
Book 4 : Chapter 84

"Do you hear that?" I whispered, snapping my eyes to Milly.

It'd been silent hours. The children thankfully had all gone to sleep and Milly and I were in too much anxiety to speak.

But now the muffled clanging of metal had crept up on us.

"It sounds like somebody trying to get into the vault," Milly replied, her voice hushed and hoarse.

The entrance to the vault was a small steel hatch shielded by rocks and vegetation.

"There's no way anybody would just stumble across us," she said surely, "maybe it's the Alpha or my brother. Maybe everything is over."

I shook my head.

There were about ten different locks, pass code and scans but Leo and Max both had access to them all. They wouldn't be trying to break through the thick, sturdy metal.

"Just an animal, maybe?" She suggested.

I forced a smile and held Stefano tighter in my arms, "... maybe."