
CHAPTER 65 Drink From Me!

  Hahaha! Hahaha! Indeterminable voices laughed ominously. “We don’t! We do what is beneficial for us! Now invite us in!”

  Amelia chewed on her lower lip as she looked up at the most handsome devil on the planet. He looked much ashen than usual, making her wonder how much energy he had exhausted for her sake.

  Anger rose within Amelia at the thought of how he’d rather starve than let her in on his secret and feed from her. Stupid man!

  On the other hand, the thought of inviting the things that called themselves the Phantoms, whatever that meant, back inside her rose the feeling of apprehension that threatened to swallow her raw. Yet, she had no choice but to agree if she wanted to have Reagan back. Also, to save him from whatever monster those evil things planned to turn into against his will.

  Is there even a way to kill them? Amelia wondered.