
Beautiful Dream

*** Prince Alcyd's POV ***

Everything is so dark …

I feel like floating into the abyss … 

So light … 

For the longest time, this is the lightest feeling I have ever been.

Maybe because due to all of that hatred and anger pent up inside me. 

I did not know that blaming and hating others could be so tiring. 

Heavy and burdensome.

Though, right now I am feeling numb and irrelevant …

Where am I? 

Am I dead?

Then there is a light I could see at some distance.

I try to reach for it…

The light led me to somewhere… Somewhere familiar.

A beautiful garden!

It is similar to my mother's.

This musky scent …

Everlasting pure white roses …

Then it struck me, her silhouette… her silky hair … this peaceful and nostalgic scent …

"Impossible! It can't be … is it?" thoughts were too loud to contain.

"Mother?" words escaped from my mouth.

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