
Chapter 48

  King Lucien was the only one who wasn't visibly reacting. Instead, he patted Danika's head rhythmically while she cried and shook against him.

  Only music, cheers, laughter and clattering remained. There were no more screams. No matter how Danika listened, she couldn't hear more.

  What seem like an eternity later, King Noir's voice was heard. "Blazes! I knew I should have gone before Pesih, now I get a corspe? No thanks, I ain't interested."

  More laughter.

  "Do you think that mastiff Cone rolled over in his grave?" King Phillip's voice.

  Another round of laughter and cheers. "He must have, I'd bet. He really did favor that girl of his...and then, he treats other people's girls to hell on goddamn earth."

  "I'd bet he thought he'll live forever."

  "Yeah. Didn't know the Conald's son is one bad son-of-an-elf who'll have his head someday."

  More laughter. More cheers.

  "Lucien really dealt him a big number. And now, we get to deal with him in a much better way."