paths, so in order not to feel overwhelmed, Ryuichi focused on one of the most important bases, his mind.

Ryuichi's body would be at rest for the rest of the day to recover, overexerting himself would not bring anything good, he was not a saiyan who would recover quickly and with a zenkai to help him break his limits.

So the only thing left to train would be his mind, unfortunately, Ryuichi could only meditate for a little more than half an hour before physical fatigue caused him to fall asleep.


"Buaah". Covering my mouth as I yawned, I walked through the entrance to my school.

It turned out that taking a long nap in the afternoon wasn't the best course of action I could take, not only because I didn't meditate almost at all, but because when I woke up in the night I was not sleepy and I slept a little less than I normally could, I didn't look like a zombie like last time, but it still wasn't ideal.

"Senpaiiii!" I heard a familiar female voice and tensed for a moment, the students near me turned their heads to look at the source of the commotion, but I just kept moving forward, hoping that it wasn't who I thought, and that if it was her, that I wasn't the person she was calling, and if it was me who was calling, that she would mistake someone else for me, giving me enough time to escape.

But unfortunately, my hopes were shattered when I heard the sound of shoes running towards me before someone crashed into my back.

"Hug". She said the voice as a pair of thin arms surrounded me from behind, hugging me tightly. "Evil senpai, why did you ignore me?"

"Because I was hoping to fly under your radar, but it looks like I wasn't so lucky". I said at the same time that she let go of me and walked until she was in front of me, smiling wickedly at me.

Kiryu Mikazuki, a first-year Kouhai who had also been my kouhai in middle school, was a rather cute girl with blonde hair styled in two pigtails, one of the most popular girls in school for her bubbly and friendly personality, with grades respectable and was also the younger sister of a teacher.

But don't let her fool you, because this girl hid an incredibly perverted personality underneath all that cuteness, and as far as I knew, I was the only one who could see her for who she really was.

"And why would Ryu-senpai want to avoid a pretty girl like me?"

"Because when we talk there always comes a point where I think I perfectly understand how a high school girl feels being in front of an old pervert"

"Ah, so Ryu-senpai wants me to do the same things to him that old perverts do to high school girls in Dōjinshis? Why didn't you say it before?" She said, rubbing her hands together and making sure to speak in a tone where only both of us could hear her words.

"Well then, bon appetit!" She said, jumping towards me with her arms open, drooling a little, and with stars in her eyes.

My first instinct was to dodge her, but if I did that she would fall face-first to the ground, and although this girl was quite eccentric, she had been good and kind to me as long as she wasn't joking about getting into my pants, so I simply prepared myself to catch her.

But this seemed unnecessary when a hand grabbed her by the collar of her uniform, stopping her progress in its tracks and leaving her dangling in the air, held in the same way that cats held their kittens.

"What have I told you about these kinds of jokes, Mikazuki?" A new female voice made an appearance, making my kouhai jump a little.

An instinctive smile made its way onto my expression when I saw her, one of the two girls who, at least on my list, were fighting to claim the position of the prettiest in school.

With long light orange hair, and brown eyes that shone with the expectation of a woman who still had features that could be considered cute even when she was already an adult.

She wore a beige formal suit over a magenta feminine shirt, a skirt that was a little above her knees, dark stockings covering her legs, and a pair of heels crowned her outfit making her profession clear.

"Kiryu-sensei, it seems you have saved me once again". I greeted my favorite teacher while she joked a little.

"Kaname-kun". She greeted me with a small smile. "It seems that you are better than the last few days"

'So she noticed it? It must have been in the hallways or while I was leaving to go home because I didn't have classes with her when I remembered my previous life or the day after that.

"Yes, let's say those weren't the best days of my life, but now I'm... fine? Well, let's just say I'm a little better than before"

"You see Mikazuki? It is not right to bother a schoolmate who is not even in the best condition". She said, lifting her younger sister, but before she responded I decided to give her a hand.

"Ah, don't worry Kiryu-sensei, it doesn't bother me at all, Mikazuki is a little too energetic but I'm used to it, plus she cheers me up with her antics"

"Ah, that means that Senpai accepts my feelings?! I knew that sooner or later I would make it!" She said, opening her arms and moving her hands as if asking me to come closer while she pursed her lips.


"Ask me again when you're a little older, and I'm not at risk of being detained by the police because of a mistake, and I'll think about it". I responded in a flat tone.

"Buh, Ryu-senpai is no fun". She complained with a pout, which earned a tired sigh from Kiryu-sensei.

"You two should go on, don't be late for your classes, especially your Kaname-kun, your first class is world history, right?" She said releasing her sister.

"Ah, yes, see you later sensei, Mikazuki". Clearly understanding the unsaid message, I quickened my pace, leaving the pair of sisters behind.

Once I was in my classroom, I sighed with relief when I saw that the sensei had not arrived yet and I took my seat, which contrary to what the anime laws dictated, was not at the back next to the window but in the middle, next to the wall where the front door was.

Deciding to rest my eyes, I rested my forehead on my arms while I closed my eyes, with the noise of my classmates conversations as the background sound.

Unfortunately, it seemed like I relaxed too much, because out of nowhere I felt someone push my seat from behind, probably my classmate Takigawa Ryosuke, so I raised my head to ask him what was happening.

But before I turned I saw beautiful green eyes looking directly at me in a somewhat intimidating way, I felt an instinctive shiver run down my spine from both nervousness and anticipation as my mouth moved automatically. "Kirisu-sensei". I greeted her with a somewhat nervous smile.

"Unacceptable". She said without even blinking. "I let it go the last few days of last week, but even today you seem to have small circles under your eyes, students should always worry about their health". She finished saying before standing up straight again.

"Yes, thank you for caring, I promise to take better care of myself". I said smiling at her because I knew her concern was sincere, she might seem a little cold and strict on the outside, but it was because she was a little socially awkward.

Also, my smile was also because seeing her made my day a little brighter, after all, for me, she was the girl who competed with Kiryu-sensei for the position of the prettiest woman in my school.

"And Kaname-kun, meet me at the end of the day in the staff room, there's a serious conversation we need to have". She added with that serious tone she normally had.

'Ah, it seems that in the end, I will not escape the scolding'. I thought as I nodded. "Yes, then I will be bothering you later, sensei". I told her, and with that, she turned around, walking until she was in front of the class once again and starting the lesson.


"So, is there a specific reason why you have been stressed and for your lack of rest?" The pink-haired teacher asked as she crossed her arms.

"Well". Ryuichi rubbed the back of his neck and looked away slightly as he thought of a vague enough excuse to give. "Let's just say I found myself in a situation that has made me think a lot about my life, so I'm a little nervous about what might happen in the future". He responded without giving any details, after all, he couldn't tell that he had recovered the memories of a past life, discovered that magic existed in this world and that he would probably have to fulfill dangerous missions from now on.

Mafuyu Kirisu, being the teacher with a straight and sincere attitude, looked him directly in the eyes for a few seconds, the red and the green met without either of them giving in, until she broke the contact, closing her eyes as she sighed and uncrossed her arms.

"I was going through some of your files and came across this". She said, taking out a sheet of paper from a folder. "This is your career choice sheet, right?"

Ryuichi took the paper and read it, verifying that this was indeed his sheet, so he nodded a few times.

"I was talking to some teachers and checking your grades, and from what they told me you were pretty average in everything, except for one club you were a part of at your middle school, the gymnastics club, I heard that you were pretty good and even won several competitions, but you quit halfway through your third year". She recited while looking at another leaf.

"Ah, that". He responded a little discouraged, he didn't expect to remember the time he practiced gymnastics. "Yes, it's just that I made a couple of hasty decisions, and after that, I discovered that I had responsibilities that I should assume soon so I decided not to return to the club"

"Is that why in your career choice sheet all your options have to do with finding a job after graduation?"

He nodded to answer the question.

"Is your future what's been worrying you?" She asked as a simple courtesy, after all, her senpai from high school and college had contacted her to tell her what Ryuichi himself admitted.

"I have a little brother, and for a long time all his teachers keep telling me the same thing, your brother is a genius, I had never seen a child so intelligent". He listed the words he heard over and over again.

"At first I thought he would be overwhelmed, but when I talked to him I discovered that he loved studying, he told me he wanted to study aerospace engineering". He laughed a little after saying that.

"When he told me, I didn't even know what someone with that career was supposed to do, but he was so excited that I decided to support him, that child is so out of the ordinary that he's even decided which university he wants to study at, one in Germany which I'm not even sure I can pronounce the name of correctly". He stopped to look at the teacher directly, he didn't quite know why he was telling her this, but if that was what it took to close the topic and avoid it in the future then he would do it.

"As an older brother, I have to support my brother, so I will work as much as necessary until I save enough to pay for his studies abroad at a good university"

"And your family can't help with that?" Kirisu's tone was serious.

Ryuichi shook his head a few times. "They won't do it, I never met or knew anything about my father's family, and although I spoke on the phone with my mother's parents, I have never seen them, but they said that they were not related to my brother when I spoke to them a few years ago, they also said that they would pay for my studies and all expenses until I finished high school, and they gave me the place where we live with the condition that I would never contact them"

Kirisu made a face of displeasure upon hearing that and didn't know what to say or do to help her student, and when Ryuichi noticed this, he smiled a little. "Come on sensei, don't make that face, you don't have to worry, I made that decision a long time ago, so I'm not as nervous as it seems". He finished saying, turning around and walking towards the exit.

"Besides, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't support my little brother? When the parents are not there, we must assume that role and stand firm, so I will manage somehow". He added with a happy tone as he waved his hand goodbye before leaving the room to return home.


Kuoh Academy

Almost hidden from most of the school population, or rather ignored, was a building that looked old from the outside.

However, anyone who entered this building would surely change their mind when they saw it from the inside, tidy, clean, and practically new looking to the point where it would not be strange to wonder why this building had no other use than to be the headquarters for a club as was ORC.

And the answer to that question consisted of a single word, or more specifically a surname, Gremory, a surname widely known in this academy, after all, it belonged to one of the two people who really had control of what happened in the academy.

Rias Gremory, stunning in the opinion of both the female and male parts of the school, had designated this place almost as her sanctuary, a place where normally only she and those who were part of the club of which she was president would have access, which It wasn't strange at all, after all, she was not only one of the most important people in the school but also in the entire city, being one of the two regents appointed by the underworld.

So as a high-class demon and heir to a noble house, she had the power to specify that the only ones who could enter the building where her club took place were the members, who were also the members of her nobility, the other person who shared your responsibility to guard this territory and the members of her nobility.

"Then the last thing left to discuss is what Kiba discovered". The red-haired president said as she crossed out the last topic written on a sheet of paper.

"Yes". The only male in the room said as he stood up, with blonde hair and an attractive face, Yuuto Kiba kept a relaxed and friendly face while he held some leaves in his hand.

"As I said last time, after I received a call through one of the pamphlets, I appeared at the scene, but apparently the person who summoned me was someone who didn't know anything about the supernatural world, and he ended up fainting, so I decided to erase his memory and retreat, but as I approached I noticed something quite strange, on his shoulder he had a location spell, so I checked to see if he was a wizard, but he had the same amount of magical power as any ordinary person". He summarized what was discussed during the last meeting they had.

"So with the help of Akeno-san, I verified that the spell placed on this boy was an incredibly simple one, so knowing its origin is impossible, so I followed him for the next few days, and although he behaved in a slightly suspicious manner, mostly on Saturday when he took a short walk that took him to the park where he seemed a little disoriented, he didn't show anything that would make us think he was some kind of spy for another faction, but just to be sure I requested Sona-sama's help to get a general history about him as Rias-sama requested, and this is all I found". He finished saying by handing Rias a white folder with some pages.

"Kaname Ryuichi, a third-year student at Tegumi Academy, orphaned of their father and mother, but other than that almost nothing remarkable at first glance, but then we discovered something strange, he is not Japanese neither by descent nor by birth, the identities of his parents were lost from any record, leaving only the ancestry of the mother, being Chinese"

Rias read the first sheet while following Kiba's explanation before turning to the second sheet.

"But when Koneko-chan told us that he discovered a strange smell throughout the city and found out that it was the fallen angels I thought maybe they had something to do with the mark that Kaname-san had". He finished explaining by giving a glance and a quick nod to the youngest girl present, who gave him a quick nod before continuing to eat the cookies she had.

"I see". That was all Rias said, leaving the papers on the table. "What are the chances that this Kaname Ryuichi has something to do with the fallen angels?" She asked after thinking about it for a few seconds.

Kiba, who had already considered the idea, responded instantly. "I wouldn't rule out that possibility 100% but I highly doubt it, he has lived in Kuoh for several years with his younger brother, and as I said before, he has practically no magical energy"

"Well, if he's just an ordinary person who was unlucky enough to cross paths with the fallen, it's a good thing they destroyed the magic mark they put on him". She said earning a nod from both her queen and her knight.

"But just to be sure I want you to keep an eye on him for a while longer". She gave her order before looking at another member. "Koneko, I would like you to keep an eye on the fallen, but keep your distance, if they have something strange planned I want to catch them in the middle of the act"

"Understood". Was the short answer from the little girl.


"Ouch, how long is it going to take for my muscles to get used to the pain?" Ryuichi complained as he massaged his arms, he had taken a bath after today's training, and now he was dressed in a loose t-shirt and his boxers, he had also finished meditating for almost 1 hour, interrupting this part of the training due to the blue box with the counter flashing.

00:00:10 To reactivate the chat

'Very well, let's see how the others have done, I sincerely hope that none of them have gone crazy thinking that everything we saw was just a fantasy created by their imagination or worse yet, they had an existential crisis worse than mine when I regained my memories'. He thought as he waited for the counter to reach zero.

00:00:03 To reactivate the chat

"Well, let's see what you have for me"



And with that, a familiar screen reappeared in front of him a couple of seconds before the messages started arriving.


I'm trying to write slightly longer chapters, but it was a little harder than I expected, I barely finished revising this one in time to publish it.

So, considering that the next chapter will be published on Monday, please don't expect one that is too long, although to compensate, I will try to make next Friday's one at least 4,500 words.

Moving on to the chapter, as I said in the previous one, this and the following ones will be more "relaxed" to present a little of the normal life that MC has led until now and how it will change due to the chat and the supernatural world.

Also as we saw in the previous chapter, we have Mafuyu Kirisu, but in addition to that there are also the Kiryu sisters, why?

Well, because both teachers are the best waifus of both Boku Benkyou and Kissxsis, and yes, that is the only reason I need to add them to this story.

And no, there will be no more characters from either of those two series besides Miharu Kirisu, Mafuyu Kirisu's younger sister, so don't expect to see Ako and Riko, or Ogata and Furuhashi.

Remember that if you like this story, you can leave a comment, review, or a power stone, that will inspire me to write more, see you in the next chapter.