

Mona Roland is a talented make-up artiste working as an assistant in one of the most renowned make-up company in LA. Her life took a different turn when she was given a contract to do makeover for a royal princess who is to be married a day before Christmas. Little did did she know her decision for accepting the contract lies a deeper bond she won't be able to break off, and that was no other than the Alpha King Damon himself. Will she be able to escape the claws of this Alpha King, when she barely found out werewolves exist, since she was just a human?. But what if she finds out a deeper secret leading to why she was to be with him?. Let's find out!.

Imma2city · Urban
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150 Chs



No sooner than later, the news of Damon's return spread across tbe company and his pack mansion. 

There have been attempts to visit Damon by the elders, but Ddsmin had dismisses ebrfyine of them. He still couldn't bring g himself to accept the fsct that their tusllydud such thing to his mage, which led her to leaving the office. 

His anger was directed at everyone. His beta bore the wrath, and also his sister. They hsd bedn pleading for mercy, ever si ce he cane. He just wasn't in the mood to entertain anyone. 

Damon left himself unkept. E er donxd he csbe he becrr had a blade to his chin or hair. He was do unrecognizable, but he rather preferred to be that way. 

Dsmon vowed to himself that he was never gkimg to get back k to his companyor do snythimg useful,bkt int he finds his mate.