
The Alpha king Obsession

[WARNING: CONTAINS MATURE CONTENTS!!!] (PS: Read fifteen chapters at least before tossing it aside.) . Penelope Neville is a werewolf turned into an orphan by her first love and ex-husband, Damian Cedar who killed every member of her family and took her father's pack. She finds out he was plotting to kill her too, and tries to escape but is caught by her furious ex-husband who promised to make her beg for her death. She is imprisoned and sentenced to death for treason. On her execution, after all the tortures she was subjected to, her fated mate finds her after a long search and he turns out to be the Alpha king who was obsessed with her and wanted revenge for every hurt she had been subjected to. . # Except 1 "Proceed." This was finally it. My death. I felt all the air squeeze out of my lungs until I heard it - the deep, hoarse voice that sent chills down my spine. "Stop the execution," the king said with a warning edge that even a fool couldn't miss. Damian's face twisted with surprise that barely concealed his fury at the King's words. "Your Highness," he repeated, masking his irritation with a shallow bow, "This is the execution we spoke about a while ago that involved the treason." From his facial expression, I could tell he felt the need to state that. The king's gaze turned steely, cutting through Damian's attempt at justification. "Why aren't your guards backing down?" he asked, his voice dripping with authority that left murmurs in the crowd. "Or have you forgotten who commands this realm, Alpha Damian?" "Penelope Neville will be taken into my custody..." He declared. "Any attempt to go against my order or interfere will be met with swift and severe punishment worse than death." [ IN CUPIDS QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding to your library, voting with power stones, gifting with golden tickets, and normal gifting.]

Grace_Kylie_6044 · Fantasy
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89 Chs


The afternoon sun streaming through the window of the carriage, slightly burning my skin, was a gentle reminder of the day's passage. By the time Alexander and I had concluded our business with Lady Cathwulf, it was already late noon.

I sat opposite Alexander in the carriage, my eyes fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The whispers of the wind that blew at my face, and the soft clatter of the carriage's wheels, created a rare, peaceful moment for me. It was painful to admit it, but this was the most freedom I could get.

Escaping Alexander was an impossible feat with his keen sixth sense. This wasn't even an option at this moment, and considering the idea seemed foolish. The memory of how he anticipated my every move still caused goosebumps to prickle at my skin. It was as if he could read my mind, intercepting my plans before I could even put them into action.

I turned to Alexander, who had fallen asleep inside the carriage a couple of minutes after we left Cathwulf's place. His captivating features which are usually so stern and commanding, now looked relaxed and untroubled in his sleep. I studied his face, tracing the lines of his strong jaw and the softness of his dark lashes against his cheeks.

"Enjoying the view?"

I was startled when Alexander's eyes suddenly fluttered open, revealing a glint of amusement.

A flush crept up my neck, and I quickly turned to the window. "I was just... making sure you were still alive," I retorted, biting my inner cheek from embarrassment at the unbelievable lie I came up with.

He chuckled softly, the sound both infuriating and oddly comforting. "A dead person's heart don't beat, Penelope. You could hear mine clearly," he stated. "I won't charge you for staring though. I'm all yours so you can stare all you want."

"I wasn't staring," I protested weakly, knowing he saw right through my feeble attempt at denial.

A wolfish grin grew in his lips as he leaned forward slightly, "Sure, Penelope. Whatever you say," he teased.

I turned back to the window, my cheeks still warm from embarrassment. This didn't help with hiding my embarrassment, but I couldn't let him see how flustered he made me.

Alexander continued to stare at me, his expression softening slightly. "You should let your guard down more often with me, Penelope. I like it when you do."

I glanced at him just as the carriage suddenly came to a halt, jolting us both. Alexander's hand reached out instinctively to steady me.

Before I could react, a gunshot echoed, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. Alexander forced my head down with a swift movement, shielding my body with his. The sound was so loud that I covered my ears with both my hands.

"Stay down," Alexander growled with urgency and fury in his voice. When everywhere suddenly went calm, he burst the carriage door open. "Don't stand up," he warned before dashing out in a flash.

With my heart pounding, I ignored Alexander's warning, and peered out the window, my breath catching as I saw the Coachman's body, lifeless on the floor with a pool of blood around him.