
Chapter Ten


The mall was beautiful and full of people but what got me was that my son and daughter were attached to the two wolves that accompanied us it was like they were smitten with them which left me alone with Samuel and for some reason it annoyed me even more. My damn wolf would not stop purring like some damn kitten, it was like any time his scent filled my nose or a small touch had me going into a state of lust. This was tiresome, yes i was happy who wouldn't be right but with everything happening despite him being an alpha how could I involve him in this when we were the ones with targets on out back. We stood in front of a dress shop that was for little girls, my little girl ran to me excitedly.

"Mommy, there princess dresses!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah," moving towards Samuel i looked at him confused. "We can't afford this. i know your trying to help but i don't have money for this."