
The Alpha King's Unwanted Wife (BL)

Ikuto hasn't always had a great life. He was abused all his life for being an unwanted child by his father. He endured it for so long trying to keep his little sister safe as well but after her loss, something snapped in him. Getting rid of his father was easy and he took his place as king. After marrying a lovely beta named Kadae, everything was so much better. He even has two twin boys named Hikaru and Amari. However, things take a wrong turn with his father's friend, Sato Okazaki who also had a hand in his abuse, comes back into his life and claims he and his father had an agreement: Ikuto is to marry his daughter, Nala, an eighteen omega, whether it be as his queen or not. Having no way to get out of the agreement, he is forced to take her as his second wife. He openly hates and verbally abuses her and has the plan to never sleep with her but pheromones and alcohol are a bad mix as he ends up in bed with her each time. Nala merely wants to keep peace but finds herself in trouble with her husband all the time. When he isn't yelling at her, he's making her feel lower than dirt. But she has a secret: she is actually a he and a male omega and Ikuto is his first love and childhood friend. However, Ikuto doesn't remember him. When he becomes pregnant, it only gets force. He planned on enduring this forever but fears for his child's life. Will Ikuto accept this child? If he told Ikuto the truth, would he even believe him or see him as the spoiled Okazaki 'princess' he seems determined to see him as? (Note: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words. It also has mentions of abuse and SA so read at your own risk! Might not be suitable for all audiences)

xxHoneyFernxx · LGBT+
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6 Chs

The First (and Last?) Dance

As we walk over to the reception hall hand in hand, I look over to Nala. She keeps her eyes low and I notice how thick and full her long black lashes are. I also notice how skinny she is. Is she wearing a corset? I can't tell but she seems too skinny.

I look forward again and scowl. Why am I paying so much attention to her? She's only my wife in name only. I'll have to make myself clear soon so she doesn't expect anything. Who knows if she's going to play her father's spy? I'm sure he told her to act like this on purpose.

Once we get inside, I lead her to a table and help her sit down. "Sit here and don't go and bother anyone," I mutter. She looks at me with those big blue eyes and I feel a pang of guilt. Those eyes remind me of... I shake off the thought and turn away. Why think about it? He's dead after all.

I walk off to the front. "Thank you all for coming!" I announce my voice holding a tone of authority that silences everyone. "Please enjoy yourselves. Eat, drink, and laugh! This will come to an end when Nala and I head out." I say. As I step down, I hear everyone snicker and gossip about our wedding night. My skin crawls at the idea of sleeping with everyone but my wife. I go over to where I left Nala and sit down.

She's still looking down seeming to be shy and submissive. Ha... what a fake. I don't say this but I do start to mutter. "Listen here." Nala blinks and gives her full attention. I wish she'd stop looking at me with those big eyes. "This is a marriage in name only. Don't expect anything from me. I do not love you. I never will either. Don't get any ideas. I don't care what your father has planned but I'm not falling for it. Stay out of sight. Don't appear in front of me unless I call for you." I look her in the eye this time. "Do I make myself clear?"

Nala stares back at me before breaking eye contact. "... I understand." She says softly. I feel a bit taken aback. Isn't this... too easy? I stare at her but she says nothing more. She seems to willingly accept my words. Am I that easy to read? Does she accept her fate? I grit my teeth and sigh. No, this is all an act. I can't believe anything she does or says. She's learned from the best.

"Come on." I stand again and yank her up before frowning. Why is her arm so skinny? I ignore it and lead her over to the dance floor. "You know how to dance right?" Nala nods. "Y-yes I do." I know curtly and pull her close. "Good. We have to take our first dance... but remember this. This will also be our last." She places a hand on my shoulder and takes my hand while I put a hand on his waist.

As we dance I can't take my eyes off of her. She keeps her eyes down but I can't help but notice something else. She's not wearing a corset. I can easily feel her hip bone too. Why is she so thin? She should be eating well of the Okazaki princess so what's the problem? I know women fast and go on diets before a wedding but isn't this too much?

As we dance I start to smell a sweet scent. What is that? It makes me feel so hungry... and hot. I feel Nala tense and look down at her. Her face is flush and she won't meet my eyes. Is that scent... coming from her? As I look around, I notice people are looking uncomfortable. "U-um... m-my king?" I look back down at her. "Please... your pheromones are strong..." my eyes widen.

Did I let them out without realizing it? I clear my throat and pull away. "Go back and sit down... also control yours too." I turn away and walk off. Her pheromones aren't even that strong... she must be a recessive. Why do they affect me so much? I've never felt anything but disgust from other omegas.

No... this has to be a game. Sato is an alpha himself so he'd know how to make his daughter look and smell the way I like. I grab a glass of champagne from a waiter and gulp it down. I grimace and look back at him. "Bring me some whiskey." I need to get my mind off of her. I looked over and see that she followed my orders and went back to sit at the table. Good... at least she can follow simple instructions.

I continue to drink even after I announce to everyone the reception is over. I watch as some maids take Nala away but not before her father comes over and speaks with her. I grip my glass hard. I was right. She must have something up her sleeve... when Sato walks away, he catches me staring and smirks. Bastard... I grit my teeth and get some more whiskey. I can't go to Kadae like this so I go to an empty guest room to drink.

I planned to sleep here after some more drinks... so how did I end up somewhere else the next morning?