
CHAPTER 50 Fleeing From The Beast

  Reagan had never felt his bloodthirsty side crave to drink from anyone as he did her. And if not for his love that outstayed his hunger for her blood, he was sure she would have been drained of life already. And he is gradually losing himself to his demon.

  Reagan sighed inwardly.

  “Love?” He called.

  But at that exact moment, the fleeting images Amelia had seen the jiffy his fangs pierced her skin last night flood her memories. Amelia’s eyes narrowed as she could not understand what they were or meant.

  Returning her focus to the man beneath her, “How is it that you look just like Reagan in those images I have seen? I am certain it is you due to the undoubting difference in your eye colors.” She asked curiously, hoping to get some answers because whatever she had tried so far wasn’t adding up.

  Reagan chuckled. “You are talking to me, love, not that bad-tempered guy…”, he commented.