

Unknown's POV

As soon as I leave the pack house, I proceed to the cell while tightly holding the already-stolen keys .

I covered every area of my body that was exposed by pulling over my mask, gloves, and hood .

I am certain that they would be preparing for tonight's full moon .

Giving me a 100% chance that the cell will be unguarded or that the small rank guard will be the only one on duty at this time .

I walked a short distance into the cell, opened the door, and began to spray the sleeping scent I had been using ever since .

Using my nasal mask, I enter the cell a little further . to where I'm going .

Only lycans who still have a pack are intended for this sleeping perfume .

However, this sleeping scent has no effect on rogues or other creatures .

When I reached Athena's cell phone, I dialed " hey . "

" When the full moon feast begins, they will ask you to provide their judgment . "