
The Alpha Luna

Extract from the story. "Mom I can't be the Luna of that wicked Alpha"Melissa complained. "You have to.it is part of our tradition Melissa,and you need to serve him anything he wants.you would belong to him forever and you can't run away if you have a plan for doing so."Her mom. "Curse the tradition Mom,curse it.which sort of tradition is this,when someone is forced to be the Luna of a wicked Alpha."Melissa yelled. "No matter how much complaint you make Melissa you would still be the Luna of the Alpha and that's it"Her mom concluded and left her confused. "How can I be the Luna of a wicked Alpha?,when some of my mate are out there having better life but I'm stuck with parents who now wants to make me a Luna of a wicked Alpha.it is a cruel tradition."She thought to herself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synopsis What happens when a young human werewolf is forced to be the Luna of an Alpha?. Things might get complicated right?. Well,get ready for this journey. And follow it till the end.

Michael_Chukwudalu_2647 · Urban
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8 Chs

More Afraid

The next day Ria woke up stretching get arms,she looked at her side add was surprised not to see The man age met yesterday.

She stood up properly then used her eyes to search for him but she still didn't see him.

"Looking for me?"She heard him asked from behind.

"Yes,I thought you had left me alone.. because I was just a stranger"Ria replied.

"I can't do that even though you are a stranger"He said truthfully.

"Really?"Ria asked.

"Yes,I don't know you doesn't means I would leave you alone when I'm not supposed to do so"He replied.

"Ohh,once again thanks for helping me"She said.

"So what do you do early in the morning,like your chores or routine?"Ria asked.

"I go hunting for game every morning and once I find any,I kill it,boil it and then eat it for my breakfast"He replied as he began to boil the game he caught today.

"What meat is this?"Ria asked.

"It is a calf meat,I caught the little child of a cow when it's mother was at sleep"He replied.

"You took a calf when it's mother is at sleep?,and you expect it's mother not to come looking for him"Ria exclaimed.

"I'm use to this miss,it won't come looking for her child because she is so dumb to do so.. she is the first mom I've seen who does not care for her children. After all this is not the first time her taking her calf"The man said and Ria laughed.

"She should be given an award for the world's worst mother ever"Ria teased and the man only chuckled.

"So when would you show me the book,I came looking for?"Ria asked.

"I'm not showing until, I'm ready to do so.. you are just a stranger,like I haven't met you for so long..so I can't just give you the book and who knows you might be a vampire in pretence of a werewolf"He answered.

"Yeah, I know it's not easy to trust people you've never before in your life..but you need to trust me on this one.I'm a werewolf and I'm ain't pretending like a vampire,if you doubt then I could change into a werewolf for you to see"Ria said.

"I hate the way they,I don't want to see you turn into a werewolf"He replied.

"So are you gonna show me the book?"She asked.

He sighed for a moment before answering"Yeah, I'm gonna show you..but you would help me with something I'm trying to do"He said.

"I promise,I had already promised you before and now I'm still doing it,to see how sincere I am"Ria replied.

"Alright, follow him"The man instructed then began to walk while Ria trailed him behind.

They walk up to five kilometers before getting there.

The place it was buried was behind where he stays and lives.

He began to remove the sands with a shovel which he always use anytime he comes to check the book.

He had checked the book this morning and since he was about to show Ria,so he has to dig and remove the sands out.

After removing the sands,he was surprised not to see the book where it was buried.

"It.. was..here..how come it isn't here?"He asked himself.

"You didn't see it?"Ria asked.

"Yes,I checked it this morning but now it isn't here anymore"He said and just then they began to here voices which echoed around the place.

"Do you here that?"Ria asked.

"Yes,I do.. and the only option for us is to run"He said and they began to run faster than they could.

As they continue to run,the voice continue to echo.. Ria had only one option which was to turn into a werewolf to overcome it.

She began to turn into a werewolf until she finally did.

The man was surprised to see her in a werewolf form,he wanted to run away but he was pulled back by Ria.

"Come out here,so that I can know who you are"Ria said to the voice which made the man more afraid.