
You already are

I was sitting on the front steps when Val arrived. When she opened the door she ran around the other side to open the door for Dustin. The poor guy was carrying a pile of folders up to his chin, doing his best not to drop them. I ran over and took half of the stack giving him a small smirk.

"Val what is all this?" I asked trying to balance my own stack as we headed inside.

"It is all of my event ideas in the past couple years. I've been waiting for this moment." she beamed pumping her fist. Dustin giggled at her excitement, when she was like this it was hard not to get caught up in her mood too.

"Well this year, you and I are in charge of the fall festival." her face lit up at the mention of the festival, "but the first event must be in respect for our late alpha." her face fell with that.

"I can't believe he's really gone. My dad is so tore up over it" she said solemnly taking a seat next to Dustin on one of the couches in the common room.

We sat there for a moment in silence not sure what to say to one another. The loss was felt whole heartedly, Alpha Henry was a great leader and died protecting his pack. One of the most honorable things any wolf could do. Fallon agreed, she knew we wouldn't hesitate to help our pack in their time of need. Mindlessly I picked up one of Val's folders and started flipping through it.

There were many decoration ideas here, but the moon goddess theme she had planned stuck out to me. It was played on more of a light cream color that combated the changing colors of the trees. I looked up at her and smiled, she had just made this so much easier. I picked up another folder labeled services, in side was pages of different DJs and bands she had heard.

"Did you really write these out after every event?" I asked barely containing my laughter.

"Hey one day I will take over the club and I want to expand. Can't do that with out a plan." she tapped her forehead with her index finger before going back to organizing the files on the table in front of her.

"Don't you have class today?" I asked her knowing she should be in class right now.

"They didn't tell you? Their suspending classes until the festival is over out of respect." she said confused. To my surprise when I pulled out my phone to check I had an email saying just that. I must have been to caught up with this morning to even realize.

"Oh okay, well that helps." I let out a sigh, "I want to start with a wake, we need a space. Then the carnival followed by the ball?" I said handing her the binder with the theme I liked.

"Oh this is a good one. I got just the guy to come set it up." she took the file and began to type away at her phone. By lunch time we had almost everything sorted out and planned to completion.

"Excuse me young luna?" the gentle voice of the staff manager broke our concentration. We all looked up to her, she was carrying a platter of sandwiches and some veggies for sides. "They have completed the cleaning, the furniture has been assessed." she finished.

I got up and took the platter while Dustin made space for it on the table. This was amazing everything was coming together so nicely. Fallon yipped in the back of my mind from being happy were helping our mate. Setting the plate down I couldn't contain my happiness either. When I turned back around the older she wolf looked surprised to see my expression.

"This is perfect. For the furniture is it fit for the guests?" her face fell at the mention of this request.

"Unfortunately no, it was made for housing families." she hung her head, staring straight at her shoes.

"That's fine, I'm sure we can figure something out." I gave her a reassuring smile as I patted her on the shoulder before she left us to our work.

"Young luna, oh my." Val said with a playful smile on her lips, "Does this mean I have to address you as such too?" she laughed a little at her own joke.

"Haha, you know you don't." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes as I sat back down at the table.

"Sissy!!" a small voice yelled, I could hear small steps taking off towards the common room. I stood up turning around and opening my arms knowing exactly who was about to crash into them.

"James!" he jumped into my arms at a fast speed but I was able to catch him, "where have you been hiding lately?" I picked him up and held him on my hip.

"Mom sends me to a school for little ones, I stay there most of the time." he smiled at me, "whattcha doing?" he asked pointing his small finger to all of the folders.

"Its a surprise, but no worries we didn't forget about the pups." I saw one of the staff members run around the corner and let out a huge breath when she saw him in my arms.

"Oh no she found me." he squirmed to get out of my arms. I set him down and he took off running past her but in the opposite direction. Her face gave away how annoyed she was as she turned on her heels and took off running after him.

"He's always such a ball of fun." I laughed sitting back down grabbing a sandwich, "lets eat?" taking a huge bite of it they both grabbed one for themselves.

We ate and finalized a few more details for the up coming events this actually took a little longer than we had expected. Soon it was time for them to leave, most of the pack members have started heading home before dark due to everything that has been going on. As we were walking out Val threw her long blonde hair back over her shoulder exposing the small crescent mark of being claimed by a mate. I gasped and stopped walking. She turned looking surprised at my sudden out burst.

"Ahem something you want to share with your best friend." I put my hands on my hips and made the best mock stern look I could make. Her hands flew up to the nape of her neck and a red blush took over her face.

"I was going to tell you but you know how I get when planning comes into it, and it happened a while ago during training. I'm surprised you only noticed now" she smiled giddily at me trying her best to not blush any further.

"Congrats baby girl!" I squeaked under my breath hoping Dustin wasn't paying attention although I knew the image sharing mates had only with one another unlike Finn probably gave me away. She just did a silent dance with a huge smile on her face.

"You and Finn seem better too hun. You'll know when the time is right." she winked and got into the car.

With the attacks happening and now the planning I hadn't even had a chance to have any thing else on my mind besides helping where I could. I'm sure it was the furthest thing from his mind as well. All I could do was help to lighten the load he had. I went back inside to look for him, I wanted to let him know we had the festival under control. It didn't take me long to locate him, he must have been in the alpha's office all day, it was the only place with his scent this strong.

I knocked lightly and waited to hear a muffled come in. I opened the door to the office, it had been so long since I had came in here. It still looked the same with a huge desk centered in front of a grand fire place. The deep mahogany wood of the furniture set around the room matched perfectly with the different paintings hanging around the room. At the desk sat Finn, his eyes were trained on the map placed in front of him.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know most of the festival is pretty much planned. I just need the funding and.. The rooms have been cleared but.. but the furniture is not up to par for alphas." I said peeking at the map in front of him.

"Perfect, there is a storage building near the edge of the town that has some furniture options that may work." he looked up to me, his eyes had dark circles under them causing his emerald green eyes to grown into a darker shade.

My face must have given away how I was feeling since he stood up moving slowly and wrapped me in a hug. He moved as if his body weighed a million times more than it actually did. It was heart breaking to watch him like this. I squeezed him a little before pulling back to look at him again. Not only were his eyes dark but his dark hair fell messily around his face and a five o'clock shadow took over his strong jaw line.

"Can I help with anything else?" I asked eager to help. He just shook his head and pulled me in closer.

"You already are." his voice was barely a whisper, the warmth of him cascaded over me. He really had become so much more attentive since he made his promise, even with the tragedy.

We stood there just holding one another letting the comfortability of being with your mate calm us. Slowly I pulled back again looking up to him, he looked back at me with an expression I haven't seen him make before. He bent down and kissed me passionately. I stood up on my toes moving my hands from his waist to around his neck deepening the kiss. I could feel Fallon moving her way to the surface trying to take control of the situation but I wouldn't allow her to get her way.

He pulled back looking at me more hungrily than before, his eyes were flashing between him and Rainer his wolf. Breathlessly he bent down and kissed me again nipping on my bottom lip causing me to open my mouth just slightly. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in enticing my own to play along. His hands fell from my waist sliding under to pick me up. When he did I gasped pulling back just slightly. I could smell this sweet aroma coming from him, it smelt like warm vanilla on a fall day.

I inhaled deeply taking it in before continuing the kiss. Fallon was fighting to come back to the surface after that. It took everything in me to hold her back, but the shock of him moving us at a top speed while still trailing pecks down our neck was more than enough to help. When we stopped I realized he had brought us to his room. He sat me down at the edge of the bed, I moved back slowly as he started to crawl on top of me. His wolf looked like his was moments away from taking over.

"You smell so amazing." He said as he hovered over me.

"So do you.." I grabbed both sides of his face with my hands looking him in his eyes, "this is important to me.. I need Finn back Rainer." I said it calmly but he looked as if I had hurt his feelings but he nodded in understanding before going back to where he resides in Finn.

"I'm so sorry." Finn said as he regained control, he started to move off of me but my hands flew up and stopped him.

"Don't be." this time I pulled him into a deep kiss. Only moving back to place my lips over the nape of his neck. I pecked the spot where the mark would be causing him to shiver.

"A.. Are you sure?" he said in a quiet voice looking into my eyes. I smiled and nodded, his smile grew as he closed the small space between us.

His lips crashed into mine more passionately than ever before. It was only magnified by his finger tips going up my side taking my shirt along with it. A small moan escaped my lips making him kiss me more vigorously. I reached up to take off his shirt only to fumble with the buttons. He laughed slightly at my clumsiness making me freeze.

"Its okay.. Let me help." he reached up and pulled the shirt open, the buttons popping off one by one leaving his bare chest exposed. I reached out tracing his tattoo over his shoulder, the intricate markings made up an out line of a wolf howling to the moon. Sitting up he finished taking off his shirt, he was looking at me like I was the most beautiful person in the world.

We moved together, one moving away and the other closing the distance to needy to let the other go. Every time his lips touched my skin it pushed me further into temptation. He stopped pulling away the scorching heat he always carried with him, slowly he unbuttoned my pants keeping his eyes on me. It was like he was waiting for me to stop us. Instead I reached out and unbuttoned his jeans, skimming his waist band with the tip of my fingers. Moving on to his side he finished slipping them off, the look on his face was intense causing me to squirm under his gaze.

"Are you sure mate?" his eyes were all his, he was no long fighting control from his wolf but just his own desires. I nodded to shy to say anything to him while exposed like this.

With that he gentle climbed on top of me again kissing my shoulder working his way to my lips as he settling himself above the throbing sensation in between my thighs. With a heady sigh he nudged closer to the outside of me, slowly he thrust forward making me to let out a hitched breath. He stopped immediately staying still for a second before continuing. We moved together now completely lost in each other. I could feel myself tipping over the edge when my fangs elongated I caressed the nape of his neck with kisses allowing the tip of my fang to touch the mating mark hovering over it ever so slightly.

He let out a moan right next to my ear as he did the same as I did, stopping above my mark. Just as I peak I feel the pinch of his incisor pierce the skin pushing me over the edge. Instinctively I bit down too as the pleasure skyrocketed bonding us together forming one.

I'll tell you what writing this was not easy. I can do action and suspense but romance is tough even being in your mid twenties lol please let me know what you think. Over descriptive? Wrong timing? Thank you for reading though!:)

Nyxxuscreators' thoughts