
The Alpha Luna

Extract from the story. "Mom I can't be the Luna of that wicked Alpha"Melissa complained. "You have to.it is part of our tradition Melissa,and you need to serve him anything he wants.you would belong to him forever and you can't run away if you have a plan for doing so."Her mom. "Curse the tradition Mom,curse it.which sort of tradition is this,when someone is forced to be the Luna of a wicked Alpha."Melissa yelled. "No matter how much complaint you make Melissa you would still be the Luna of the Alpha and that's it"Her mom concluded and left her confused. "How can I be the Luna of a wicked Alpha?,when some of my mate are out there having better life but I'm stuck with parents who now wants to make me a Luna of a wicked Alpha.it is a cruel tradition."She thought to herself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synopsis What happens when a young human werewolf is forced to be the Luna of an Alpha?. Things might get complicated right?. Well,get ready for this journey. And follow it till the end.

Michael_Chukwudalu_2647 · Urban
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8 Chs

Hunting Thrice a week

Melissa woke up the next day by the blaring sound of the old alarm.As she woke up she wonders why she hasn't burnt the alarm clock because it was an alarm which made a hell of noise.

Despite the fact it was helpful to her,she still think of burning it.

Melissa stretched her arms and hoped for a very good day at school.

"Bad luck everyday at school, it's so frustrating to go to a school where you have bad luck every single day of your life"Melissa muttered beneath.

"I just hope today is gonna be a good day"She thought.

Melissa stood up and did everything necessary that she needed to do and then she Walked out of her room before heading to the sitting room where she found her dad sitting on the couch,with a popcorn in his hands and he was watching film on the television.

"Good morning dad"She greeted politely and then she went straight into the kitchen to find what she would eat for her breakfast.

She took cereals as her breakfast, because she loved it so much than any other food.

"I'm off to school Dad and would be coming back late because of our project"Melissa announced to her dad who was engrossed with what he was watching,he didn't reply to her but just waved.

Melissa sighed and then went out of the house.

She walked into her car and then started it before driving out from the house.

The drive was silent so she decided to turn on the music player she had in her car.

It was a cool music she was playing because it definitely suit what she is passing through.

After some minutes she got to the school and she came out from her car immediately she parked it in the school's parking lot.

She walked through the school's hallway and she wondered why everyone's eyes were on their phone.

"Have you heard about it?"She heard someone asked behind her.

"Yeah,the school prom is coming up next week.. I'm so excited"She heard another person say.

Melissa was surprised,she wondered why she didn't know the school prom was coming up next week,or was it just announced today?,She asked herself.

She got to where her locker was and then opened it,she took some of the books she needed and was about to l close it when a white paper fell off.

She bent down to pick the white paper because she was anxious to know what is going to be written on the paper.

She was surprised to see only*HI*written boldly on the paper.

Since it wasn't something important,she squeezed the paper and threw it away.

She was about going and that was when. She heard someone spoke.

"Why did you threw the paper?"The person said.

She turned back and saw it was a guy who was at the locker which was next to hers.

"Are.. you..the one..sent that to me?"She asked a little bit afraid.

"No need to be afraid, I'm not a monster.. I'm only someone that wants to be your friend"He said.

"Friend?, I'm sorry but I'm no one friends"She said and begin to walk away.

"I'm not saying you are someone's friend, I'm saying I want to be your friend and if you think I'm like the other guys who plays with a girl's heart, you are wrong"The guy said standing in front of Melissa.

"Please, I'm having a class and I need to hurry for it" Melissa said.

"Not until I'm done talking to you"The guy spoke.

Melissa sighed and decided to flow with the guy, because he might be the first bestie she would ever have in highschool.

"Alright,go on"Melissa muttered.

"Okay, I'm not a newbie in this school and I find it hard to get friends in highschool,so that's why I'm asking of we could be friends?"He asked.

"Really?,well that's the same thing that is happening to me,I find it hard to get friends and thank goodness I just found someone."Melissa replied smiling.

"Woah, what a coincidence.can we talk better on recess.?"He asked.

"Yeah sure, and by the way what's your name?"Melissa asked.

"I'm Kyle and it's a pleasure meeting you"He said politely.

"I'm Melissa, and it's nice meeting you"Melissa replied and then brought out her hands for an handshake.

He received the handshake warmly and they both smiled and departed.

Melissa was very happy she finally has someone as a friend, after five years of no friend in highschool..she was still excited despite the fact it was even a boy.

She walked into the calculus class and sat down.

Yeah,she was offering for the subject calculus..she didn't like it because it isn't subject, but she just had to do it because of her dad.


Minutes turns into hours and it was already recess.Melissa was very happy because she was gonna meet her new friend at the cafeteria.

She was the first to walk out of the class and that was because of how excited she was.

Walking through the hallway was the next thing she did, so that she could drop some books at her locker.

She got to her locker and then opened it before dropping her books..she walked away from the hallway and then headed to the cafeteria where Kyle would be waiting for her.

After some minutes,she got to the large cafeteria and sighted Kyle on a booth and she could see him tapping his foot and have knew he was already waiting for her.

She walked to where he was and tapped him from behind.

He looked up and smiled as he saw she was the one.

"Hey,I thought you wouldn't show up"He said.

"Why won't I?, you are the first friend I would ever meet in highschool..so I have to show up so that I wouldn't spoil our friendship."Melissa replied.

"Woah.. it's nice though.So what would you like to eat?"He asked.

" I would like to eat some mashed potatoes and don't bother paying because I would do that"She said

"Nope.i can't allow you to do that, it's weird for a girl to pay for her food while a guy is having a discussion with her"He said.

"But you we aren't having a discussion?"Melissa asked.

"Really?,we aren't having a discussion, then what are we doing?"He asked with a funny tone.

He stood and went to the counter without waiting for Melissa to say anything.

Melissa only chuckled and smiled.

She began to wait for him and during her wait she had an encounter with a girl who wore a mini skirt and a crop top.

"Don't mess with the guy you are sitting with,he is mine and don't try doing anything stupid"She muttered before she left.

Melissa was dumbfounded and didn't understand what she said because Kyle told her that she was the first person he was going to be friends with..

She couldn't just figure out why she said does words.

She decided to ask him if he was having a relationship with the girl she just met..but another part of her was not agreeing with the idea of asking him.

Kyle came back and dropped the food on the table gently.

He noticed Melissa face wasn't the way it was before he left so he decided to ask if something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"He asked.

"Nothing, let's begin to eat"She said with pretence..

"Alright then"He said and they both began to eat.


Ria went back to where she and the man had stayed for the night..she was with the book and it was on her hands.

"Are you really sure you would return the book in the next Twenty days?"The man asked.

"Yeah,I would do that,even though my plans were to take it forever"Ria replied.

"Alright, I'm going to hunt for meat and I would be back in the next thirty minutes"The man announced.

"But I thought you had already gone hunting for it this morning?"Ria asked.

"I go hunting thrice a day"He replied.

"Wow, it's nice to hear so."Ria complimented.