
The Alpha King's Cursed Mate

A lost prophecy, an extinct race, a raging war, and a dead she-wolf. * Being alone, unloved, and forgotten isn't how one would wish their life to be. But that's all Annabelle Swanpool was known for. Running away is what she has done all her life. Running away from her family, her unknown enemies, and the Underworld. But she doesn't know what awaits her. Doesn't realize the danger she will be subjected to once she steps foot into the Underworld. Add an emotionally unavailable Alpha King to the mix who her wolf considers her mate, a thousand years old prophecy to mess with her life, and some playful weaving by the Fates. Boy! Is she in trouble? (A re-telling of Beauty and The Beast like it's never been done before)

WritingMoonchild_ · Fantasy
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Return to the Land of Supernaturals

When I was a child, the one thing my mother instilled in me alongside my love for dance was my love for the land. She would hum a soft patriotic tune of her own as she braided my black hair in gentle knots, putting flowers in my hair and telling me that I was the most special girl in the Underworld.

And it helped, it made me feel loved when the hateful stares of my father would become too much to handle. It kept me attached to my land and pack even when my own family was out for my blood.

I never understood why my father despised me so much. He wouldn't allow my older brothers to play with me when we were kids. He couldn't even bear the sight of me, always sneering a "useless omega" every time his gaze fell on me before looking away as if even looking at me physically pained him. I spent so many years, crying and trying to make my father love me. But he never did, never once looked at me with the same adoration and love he carried for his sons.

And my brothers were the best as kids. They always found time for me. Kian, my oldest brother would make me flower crowns every time he would come back from the forest after their playtime. And Ian would get mad at father when he would shout at me. They were my rocks along with my mother. But all that went to dust when Kian was sent to the Alpha camp to prepare for taking over the pack one day and Ian to the Warrior camp to serve the King, as he was the second alpha child of my father. It's tradition, my mother would say when I would cry for my brothers every night.

They came back when I was seventeen not just as fully grown wolves but also complete strangers to me. They never had the time for me then. Sometimes, I wonder if they were aware of my father's plan of murdering me before I was eighteen.

Did they help him pull it through?

It got worse when I turned seventeen. I, a normal omega girl that no one paid much attention to except for my mother was being chased by demons and vampires alike. It was like someone had put a bounty on my head. I still wonder if it was my father or someone else. And why me?

Needless to say, I was forced to leave the land I so adored to survive. And I've never let myself think about the Underworld ever again.

But now, as we enter through the portal summoned for the King, my heart aches. I've missed this place irrespective of how much I've tried to forget it. I clutch my dress in fists on my knees as I look out through the black tinted windows of the car at the breathtaking, live forest of the North.

I hastily roll down the window when I see scarlet birds chirp merrily on evergreen branches. The smell and the feeling of belonging hits me all at once. And although, I've never seen the Northern Forest before it still brings tears into my eyes.

Small pixies chase each other from flower to flower as the three cars move through the forest, slow and steady to not disturb any creatures. Even the sun hits differently on my skin, the soft rays filtering through the thick rays like waves of golden dust. I note that the foliage is thick in this region, green wines covering almost the whole of the forest. But the way the forest parts to give way to the King is nothing short of wondrous.

I wave at some pixies when I see them watching me, laughing when they start to giggle among themselves before flying everywhere to collect what I assume are small white flowers. The car moves past them before I can make sense of what they are so hyper about. Their laughter and mumbling downing out the further we move away from them.

But the silence is short-lived because suddenly the sound of flapping wings fills my ears and I turn around to almost get slapped in the face by a cute little pixie wing. The pixie with green eyes and even greener wings doesn't let that faze her though. Because she rubs up against my cheek, the language she speaks is unfamiliar to me but I let the small thing guide me so my head sticks out of the window. One of the guards on the front grunts in disapproval but I pay him no mind when four more pixies bring a cute little flower crown made of white flowers and set it on top of my head.

The other four pixies rub against my cheeks after setting the crown on my head in a fashion similar to the first one. And I giggle as they litter my face with small ticklish kisses, "thank you, you guys are so cute," I tickle the cheek of a purple-winged pixie with my pinky finger. She melts under my touch, placing her small face on my fingers and I coo at her cuteness.

But all that is promptly stopped by a growl the warrior in the front lets out. The pixies scramble out of the car window in the next second, obviously scared by the big bad wolf. I pout grumpily as I watch the pixies fly away, glaring at the redhead of the warrior now.

"What? Pixies are known for naught. We don't want them to make the car fly with pixie dust now, do we?" The warrior rumbles. He is a very tall fellow with a deep voice and vibrant red hair that screams intimidation.

Although, I'm not intimidated in the slightest.

"That's a little far-fetched now, isn't it? They're literally five inches tall," I grumble, folding my arms across my chest in petulance as I look out of the window.

"You would be surprised how powerful their dust is, little she-wolf. I suggest you keep your distance," He shakes his head, his black glasses-covered eyes scanning the surrounding. And I want to retribute with something witty but I decide to let it go. I have other things to worry about like finding a way to get out alive from the Royal Court trail.
