
The Alpha Prince and his Silver Lone Wolf

"When you love someone, you do not give up on them! You fight until the end!” ~Selene "I refuse to lose you !! PLEASE !!" ~Prince Alcyd "Who needs love if I have the world under my palm?" ~King Viktor Under the Blood Moon, it is told in the prophecy that a she-wolf will be born with the mixed blood of a witch and a vampire. It is revealed that Selene will rule over the supernatural world and possessing the power to unite the werewolves. Selene lost her pack and family. She vows to search for her older brother, her only remaining relative who seems to be alive. Crown Prince Alcyd McSigurd, second son of King Viktor is the most arrogant, ruthless, and powerful among all his siblings. He is an Alpha too, though not the king of Alphas, like his father. Despite being nineteen, Alcyd is known as his father’s youngest general in the werewolf kingdom. Thus, dark forces fear the prophecy that is to come into fruition. A battle for supremacy over the supernatural world is bound to happen. [Volume 1] - War of the Werewolves [Volume 2] - Legion of Vampires As the war between werewolves ended, King Lionel gathered his own forces in his own claim for supremacy. Selene and her fated Alpha unite their forces together in their attempt of taking what was rightfully destined for the new chosen one against those who dared to claim the supreme throne. [Volume 3] - Return of The Dark Lord After the Second Greatest War, Selene and Alcyd welcome another chapter in their life as Selene reign as the Supreme Ruler while Alcyd protect his loved ones from the return of the Dark Lord. Will their love be enough to conquer the darkness? Can Selene and Alcyd keep their loved ones safe from the looming threat of darkness? [Volume 4] - New Generation (Coming Soon!) (New Generation!) --- What kind of twisted fate awaits the Alpha Prince and Selene? Will there be love conquers it all or will darkness take it all? The battle between good and evil; who will stand victorious in this battle for supremacy? ============== ** 1 or 2 Chapters Release on 18:00 +8 GMT ** ** Every First week of each month *** ~ Release of chapters will only increase based on demand and support of Readers. ** For Gift or Donation in any amount is highly appreciated! All gifts are immediately spent on medicines and food for my family. ** paypal.me/madskie00017 Discord: madskie00017#8773 Instagram: @alphaprincenovel -For behind the scenes and more personal look with the making of the story THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support !! ========= *** Disclaimer: *** This novel's story, characters, and setting are all fictitious. All involved concept and terms which were used for names, institution, agencies, positions/titles, abilities, living and non-living things are all just Author's imagination. There is no association or reflection towards anybody or any organization or any entity in real life.

madskie00017 · Fantasy
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650 Chs

The Altum Council

The King of all Alpha werewolves, Alpha King Viktor, has sent an invitation to all existing members of the Altum Council to convene for a general meeting that concerns the welfare of all supernatural beings.

It is known that someone must send an invitation first to all members of the Altum Council, a Council for the supernatural beings.

The Altum Council was formed after the first greatest war against the hordes of darkness, a group of worshippers of darkness. It was formed by the first chosen one, Emperor Odin. The Council for supernatural beings was formed for the purpose of making sure the peace among the supernatural beings and human beings. In order to avoid a massive war against the Hunters Association which represents the interest of human beings.

Emperor Odin together with the members of the Altum Council formed a pact with the Hunters Association to abide by the peace treaty that they all made. Which everyone will cooperate in protecting and preserving peace among all beings.

The first-ever Chosen One, Emperor Odin, ruled with an iron fist against the hordes of darkness but with so much compassion towards all living beings.

In the huge Palace of the first Chosen One, Emperor Odin, he has created a large hall where all leaders of every race that joined the first great war against the hordes of darkness. All the members convene after everyone replies from the invitation sent to them.

It is either rejected or accepted. Once the majority accepts, then the meeting amongst the members of the Council will convene.

Since the death of the great Emperor Odin, King Viktor took over as the speaker of the Council. He is the one who usually initiates the meeting and convenes the other members of the Council.

Thus, King Viktor's influence within the Altum Council is most essential and most affixed towards other members. His invitations or requests for convening are always accepted by other members of the Council.

[-- First Arrival --]

King Viktor arrived first in the well-known –Palace of the Chosen One– since he was the one who initiated the grand meeting.

Escorting King Viktor are his personal warriors, including Beta Nolan. All of them heading to the Convening Hall. Though, the escorts cannot enter inside the Convening Hall except only for the members of the Altum Council.

This was due to the preservation of the confidentiality and sacredness of the discussion only among the members. The late Emperor Odin wanted the members of the Altum Council to have consensus decision without any interference from a third party.

The King of Alpha Werewolves, King Viktor, went ahead inside while wearing his formal black pants and suit with a brown fur coat. He immediately went to his seat feeling confident and comfortable.

Then, he hears the footsteps of some newcomers using his

<<< _Hyper Senses_ >>>

A common ability among the werewolves where all their senses are heightened.

The large elegant door of the Convening Hall opens.

[-- Second and Third Arrival --]

A woman enters wearing a revealing emerald gown beaded with tiny black pearls while her entire gown hints her voluptuous curves as she enters. She is wearing a pearl necklace, a golden bracelet and different gems covering her fingers, wrists, and ear lobules.

Followed by a tall man with black hair wearing a midnight blue magical robe. He is wearing a silver necklace with a stacked ruby charmed gem.

"Queen Mira and the Great Magnus! What a pleasure for you both to accommodate my request." King Viktor greeting the two monarchs.

King Viktor honors the arrival of the two members and assisted Queen Mira to her seat. While the Queen of the Sirens, Queen Mira, sits gracefully beside the empty seat next to King Viktor. The King of the Alpha werewolves gave Queen Mira a quick on the hands. Acknowledging her beauty and grace.

"Thank you, King Viktor! Such a gentleman as usual." formally and gracefully acknowledged by Queen Mira.

"How could we not respond? Especially if it is an urgent matter that needs to be discussed."

Magnus, Head Master of warlocks, replies as he tries to sit on the opposite side of the long ancient table while facing King Viktor.

Then from a distance, sounds of bickering voices could be heard.

[-- Final Arrival of the most awaited members --]

King Gazelle, the Dwarven King, who is currently leading the empire of dwarves. He may not be the tallest among the members of the council but he is strong enough to defend himself. Especially he is wearing the famous magical diamond-studded Armor which the Dwarven Empire boasts among the entire supernatural realm.

Alongside with King Gazelle, is the King of the Barbaric Demi-Giants, King Arceus. Both are bickering about who arrived earlier. King Arceus is bickering with King Gazelle while wearing his brown leather pants and brown fur cape without any top clothing. His heavenly sturdy features is incomparable with the stocky features of King Gazelle hidden in his Diamond Armor.

Demi-Giants are the descendants from the ancient rare kind, the Giants. The pure breed race of giants has become extinct and no longer existing in the present time. Though, they have cross-bred with the people living in a village of barbarians which became the origin of the kingdom of King Arceus. Humans blessed with such strength and prowess which made the cross-breeding a mythical mystery to how it became possible. A secret that only King Arceus, the Grand Seer, and the Oracle know.

Lastly, just right behind the two kings, is King Cornaith Naerie. He is walking gracefully with his full white elegant cloak covering the royal enchanted tunics paired with breeches made of rare materials.

"King Cornaith! King Arceus! King Gazelle! It has been a long time since our last meeting." King Viktor greeting every member of the council and trying to be friendly.

All members of the council were seated and waiting for the other members who are expected to arrive.

"I wonder if Queen Titania will attend today's session. Ever since the news about the death of the prophesized Chosen One and her ill-fated wolf pack, Queen Titania never attended our meetings." King Gazelle curiously asked.

"I wonder too. It has been a long time since her last appearance." wondered by Queen Mira.

"So why did you request for us, King Viktor? What does the King of the Alpha Werewolves need for such a meeting?" asked by King Cornaith.

While the other members were about to converse more, a messenger rushed inside and went directly to King Viktor.

"Before I disclose why I asked for the presence of each member of this council. Horrifying news I just received right now." declared by King Viktor

"What is it, King Viktor? What you mean by horrifying news?" curiously asked by Queen Mira.

The other seated members are also curiously waiting for King Viktor's words.

"The powerful Grand White Witch, Grizelda, and the closest friend of the Oracle, Grand Seer Lucinda …

Are both found dead with their other students." revealed by King Viktor.

Shocking reactions from the members of the Altum Council resonated within the Convention Hall.

Stay Tuned for the next chapter !

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+++For behind the scenes and more personal look with the making of the story+++



Creation is hard since this is my first story, your vote will definitely motivate and cheer me up!

Your power stones will definitely motivate me to write more and improve more. Me shameless? Yes! I am sorry but it really does help seeing you guys perform charitable act!

Thank you all for spending your precious time in reading my story. I appreciate you all for reading chapter by chapter. So I hope all of you do not forget to rate and review my story. I will highly appreciate it.

Once again, Thank you and have a nice day!

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