
CHAPTER 21 Meeting Him (1)

  Reagan appeared in front of his bedroom barely two seconds later. He took a deep breath to calm his thumping heart. How could this be that he was getting so worked up to meet her? A woman. One out of the countless he had bedded. He stifled a derisive chuckle before grabbing the doorknob to push the door open.

  Reagan abruptly halted to take in the situation before his eyes. His little mate was standing next to the window with her enchanting, piercing blue eyes directed at him and mouth agape. Her face looked like it had been drained of all colors in terror—most probably to see him. Was that a good sign or a bad one? Reagan wasn’t sure. But she was a sight to behold.

  After staring at her face for a moment, Reagan’s gaze averted to the tied bed sheets in the form of a rope she clutched tightly in her hands. His eyebrows instantly furrowed in disappointment. He didn’t need anyone to tell him that his little woman had planned on escaping through the window.
