
CHAPTER 99 Cast a Spell on You

  Damien's POV

  Ares had apparently abandoned ship and left me to deal with the uninvited desires that were drowning me right now! The second my father had left in a storm of chaos, I had opened that door to find the breath knocked out of me!

  I tried to play it cool but fuck me; I was glad the cockroach couldn't hear the nonsense Ares was spewing! Forcing my wolf down with threats of the cage, I breathed and buried the insanity.

  I had a feeling the overwhelming assault on my emotions was a game of my father's making; he had clearly decided to have fun at my expense as a way to teach me a lesson because of the lines I had crossed with Abigail! 

  Fuck him! I was ok with my sexuality! 

  I knew I wasn't attracted to him! Even if every fibre in my body was telling me, I was! I was not turning 18! Red was! Which meant there was no reason that these insane urges had come on all of a sudden, well, no reason other than my demented father having some fun!