
The Alpha of Alphas' Luna

"You know I am not spewing nonsense Karen. Yes, your wolf might not be there to witness within you that I am yours but you can't deny the fact that you are drawn towards me, somehow, somewhere within, you know!" Karen was breathing hard, she could not believe what she just heard. What Ralph said was the truth and that was why she had been trying to push him far from her. My mate??? "But there is no way to prove it" Karen said with her chest heaving up and down. "There is" Ralph said and his eyes were fixed on hers intently. "How?" Karen asked and her voice came out as a whisper. She was paralyzed by the scorching blazes of Ralph's eyes and the sincerity she could feel from his words. Ralph leaned into her without his body touching hers and took her lips in his. She wanted to push him off but the strength of his hands held her in place and he deepened the kiss. She surrendered and her lips soon followed the pace that his, had set. It was gentle, promising and sent fiery messages all over her skin. Ralph soon let go of her hands and placed his body by hers on the bed as the kiss continued and grew into something ferocious. Their tongues began to play tag and their lips sought dominance over the other. Her hands held unto his shirt and his hand lifted the hospital shirt she had on and began to caress the side of her belly. Karen pulled away from the kiss as she sought air. "Now, do you know how?" Ralph asked

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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56 Chs



Ralph took Karen directly to his room when they got home and he helped in undressing her and putting her into fresh clothes. She slept like a baby all through and even said a couple of nonsensical words one time and Ralph thought she was going to wake up but she didn't.

In the morning, she woke up to Ralph fully dressed in a black coat, a white shirt and a black pair of trousers, giving off full blown Alpha vibes.

"Why isn't the meeting holding here anymore?" asked Karen as she helped Ralph to knot his tie.

"It is one of Beta Stephan's special traps on catching who planned that attack" said Ralph.

"You still have not forgotten about that?"

"Definitely not! That is simply unforgivable and if I was to forgive it, the person should even be more scared. Beta Stephan suspects a particular Alpha since it was him and three other Alphas that knew of my visiting the hospital"

"Alright then but promise me you would take care of yourself"

"I promise to take care of myself" said Ralph and Karen pecked his cheek before handing him his dark sunglasses.

"How do I look?" asked Ralph as he checked out himself in the mirror.

"Mystifyingly hot my Lord" commented Karen and Ralph chuckled.

"You always seem to have an unending supply of helpful adjectives" said Ralph before pulling her to himself for a long kiss.

"See you later little one"

"See you later Ralph" replied Karen and with that Ralph was out of his room, heading towards the garage. Few seconds later, she heard the roaring of one of his beasty cars and she went out the window to check on him as he drove out.

Ralph arrived at the hotel scheduled for the meeting and saw a range of unending cars - the Alphas were gathered already. As the door to his car opened and he got down, Beta Stephan and Alejandro were spotted at either side of him as the three intimidating men walked into the hotel that had been shut down for the purpose of this meeting.

As they entered the elevator, Alejandro pressed the floor they were to stop by and the elevator took off. When it reached its destined junction, it stopped and the three men entered into the last floor. Alejandro then walked before Ralph and opened the door to the conference room for Ralph. As Ralph entered the room, his stoic and unreadable expressions were brought to life. Immediately he entered into the room, all the Alphas of the four regions rose from their seats to welcome him.

"Good day Supreme Alpha Ralph! Good day Supreme Alpha! Good day Supreme Alpha" greeted the Alphas in the room as they each took a bow.

Ralph walked directly to his seat at the head of the conference table and when he took his seat, the Alphas began to sit also. Alejandro stood behind Alpha Ralph and served as a bodyguard while Beta Stephan sat on his reserved seat beside the Supreme Alpha.

Immediately the sound of scraping of chairs stopped, Ralph relaxed his back to his chair and swirled a pen on his fingers before he began to address the expectant Alphas - he loved the extreme silence that hung high in the room, this was a realm he dominated and he was a master at it. He said nothing for some seconds and the Alphas patiently waited as they knew that was his usual style and routine. Some even tried to hold their breaths for some seconds as they knew how he felt about loud breathing.

He had once de-Alpha-ed an Alpha because he was breathing a whole lot as an important meeting was going on q

"This meeting is for the settlement of two dragging issues" began Ralph and the ears and eyes of all were on him but his eyes were on the pen he was swirling.

"Firstly, if the Alphas of the East do not decide to sign that they would assist the Packs of the North, then I would sign that the land of resources that brings yearly benefit to both packs of the East and Packs of the West, should only be for the West. If you look more into that, you would see that the land is more west than it is east" said Ralph and then he paused as he waited for a form of disagreement. When there was none, he decided to move on to the next issue to be addressed, but Alpha Simon of the High Lands Pack from the East suddenly spoke, almost cutting Ralph off.

Standing up, Alpha Simon said, "We can't do that Supreme Alpha. Northern werewolves and lycans have been known overtime to be crude, cunning and rebellious. What would become of us if we allow them on our lands for two full moons and by the time of their departure, we find out that there is nothing on our lands. This can't happen Supreme Alpha Ralph, I do not agree".

Watching the body language of Alpha Simon, Beta Stephan remembered that he was the second of the Alphas of the East that had known when Ralph was going to the hospital to see Luna Karen.

Ralph said nothing after listening to the outburst of the Alpha that had caused a little stir in the once quiet room that was now filled with murmurings, grumblings and mumblings.

"It was you Simeon, you had sent those assassins to come after the Supreme Alpha that day and you had also incited the crowd to block the hospital so that at all cost, you did be able to evidently and without doubt know why Alpha Ralph was coming to the hospital" began Beta Stephan.

"What words of stupidity are you spilling from your mouth, you lowly Beta. How dare you accuse an Alpha of such acts?" barked Alpha Simeon as he stood up and banged the table.

Alphas are known to be easily angered creatures that is the reason why they need their mates around most of the time to be able to calm them down. Their strengths are unmatchable and unrivalled but when allowed without control, it can be severely destructive.

The slamming of Alpha Simon's fist on the table caused the pen that Ralph was swirling on his fingers to fall off and as the pen collided with the floor, the to became quiet as the breaths of all the Alphas hitch - s storm was brewing.

Coldly, slowly and intimidatingly, Ralph intertwined his fingers before him as he sat forward on his chair and asked a question that was directed to Alpha Simeon, "did you instigate the attack or not?"

"I would never do anything like that Alpha Ralph, I swear on the labours of the ancestors of the High Lands"

There was silence for about five seconds before Ralph said to Alejandro, "bring him in!"

'Him? Who is him?' thought Alpha Simon.

Alejandro walked in with a man who had a mask on his face and whose hands and legs were chained. His face was not revealed yet by the grunting sounds he made as Alejandro pulled him into the room, it could be said that the man was in severe pain. On his shirt and trouser were spurts of blood - definitely his blood.

"Because of how busy I have been, I have not had time to participate in this meeting that should have been scheduled about three months ago. I was at the hospital for a very private matter as I had to meet with an old friend who needed to be shielded from the eyes of the public at all costs. I went there a couple of times and the very day scheduled for my leaving, I was met with ferocious and notorious humans, most of them members of the businesses I am involved with, with the humans. As we barely escaped, we were chased by a certain vehicle that wouldn't give up on us and I was forced to reveal a part of my identity that should be shielded from humans. It took a lot to find all that were at the scene so that we would wipe that part of their memory and all this trouble went on because of…"

"It wasn't me Alpha, I can guarantee you that. I don't know who this human is" yelled Alpha Simeon as he drew his hair on his head.

"You cut me off…again!" said Ralph and before Alpha Simon could apologise Ralph was swiftly at his front. The other Alphas around shifted as they knew Supreme Alpha's wrath could lead to an episode and they valued their lives.

Using one hand to press the lycan's neck as he lifted him up, he ordered Alejandro to reveal the face of the man.

The man squinted his eyes as he tried to get accustomed to the lighting of the room he was in. Alejandro held him by the back of his neck as he stirred his head towards the direction of Alpha Ralph and Alpha Simon who was…choking!

"Did he give the command?" asked Alpha Ralph and the human looked at the man being strangled and as he made out his form and saw the semblance between him and the man who had ordered them, he nodded. As he nodded, Ralph let go of Alpha Simon who landed on the floor with a thud.

Looking at the man who was struggling to catch his breath and speak at the same time, Alpha Ralph said, "and yet you call my Beta, your Supreme Beta, a lowly Beta"

Walking away from him and back to his seat, Alpha Ralph said, "Here is my judgement, you must die by no man but me, you must live by no man but me. You remain the Alpha of the High Lands, Simeon Conrad."

Alpha Simon looked up in fear, why wasn't Alpha Ralph killing him. He expected his heart to be out of his body by now.

"I would be watching over you and would decided the day you die" said Supreme Alpha Ralph and a lop sided, scary smile plastered on his lips.