
CHAPTER 60 Emotions


  While Amelia’s body was motionless on the floor, her consciousness travelled elsewhere.

  Amelia’s eyes fluttered open to a familiar environment. Seeing the huge crystals hanging upended and the indescribable brightness plus iciness enveloping the place, she didn’t need any scientist to tell her where she was.

  Normally, she would have freaked out, considering how her first and last experience with this place was not so pleasant. However, right now, she was too heart-wrenched to move from whatever she was lying on.

  Amelia couldn’t believe how terribly she had hurt Reagan. Even more mystifying was how every pain she inflicted on him gave her pleasure to the point that arousal coated her whole being. She wanted him to ravage her while she inflicted him with more pain. Every time her crystals penetrated his flesh and drew blood from him, her pussy throbbed, and her excitement intensified as more darkness sipped out of her.