
The Alpha Seer

Scarlett , a member of the Dark Moon Pack, has endured relentless bullying and resentment due to her unique eye colors and extraordinary abilities, including the power to see into the future. Fearing for her life at the hands of her own Mate, she strikes a desperate deal with Axel, the pack's strongest Alpha, in exchange for protection. But there's a catch - Axel insists that she become his mate. With no one else to turn to for assistance, as everyone seems to covet her powers, Scarlett faces a difficult decision. Will she accept Axel's demand, or will she become a victim of her Mate's sinister plans?

Eve_Onfire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs


Scarlett pov

"Why should I believe you?" he asked, and then he folded his arms. He looked intimidating, but I did not let his look get to me. With a smirk on my face, I answered, "I know about your plans to come and overtake this pack and free the slave she-wolves," I said. "I could help you," I added, and shock was evident on his face.

His mouth opened up and closed, and he seemed to be shocked beyond words. But then I did not expect his next question, but then I could answer him, fluently. "What is your purpose? Why do you want to help me?" he asked.

"My mate, the Alpha of this pack, will kill in the future. He would take my wolf's ability, and I don't want that. I need your protection," I said to him, without mincing words. It was like a give and take situation. I would help him, and he would protect me.

"You're a smart one," he said to me. His fingers found his jaw, and he drummed against it. His eyes roamed over me in interest. At this point, I knew he was considering my words. Our deal would be made. I was sure of that.

However, in the next second, a wicked smirk crept onto his face. I shivered in anticipation, knowing he was onto something. I could not wait anymore; he should just give in already.

"I have a condition," he said suddenly. His hands dropped on each side of his body. I frowned at his words, not knowing what his condition was. What other thing did he need? I would help him with my power, and he would protect me. A perfect give and take situation!

"What's your condition?" I asked, with a skeptical look on my face.

"Give yourself to me," he said, and I frowned. I did not know what he was saying. How would I give myself to him? By sleeping with me? But I thought he was different.

However, I still voiced out my confusion, "How? I'm confused," I said, with a deep frown on my face.

In the next second, he chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. "Are you willing to receive my mark and become my woman?" he asked, and I gasped, in shock.

My body stilled as soon as I processed Axel's words. I was hesitant to accept his condition even though I needed his protection, desperately.

I knew of a rumor about Axel. He was cursed and mateless. The hesitation in my eyes was evident and I could see Axel's face fall.

"Did he want me to become his woman, that much?" These words rang in my head as I contemplated on what to do.

Axel stretched his hand to touch my cheek and he caressed it. I could feel warmth spread through my body and I felt soothed.

However, his next question caused what I felt to seize.

"Do you still love Bryton? He is your mate, after all." I heard him ask and I shook my head immediately.

For a moment, I could feel that Axel's voice sounded pained.

"I do not love Bryton." I declared with my hands clenched. My face turned red in anger at the thought of Bryton.

"Nothing would make me love him! I have never loved him!!" I shouted, like I wanted to dissociate myself from Bryton completely.

"I hate him!" I declared and Axel's brows raised.

"Oh, you do?" He asked me and I nodded my head, frantically.

"I hate him for being useless. I hate him for being incompetent. He treats the she-wolves like trash and has no regard for them." I said, with a wronged look on my face.

"That's bad!" I heard Axel say and I nodded.

"Now, imagine me becoming his mate. He would hurt me without remorse. I can't let myself and my wolf get hurt." I said as my lips quivered. My eyes watered knowing if Axel did not help me, I would die by Bryton's clutches.

"I'll never agree to be his mate." I added, in a shaky tone, in fear.

"I understand you…" He said, drawing his words out. I knew he wanted to mention my name but he did not know it.

"I'm Scarlett." I said and he nodded with a smile on his face.

"Do you accept my offer, Scarlett?" He said, in a deep voice. I wouldn't lie, I liked the way my name rolled off his lips. It did mysterious things to my body.

Without thinking twice, I nodded my head, resolutely.

"Yes!" I said and a victorious smile crept onto Axel's face.

I felt like he had won a trophy and I was that trophy. I did not care if he considered me something to be won. I just knew I would be safe with him.

I knew he was not one to treat people harshly.

In the next second, Axel stepped toward me and my heart increased in speed. I could guess what he was about to do and I wondered how it would feel.

In the next second, I felt his hands around my waist. He held me firmly and I knew he would never let go.

His neck was bent and his head moved toward the crook of my neck.

I could see his fangs lengthen and I knew the moment was here. In the next second, I felt a light kiss on my neck and I felt soothed.

In record time, his fangs pierced through my skin and immediately I felt the connection being made.

I felt shivers run through my body and everywhere he touched me, I could feel sparks. I felt his hands tighten around my body and I realized he could feel what I felt.

I just wanted to drown in his embrace and never let go.

However, in the next second, Axel withdrew his fangs and stepped away. His eyes were glassy but then I did not see any hint of regret on his face.

I thought he was going to regret choosing me but then it looked like he had made the best decision of his life.

"It's done." He said, with a smile on his face.

I nodded my head at his words and as his hand landed on my left cheek.

"The mark will mask your scent for some time, to protect you." He said to me, and I nodded.

I was not aware of that information but I was glad he told me.

"Why is it temporary, though?" I asked, as his hand fell to my neck. He caressed the mark that had begun to form and I could feel sparks flying. His touches ignited something in me that I could not explain.

"Masking your scent will be less effective when the mate bond gets deeper. So, it's temporary." He explained, with a patient look on his face.

My eyes roamed around and I realized we had been in the same spot for some time now. It was surprising how I met Axel just minutes ago and now I was his mate.

I could feel the connection and for a moment I thought I could hear his thoughts. However, I shook that thought aside. I knew mates could hear each other's thoughts but our bond was not deep yet.

Suddenly, Axel took hold of my hand.

"We are late for the assembly." He said to me. He then started to lead the way.

The word "we" resonated in my head. I realized he wanted me to accompany him to the assembly. It was a place I thought I would never step foot in.

I was afraid that I would be sent back immediately when I got there. However, I looked up at Axel and I could see the confident look in his eyes and I knew I could go against the world.

We walked for a total of five minutes and we got to the royal hall where the assembly was to take place.

The attendants at the door of the hall, bowed before Axel.

"Welcome, Alpha." They said in greeting and Axel nodded his head, slowly.

I could feel the eyes of the attendants on me.

I knew they were surprised to see me there. Who wouldn't be surprised when the girl who was called a monster, appeared at a place meant for kings?

However, they did not dare to stop me and I felt my chest puff up with pride.

As soon as we walked into the royal hall, I felt numerous eyes on me.

Everyone's face was filled with surprise to see the strongest Alpha holding onto the pack's monster.

However, I could feel a particular pair of eyes on me.

It was Bryton!

In the next second, I saw him walk toward me and Axel.

In fear, I held onto Axel's hands. He was supposed to protect me.

I could feel Axel rub small and slow circles on the palm of my hand.