
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Sorry Everyone

To all my readers, weather you are new to my writing or you have been keeping up with me. Thank you all for reading my writing.

As many of you know I have been working as a security guard. Am currently going through a career change. I do apologize for this sabbatical. It could not be helped. I am currently in training for a new job. Just some ample warning, I am going to start being a little more infrequent with posting when I am able to start back in again. There may be weeks where I can post twice a week. But I am only planning on posting once per week from then on out. I am hoping to start posting again probably in late September, it may be as far out as sometime in October. I do not like it either. But I have to get to a point in this new job where I can get a good vibe and schedule going.

I have not posted any new chapters in a while, I know. I am sorry to have made you all wait. It is because I am starting a new job. I have a few more weeks before my training will be complete. After my training concludes I will be able to get back into a groove for writing again. However while I am training I have not and will not be able to write, post or update any of my writing.

I know I have not posted in nearly two months. I am sorry about this. I promise I am not doing it to annoy anyone. However with the current economy I can not afford to not be paid. I will be publishing my own works from here on out. Here on webnovel I only have one contracted book. I intend to finish off that series eventually and conclude my contracted works. But I will not be done here. Oh! No! I will continue to use this platform to test my stories. But I will not sign any more contracts. Which will be good for you all as the readers. You will not have to worry about paying in advance to read my chapters.

What I can and do promise, is that I will not be contracting any other books through Webnovel. I had originally contracted through webnovel thinking that it would be a different way of getting myself published. That has not been the case. I have not made any money through webnovel. I have been contracted for nearly one full year with no income to show for it. Hence me getting a better paying full time job. I will have better and more set hours now when my training is over. I had a full time job to start, but it did not pay as well as the job I am moving too. Once I get into the new swing of things, writing and posting will become a lot easier for me.

I wanted to make my writing my full time job. I still do! However, I do not feel that this platform is the avenue for me to accomplish my dreams and goals. I do intend to keep writing and adding to the stories that I have been testing here. However, I wish to be paid for my ideas and stories. I like to write at my own pace. I can not keep up with the expectations and demands of the contracts through this website. I hope that this does not disappoint anyone.

As I continue on my publishing journey I will be sure to post where you can go to buy my stories. I want to make sure I have hard cover and online versions. I will also be selling my own signed copies. Please if you like the story lines that I have been writing, share with your friends and family. Help me to get my name out in the world. Self-publishing is a long and expensive journey. But I know it will be worth every penny in the long run.

If anyone knows of someone that could help me out with PR (public relations) You can have them e-mail me at Joy_Phoenix@yahoo.com. However, I will warn everyone, I can not afford to pay nor will I offer to pay anyone until my books are published and I start actually selling my creations. If people are willing to help me, I will gladly compensate you later when money is not so scarce. But I am working so much right now, I have had to put my writing on a back burner. But I am only doing this until I can turn my writing into my own business. Admittedly I really do not know much about publishing. But I am learning as I go.

I do not want to lose any of my readers. I feel bad for having to make my writing so infrequent as well. Writing is my passion! Having readers to like to interact with me, means the world to me as well. I am attempting to get some other platforms with discussion platforms going. However I will not be using tiktok or twitter. I am uncomfortable with their platforms. Any suggestions would be nice. I am trying to start a youtube channel. However I am having a hard time finding time to make videos.

Again thank you to all my readers! You all are what makes me telling my stories worthwhile. Please spread the word! Thank you to everyone! I will be back soon!