
The Alpha King's monster mate

(Warning:Mature content) Falling in love is a hard choice for Ruby who moves around trying to guard her secret. Without desiring the company of a mate she sets out determined to protect herself. She is however shocked to discover that she is the mate of Alexander black who is also the Alpha lycan king of werewolves. She would do anything to flee and not succumb to the mate bond. Alexander will do anything for the mate he has desired for centuries. Ruby will do anything to save her mate from a monster like herself ~~~~~ While they are arguing Alexander is suddenly hit by a strong scent and his eyes instantly widen as he stares at Ruby in disbelieve. His eyes darken and a growl tears out of his lips in realisation while Ruby's eyes widen at being caught. ''Mate''Alexander growls storming towards her. Read more to find out

Empressking · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 9:Witch circle

 Ruby's pov

After hitting The witch away from him her body soon starts transforming and it turns black having scales with her tongue slitering out like that of a snake.

 I was about to run towards her and sink my teeth right into her neck but I remember that Alex is present and that would reveal who I am.No normal wolf can easily fight a black witch.

 "I will kill you"She yells and leaps towards my direction.

 Squealing loudly I scream and start running towards Alex.

 "Ahhh Alex,save me"I continue screaming while hiding behind Alex.

 At that moment I really did hope he doesn't leave me with the witch because of outmr conflict.

 "Ruby,Ruby,calm down"Alex said while cuping my face between his palms with a reassuring gaze.

 "She is coming"I shriek while trying to push him away.

 he suddenly turns holding the witch in the air while she struggled to escape his grip.

 "I-I"she starts saying trying to remove his hand while I watched how her lips moved slowly and I realise she is about to cast a spell.

 Standing behind Alex I look at her dead in the eyes and watch how her eyes widen in fear when she sees that my eyes changed colour.smirking I make sure her lips are sealed and I mutter a spell of my own.

 "She-she is a wi-"She starts saying while pointing at me her eyes wide.The moment damien turns about to see what she is talking about my eyes return to normal and the witch starts turning to dust.


 "Urgh she is dead"Alex groans out feeling angry.I know he wanted to question who sent her.

 "I-I what was that Alex"I ask with fake fear seeping into my voice and my eyes widened acting like I was scared of what just happened.

 unknowst to him I am the one who turned her to dust.

 "Don't be scared,she is taken care of that was a black witch"He tells me suddenly turnung cold and walking towards his office chair.

 I try to read his mind understand his thoughts but they all come back blank,I am wondering why I am unable to read only his thoughts.

 "Did you need anything"He asks while signing the documents on the table.

 "No"I shake my head while walking out of the office not willing to stay here.

 I came there to just help him and that was all I don't want my feelings to start getting out of control as the mate bond was already strengthing and I know it is only a matter of time before I fall head over heels.

 Walking out of the room I walk towards the training ground starring at the children and warriors training,they are strong but they could also be stronger.

 soon enough it was night time and I planned on entering the forest to search for a means to have blood Rose was already becoming impatient.

 Walking into the forest I am glad I did not see Alex or anyone for the rest of the day. Smirking I walk deeper into the forest and after sometime I release some of my powers and right then I smell a witch or rather witches.

 walking deeper I make sure they are able to smell me and I walk towards them.

 "What is a weak little witch doing all alone"The first witch says already in her form which just made her look hideous.

 "Please don't hurt me"I whimper actibg scared while internally I was jumping in glee..

"Awwn the little wolf is scared"They say in unison cackling like the hideous things they are.

 slowly they start circling me muttering spells under their breath while I close my eyes.


 Turning into my form I make sure to hide my real appearance and suddenly my red hair turns completely white with my eyes turning blue my skin turns pale and a black mask appears on my face shielding half my face.

 "Wha-what,who are you"they say while moving back their eyes widened in fear and I saw the other witch trembling.

 "Now ladies we are going to play"I tell them in a chilly voice and before teleporthing towards the first witch.

 "Now what were you saying about being a poor little weak wolf"I slowly ask the first witch while trailing my hands on her face.

 "I-I"Before she can continue I place my hands on her face and her veins start bulging out.

 "Arhhh"She screams before exploding into dust.

 grinning widely I turn towards the other other witch and walk towards her slowly,I hold out my hands towards her and hold my hand against her while she starts trembling.

 Closing my eyes I start looking into who sent them.

 witches only came to a place when they needed something especially black witches.

 "You,say hello to your master for me"I tell the witch and with that her head rolls off her body disappearing going to deliver my message.

 Rushing towards the last one I sink my teeth into her neck powers surges into me as I suck out her powers.

 Raising my head a smile tugs at my lips which soon changes when I see a dark figure with huge wings flying above.

 Quickly I try to teleporth but the figur already saw me and it came crashing into my form which made me fly back hitting the floor.