

Following the theft and sale of the man's valuable treasure by her older brother Dominic, college student and bartender Halo Johnson is married off to King Jamal, an elderly, jaded billionaire and ultima werewolf. The girl must nagivate the twist and turns of being married off to a man she does not love, making her way through the inner circle of the upper echeleons as well as the hidden world of the lycanthropes. The sole reason King Jamal, Halo's spouse and the Pack leader of the entire city of New York, marries her is because she has a strong resembles to his late wife from her earlier years. In spite of this, the man needs to understand and come to terms with his true feelings for his new bride while attempting to protect her from the perils of the lycanthrope's covert existence as well as a fresh threat that waits in the shadows.

isiyateflon_yaro · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
51 Chs


There was always something about cake stores. Perhaps it was the simple elegance that it so easily embedded or perhaps, it was its ability to make one feel like they had stepped into a wonderland made entirely of pastries and everything sweet. King Jamal could picture little children with mouths wide open in awe looking into the store and pleading with their parents to get them some of the sweets and cakes that lined the shelves.

He had walked into the place wearing his most regular clothes as he liked to call them. This was not one of those meetings that called for immediate noticeable clothing. His driver had parked his newest addition to his Mercedez car collection a few blocks down and Jamal had decided to walk the rest of the way.