
The Alpha King's omega mate

Katherine's life has known no peace and happiness. Her father's brother killed her parents and overtook her pack as the Alpha. As if that was not enough, his Luna and two daughters made life unbearable for her. She was meant to be the Alpha's daughter and the rightful heir to the throne but everything was shattered and now, her life has been reduced to an omega. The Alpha king has come to take his mate in their pack. But he also wants something else. What could it be? And how will Katherine fight to get back to the top and take back everything that originally belongs to her?

AuthorBecquin · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A new life


Pressing my lips together into a grim line, my teeth clenched and I shivered due to the cold weather, and rain that was soaking me wet.

Suddenly, something covered my bare back and I looked up to see the young wolf, that helped earlier in carrying the luggage.

He smiled charmingly at me. "You must be very cold, please accept it."

The heavy downpour gradually reduced to a drizzle. However, the cold breeze intensified, blowing away anything that wasn't of a stronghold.

I returned the smile to him. "Thank you for your kindness, but what about you? You'd freeze too."

He shrugged. "I have been training to be a strong wolf, I might as well put those teachings to practice. Please just accept it."

Draping the jacket to cover my shoulder more, I twitched my lips. Somehow, my stomach did a flip flop because of this simple kind gesture he showed me. Ever since my family died, and I lost everything, no one has ever shown me kindness. Not even in the slightest way.

"Thank you," I muttered to him.

His eyes flickered with excitement. "I am glad you accepted it. My name is chase." He put out his hand forward to me.

I shook it. "Katherine."

Chase stared deeply at me, with that warm smile spread across his lips. "It is my honor to sit beside a very beautiful she-wolf, Katherine."

Bile was starting to rise in my throat. Receiving compliments for the first time sounds very weird and surreal. At first, I wondered how to respond to him. Managing a small smile, I finally brought myself to say; "Thanks."

"You are welcome."

I clutched my bag tighter to my chest, and continue shivering. Although the jacket was helpful, it couldn't stop the wave of cold breeze from sweeping through my body.

"The journey to the wolf-bound pack is going to be a very long one, Katherine," Chase commented.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I am not good at calculating distance. But it took us a whole day to get to your pack."

My pupils dilated in shock. "Oh, that explained why you guys came in late."

"Yes." He added. "By the way, how will you cope now?"

I arched a brow. "Pardon? I don't get that."

"You are an omega right?" He asked. "How will you cope with leaving your mate in your pack?"

My gaze dropped to my bag. A wave of disappointment swept through me as I brought myself to say; "I don't have one yet."

Silence ensued for a couple of minutes. I looked up to see Chase staring quizzically at me with furrowed brows.

"What?" I chided.

Chase shook his head. "Nothing. It is just that, I find it very hard to believe that a girl as beautiful as you doesn't have a mate. I don't believe it."

A small sigh escaped my lips. "Yeah. I don't believe it too, what about you, got any mate?"

Almost at once, his countenance fell. My stomach sank on seeing his expression. A part of me began to wonder if I did wrong by asking him the same question.

He licked his lower lip. "You know...I had a mate once." His voice cracked, making my heart skip a beat. "But she passed away last full moon."

Placing my hand on his arm, I cast him a pitiful stare to show my sympathy. "I am so sorry, Chase."

"No no no no, Katherine." Chase countered my statement. "You don't have to feel pity for me. It is sad, yes. Heartbreaking, yes. But Eliza wouldn't want me to keep sulking about her demise. It's been one full moon now."

Life was so unfair. Here I was, unable to secure a mate for myself. And then, there was Chase who had a mate, but death snatched her away from him. What could be more heartbreaking than that?

Various thoughts began to make my mind run amok. What if my mate was already dead before we even met, could that be the reason why I haven't gotten to meet him yet?

My breath hitched at that thought.

Trying to shove down the thought from the forefront of my mind, I turned to face Chase. "What was she like?"

"My mate?"

"Yes." I breathed. "What was Eliza like?"

Chase tilted his chin as though he was in thought. "I met Eliza two full moons ago. Back then, I had just turned eighteen and she was the most beautiful she-wolf I had ever seen. Eliza and I clicked so fast. We were together for a year, and during that time— I was the happiest wolf, she made everything funny, sweet, and less burdening." He said in a whoosh tone.

"How did she die?"

"During pup birth."

My eyes widened at him. "What?"

Chase chuckled. "Do I not look responsible enough to father a pup?"

"Of course you do." I tuck some strands of my wet hair behind my right ear. "I was just wondering how painful that must have been for you to lose both your mate and your pup at the same time."

Chase heaved a sigh. "I can't question the moon goddess's decisions now, or can I?"

My eyes moistened with tears at his statement. Exactly, what I have been battling with all these years. I tossed the blame for losing my family on the moon goddess. Whereas, there are people who have also suffered similar fates.

"You know...." My voice cracked. Tears were filling my eyes. "....all my life, I have blamed the moon goddess for making me lose my family."

Chase's gaze narrowed at my face, and they softened. "Oh, I am so sorry. How long has it been?"

"Two full moons ago." I broke into tiny sobs. Immediately, Chase pulled me to him and he started to stroke my hair.

"Everything is going to be just fine, Katherine. It is going to be alright. At least, you'd get to live a new life in another pack, and leave all those sad memories behind."

More tears cascaded down my cheeks. I couldn't bring myself to tell Chase the reason behind their death, but I melt into his arms, letting him comfort me.

Seconds rolled into minutes, and minutes into hours. Although I stopped crying a while ago, I was still in chase's arms because of the cold weather.

Dusk was fast approaching. And yet, we haven't gotten to the wolf-bound pack.

"Katherine, my pack is great. There is freedom regardless of whether you are an omega or not. You would get your quarters and soon, start a life. Who knows, you might even get your mate there."

I let out a chortle. "Of course, I'd like that."

Chase offered me a snack bar, and I took it from him. I munch down the whole thing at once, savoring the sweet taste alongside. It's been so long since I had something like this.

"Does Wolf bound pack have a library?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Of course, we do. Our pack is going to be far different from anything you have ever seen. It's one of the biggest and most populated packs. Everyone gets to go about their daily activities without any hassle. Don't forget it's the Alpha king pack."

I gasped. "Oh, that's true."

Chase looked around and I did the same. "We have arrived." He declared with a smile.

Dumbstruck, I stared at the pack in awe. To be honest, it was by far the most beautiful place I had ever seen. Coupled with the fact that darkness had enveloped us, the pack was illuminated with lights, and there was a huge fountain at the entrance inscribed; The wolf-bound pack.

Smiling, I admired the place and let my eyes absorb its beauty.

The carriage eventually pulled to a halt. Afterward, chase and I alighted.


Hardening my jaw, I was surprised to see Katherine drenched from the heavy rainfall. I turned to my beta and cast him a questioning look.

Clenching my fist, I asked between gritted teeth. "Why is she soaking wet?"

He tore his gaze away from me and lowered his head in deference. "Apologies, Alpha. But your Luna asked that the guards could occupy the second carriage, while her maid manage at the back."

Fuck, Laura! Screamed my inner thoughts.

I bit down on my lower lip and eyed the jacket on Katherine's shoulders. The urge to ask who the jacket belonged to, surged to the base of my throat, but I shoved it back down real quick.

Katherine was busy offloading Laura's luggage from the carriage, alongside my young warrior, Chase. I glared at him and squared my shoulder.

"Go to the maid now, and usher her to where she would stay at the omega chambers. Have her stay with someone reasonable."

My beta bowed and left to carry out my orders.

I ordered the remaining guard to take Laura's luggage to her chambers. Laura walked up to my side and slipped her hand into mine.

But at that moment, my attention was solely on Katherine as she walked away.