
Tapestry of Acceptance


Jake and Scott sat cross-legged on the floor of Scott's room, surrounded by a chaotic array of textbooks, papers, and half-empty coffee cups. The soft glow of Scott's desk lamp cast long shadows across the walls, creating an atmosphere of cozy intimacy.

"Okay, so if we integrate this theorem into the conclusion, it'll strengthen our argument," Scott explained, his fingers flying across the keyboard of his laptop.

Jake nodded, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Right, I see what you're saying. Maybe we could also reference that study from last year to support our hypothesis."

As they delved deeper into their project, time seemed to slip away unnoticed. The outside world faded into the background as they lost themselves in the intricacies of their research.

Hours passed, and finally, they reached a stopping point. Scott stretched his arms above his head, letting out a contented sigh. "I think we've made some serious progress today."

Jake grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. "Definitely. Thanks for letting me crash here and work on this with you."

Scott waved off his gratitude with a smile. "No problem, man. It's nice having some company while I work on this stuff."

As Jake gathered his things and prepared to leave, Scott's mom appeared in the doorway, a warm smile on her face. "Dinner's almost ready, boys. Why don't you stay and eat with us?"

Jake hesitated, glancing towards the door. "I really should be getting home."

Scott's expression fell slightly, a hint of disappointment flashing in his eyes. "Come on, Jake. You've missed dinner a couple of times already. Stay, please."

Feeling torn, Jake looked to Scott for guidance. After a moment's hesitation, he relented with a small nod. "Okay, I guess I could stay."

As they made their way downstairs to the kitchen, Jake couldn't shake off the nervous fluttering in his stomach. Dinner with Scott's family felt like a big step, and he wasn't sure what to expect.

Sitting around the dinner table, Jake found himself caught up in a whirlwind of conversation and laughter. Malia and Stephanie, Scott's two moms, welcomed him with open arms, their warmth and kindness putting him at ease.

Midway through the meal, Malia turned to Jake with a curious glint in her eye. "So, Jake, tell us a bit about yourself. What are your hobbies?"

Jake shifted uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly self-conscious under their scrutiny. "Uh, well, I don't think I really have anything I like doing " em reading I guess..

Stephanie smiled encouragingly. "That's wonderful! Do you have any favorite subjects?"

As the conversation flowed around him, Jake couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as he watched the easy camaraderie between Scott and his family. Their love and acceptance of each other was palpable, a stark contrast to his own fractured relationship with his parents.

As the evening wore on, Jake found himself drawn into discussions about Scott's upbringing and family dynamics. He learned that Scott was adopted and that Malia and Stephanie had two daughters, Leslie and the other daughter, whose name escaped him momentarily. They explained how they had used the same sperm donor for both girls, effectively making Leslie and her sister genetic half-siblings.

Jake listened intently, marveling at the complexity and depth of their family bond. Despite his initial reservations, he couldn't help but admire the love and support that radiated between them.

But amidst the laughter and chatter, Jake couldn't shake off the nagging sense of unease that gnawed at him from within. He felt like an outsider, a guest in a world that was simultaneously foreign and tantalizingly familiar.

As the evening progressed, the conversation took an unexpected turn, veering into more personal territory. Scott's ex-boyfriend became a topic of discussion, and Jake's curiosity was piqued.

"So, Scott, what ever happened with that guy you were seeing?" malia ventured,

Scott's expression clouded over briefly before he replied, "We broke up a few months ago. It just wasn't meant to be, I guess."

Jake sensed the tension in the air and quickly changed the subject, but the revelation lingered in the back of his mind, planting seeds of doubt and uncertainty.

After dinner, as Scott walked Jake to the door, he apologized for the awkwardness of the evening. "Sorry about dinner, Jake. It wasn't exactly smooth."

Jake shrugged, trying to play it off. "It's fine, Scott. No big deal."

But as he made his way home, Jake couldn't shake off the whirlwind of emotions that dinner had stirred within him. He found himself seeking comfort and advice from his own mother, feeling the need to confide in her about his evening with Scott's family.

To his surprise, Jake's mother was supportive, albeit with a momentary freeze upon hearing about Scott's two moms. "That's... different, but as long as they're good people."

Jake hesitated, then cautiously broached the topic of Scott's sexuality. His mother's response was unexpected, leaving him feeling uneasy. "Just... as long as you don't get too involved with the kid okay?"

Feeling conflicted, Jake went up to his room

In school the next day, his mind clouded with thoughts of Scott and the complexities of their friendship. As Tyler approached, ready to bully him once again, Scott intervened, walking by Jake's side and standing up to Tyler's taunts.

Classes went by superfast for Jake mostly because his mind was crowded with thoughts about the thing he recently realized he is starting to have towards Scott and what his mum said to him last night

"Does that mean she won't accept me? " He kept on asking himself ...

And he is supposed to feel relieved at least that Scott was gay ND that he might get to actually have a chance with him but what his mum said kept ringing in his head all day.

In the quiet of an empty classroom during lunch break,

Scott and Jake were sitting side to side having lunch in class was Jake's idea Scott wasn't totally in full complete support of it, but he really wanted to get on Jake's good side, and he also noticed that Jake was acting more deep in thought than normal and Scott was becoming really concerned. It was part of the reason he agreed to having lunch in the classroom so they could get some privacy so he could open up a bit.

Scott finally confronted Jake about his odd behavior. "Are you okay, Jake? You've been acting strange today."

"Am fine "... Jake responded shortly after.

"Are you sure Jake ?" Scott asked resting a hand on Jake's lap

Jake's emotions boiled over, and he snapped defensively, pushing Scott away. "Don't touch me! I'm fine!"

Scott recoiled, hurt evident in his eyes. "I thought you said you were okay with me being gay."

Jake's frustration mounted as he struggled to articulate his inner turmoil. "It's not about that. I'm just... dealing with stuff, okay?"

An awkward silence settled between them, but Scott reached out again, tentatively this time, seeking reassurance that their friendship remained intact. Jake relented, allowing Scott to hold his shoulder, and the tension began to ease.

"Thanks, Jake," Scott said softly. "I'm here for you too, you know."

And At that moment of vulnerability, Jake found himself leaning in without giving any second thought to what he was about to do allowing his horny werewolf side taking over, He closed the gap between them with a tender kiss. Knowing fully ware of the future consequences.


Sorry it took me so long to update

Happy Easter guys❣️😊