
Edith's Temptation

Arriving at the hospital, Mr. Kwang and his wife rushed into the lobby, approached the information desk in the lobby, then Sheila asked the male officer.

"Good morning, Sir. Excuse me, which side is the emergency room at?" Sheila asked, her voice shaking and heavy, while Mr. Kwang couldn't wait to meet his daughter.

"Good morning, Ma'am. The emergency room is to the left of the lobby," answered the officer, pointing to the direction of the emergency room.

"Thanks for the info, Sir," replied Sheila, smiling blandly.

"You're welcome," said the officer returned Sheila's smile.

"Come on, Jung Hyun. We'll meet Frederica and Vira in the ER," said Sheila in a hurry, she grabbed her husband's arm.

"Come on," said Mr. Kwang.

The two of them ran to the ER feeling uncertain, each of them wondering in their hearts, what had really happened to their daughter?