
Chapter 24: Time Alone

At the crack dawn, Stella and Dana make their way from Stella’s house, across the joined driveway to Bennett’s.

Inside, the place was destroyed. Bennett’s coffee table was overturned, cracked in half. Two legs broken off.

Dana picked up one leg. “Could have been worse.” She said.

“I can’t see how.” Stella said.

Dana nudged Bennett with her toe. He groaned and rolled over.

“Where’s Stella?” He asked Dana.

She pointed behind the alpha.

“Looks like you won.” Dana said to Bennett.

“Are you serious?” Stella couldn’t believe a trashed house equated a win.

“Yes.” The two shifters said in unison.

“I had some help.” He told Dana.

“With Makenzie?” She asked.

Bennett nodded. Pulling himself up off the floor. He walked to the kitchen.

The two women followed. “So does this mean I’m safe now? No need to join the pack?” Stella asked. It was weighing on her mind. She needed to sort it out with Bennett.

The two shifters exchanged meaningful stares. It made Stella uneasy.