

Mona Roland is a talented make-up artiste working as an assistant in one of the most renowned make-up company in LA. Her life took a different turn when she was given a contract to do makeover for a royal princess who is to be married a day before Christmas. Little did did she know her decision for accepting the contract lies a deeper bond she won't be able to break off, and that was no other than the Alpha King Damon himself. Will she be able to escape the claws of this Alpha King, when she barely found out werewolves exist, since she was just a human?. But what if she finds out a deeper secret leading to why she was to be with him?. Let's find out!.

Imma2city · Urban
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150 Chs



She had no idea where she was headed but prays she finds help before nightfall. The sharp pain she felt suddenly made her stop to peer down at her legs, only to discover that she had been walking on her feet ever since. 

Shit! Could it get any worse? Here she was struggling with how to get out of the woods. Whereas her bare foot was now a bleeding mess.

Mona looked around her, and found no one in sight. Well, she would still persevere until she was able to get out of the woods. She had been walking for more than 30 minutes, when she suddenly heard the sound of a truck. Were her ears kidding her? This has got to be the greatest trick of all time. She meant, why would a truck suddenly show up out of the blue? That was impossible. She didn't bother to turn back around, and rather increased her walking pace. Suddenly, the car began to hone at her.