
The Alpha King's omega mate

Katherine's life has known no peace and happiness. Her father's brother killed her parents and overtook her pack as the Alpha. As if that was not enough, his Luna and two daughters made life unbearable for her. She was meant to be the Alpha's daughter and the rightful heir to the throne but everything was shattered and now, her life has been reduced to an omega. The Alpha king has come to take his mate in their pack. But he also wants something else. What could it be? And how will Katherine fight to get back to the top and take back everything that originally belongs to her?

AuthorBecquin · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Settling in


I followed right behind the muscular and daunting man who introduced himself to me as Beta Martin. Shivering, I clutched my bag closer to my chest and then I decided to size him up from behind, wondering how huge he was.

Through my nineteen years, I have never seen anyone so gigantic and intimidating. But I must add that he was handsome, considering his bulging muscles and elegant strides.

Suddenly, an intelligent idea crept to the forefront of my brain. What if I ask Beta Martin to be my teacher? To help me realize my inner strength and stop being the weak and vulnerable wolf tossed at everyone's feet.

Nibbling on my lower lip, I swallowed hard when we rounded up another corner into a dark chamber.

"We are here." Beta Martin declared when we got to the end of the hallway. He brought out a key from his pocket and opened the door then he turned to me. "This is going to be your dorm. Get yourself cleaned and settle in just fine. Later, your duties here would be divulged to you."

I issued him an affirmative nod. "Yes, Beta."

He tossed me one last look before walking away. His footstep receded down the hallway. Reluctantly, I pressed my fingers against the door frame and pushed it open.

I sauntered into the room only to meet a young she-wolf around my age, sleeping on the lower bunk bed. Trying not to wake her, I pulled off my shoes and dropped my bag on the upper bed, but before I knew what was happening, I was sprawled out on the floor with the girl's elbow pressing into the base of my neck. A part of me began to wonder how she went from sleeping a few seconds ago, to pinning me against the marble floor.

Coughing and choking, I gasped for the air that seemed to have eluded my lungs, then I began to tap on her right arm to set me free.

"Who are you?" She bellowed angrily.

"Ka-Katherine." I wheezed. "Your new roommate."

She huffed. Afterward, she gradually released her grip on me. Shuffled to her feet and stretched out one of her hands to me. I rubbed on my throbbing neck with one hand, while I took hers with the other.

By the time I was on my feet, I tossed a glare at her. "What was that for?"

"Sorry." She added quickly. "Some bitches here are very dangerous. I have to stay alert every time."

Bile was starting to rise in my throat. I swallowed hard but didn't stop glaring at her. "Who are they?"

Her gaze narrowed into mere slits. "You don't know? I guess you are not from this pack then. Where are you from?"

I inhaled deeply and exhaled afterward. "Dark moon pack."

"Wow....that's far away." The girl gasped in shock. "I am Nina by the way. Nina Dortmund."

Managing a small smile at her, I responded; "It would have been nice to meet you, if you hadn't shoved me to the ground, threatening my life."

Nina pressed her lips together into a grim line. "Thought I already apologized for that, Kate. I—"

"Please do not call me Kate," I responded sharply, feeling quite offended.

That name Kate has been like my bondage name, and it was high time I got rid of it.

Nina narrowed her eyes at my face. "Why? Isn't that your name?"

I cleared my throat. "No. My name is Katherine. I prefer you call me that."

Silence ensued for a couple of minutes. The both of us stared at each other for what seemed like forever. From my perspective, I guess Nina was trying to study me. And so was I.

After a series of long-lasting silence, Nina's lip curved into a wide grin and she opened her arms to me. In the blink of an eye, her arms were wrapped around the small of my back. "I bet I'm going to love you here, Katherine. I'm sorry if you don't like being called the short form. I understand and I won't try to impose that on you, okay?"

I heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

When we pulled apart, Nina whisk me towards her bed and we plopped down on it.

She stared eagerly at me and her face brightened with a smile. "I am Nina Dortmund as I said earlier. I am just twenty years of age. Started working for the royal family at the age of sixteen. And I'm pleased to have you as my roommate. What about you, Katherine?" She asked.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, I let out a whimpering sound and rubbed my palm together.

Nina snapped her fingers. "Oh.... that reminds me. I felt you were cold when I hugged you. Let me get something for you to wear."

Before I could think of saying something, Nina disappeared to the little locker situated at the end of the room. Within seconds, she came back with a yellow floral pleated dress.

"Take this, Katherine." she handed out the dress to me and I took it. "You should change quickly, I don't want you to freeze out."

With a brief smile, I managed a small. "Thank you." then I slipped into the dress, while Nina was busy watching me.

I eventually returned to bed. Nina's beautiful chocolate eyes scanned my face. "You are so pretty, Katherine. As anyone ever told you?"

"Not really."

"Then, I am glad to be the first." She took my hand in hers. "I know we didn't start on the right foot. And it's actually because we live in a wicked world. Some she-wolves here are very dangerous. They might try to poison you, attack you or even bully you. Especially if you are prettier than them. Or better in any way."

Somehow, her words sent chills running through my veins. I have already had enough of an ordeal with my uncle and his family back in my pack, and I don't want any more of this.

I heaved a sigh. "But why do they get that way?"

Nina squeezed my hand softly. "As I said earlier, it is if you are prettier than them or you have got better positions." she tilted her head to the side and observed my face.

Slowly, her fingers were trailing the little bruise at the base of my neck. "I take it that your life back at your pack hasn't been rosy. Who did this to you?"

I swallowed hard. "My uncle's son."

Nina gasped in shock. "What? But why?"

I readjusted myself uncomfortably on my chair then I let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever I am going to tell you today, can you keep it between us? Promise you'd never tell anyone?"

Nina touched her tongue with her index finger. "I swear it."

I licked my lips. "My name is Katherine Kilani...and I'm the daughter of the late Alpha and Luna of the dark moon pack."

Nina's eyes widened at me and her mouth dropped to the floor. "Tell me you are joking?"

Mentioning my parents brought tears to my face. "No, I'm not."

"So why are you here, Katherine?" she asked. Concern and curiosity were evident in her voice. "You shouldn't be in the omega chambers, not to talk of living like this."

A lone tear rolled down my cheek. "I have gone through so much, Nina." My voice cracked. More tears were filling my eyes. "So much that I have kept bottled inside of me for a very long time. I have lived with the enemies for so long and it's almost made me run insane."

Nina pats the small of my back softly. "Do you mind letting them out now? Let those emotions and everything burdening your heart out, Katherine. I would listen to them."

"Two full moons ago, my parents died. Both of them. But it wasn't a natural death, Nina. They were murdered in cold blood."

Nina gasped again. "By who?"

"My uncle. Ever since then, he took over my pack. His wife became the Luna. His son is now the intended Alpha. His two daughters treat me like a tramp. I have had to live like a slave in my pack."

"Oh no." Nina breathed, clenching her fist. "That's sheer wickedness...did you ever try to confront him, Katherine?"

I shook my head, sniffling back tears. "No...no, I couldn't. If I did, perhaps, I won't be speaking to you now. He would have killed me a long time ago, and buried my body away from the pack."

"Awww....why didn't you try to fight then, don't you have any relatives aside from them?"

I wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand. "That same day, I found out that my elder brother was murdered in the woods. No one would believe me, they'd think I was just being paranoid and all that. Aside from that, I'm useless when it comes to fighting. I am such a weak and worthless wolf."

"Don't say that, Katherine," Nina said softly.

She pulled me into a deep warm embrace. I wept profusely into her shoulder, and she calmly pat my back. "You are going to be fine, Katherine. I have just the right solution for that."

I brought my head to face her. "What is that?"

"The young warriors class. My uncle is their teacher there. The training would help you realize your strength and channel your inner mind. All my fighting skills were learned through him. What do you say, Katherine?"