
The Alpha King’s Unwanted Human Mate

Grey Adulwulf is the Alpha King of Skies pack, with an unfortunate tragic past that made him into the successful, ruthless and powerful Alpha King that he is today. He hates humans with so much passion and has vowed to kill them if he ever comes across them ever again. Unfortunately for him, something tragic unexpectedly happens that turned everything upside down and caused irreversible damages, and the person believed to be behind it turned out to be a human, who coincidentally turns out to be his sought after mate named Lorenzo D’Angelo, whom he rejected and imprisoned. Enzo’s life was rendered miserable after that. The two men hated each other with so much passion, that it burned brightly like a candle in their hearts, morphing into lust and tugging them towards each other despite everything, making Grey– a supposedly straight Alpha King, to feel things he’d rather not feel. This is a story filled with hatred, scotching desires, and so many dark, dark secrets, along with nending misunderstandings, families’ disputes and an unexpected twist that changes everything fast and plunges Lorenzo in the midst of the whole mess, with no one to save him, but Grey. ——•——•——• EXCERPT •——•——•—— My fingers melted into the pale softness of his skin as I glided my hands over his hips to grasp his thighs. Everything about him was so soft, it drove me crazy cause I never expected a male’s skin to feel as soft as clouds, until him. He laid pliant in my bed, and his smaller, fisted hands were obediently splayed at the sides of his head as he regarded me with wide blown eyes, while his teeth dug into his full bottom lip– a set of lips which I’d never tire of tasting. I tightened my grip on his thighs and parted it slowly, and at once, a strong whiff of the ocean and flowers hit me right in the face, pulling a throaty groan right from my guts. As my eyes roamed over every inch of him which was bared before me right now, I almost snarled from the onslaught of possessiveness that settled in my chest. Mine. Mine. Mine. That was all that rang in my head as I lowered my head till I was brushing a kiss at the underside of his thighs while stifling a growl in his meaty skin, because the urge to sink my teeth into his creamy skin and claim him got more intense at that moment. I parted his thighs even more, almost bending him into two, because I was a greedy bastard who wanted to have it all. The rosy bud which had me hypnotized– was glistening delectably, as if calling out to me. Entranced, I watched as a drop of colorless slick slowly trickled out. “Alpha…” The voice was soft, breathless as it pierced through the lust filled haze I was trapped in. When I finally tore my gaze away from the enticing sight in front of me, my gaze locked with Enzo’s. He was leaning on his elbows, blinking large eyes down at me while color dusted his cheeks in a pretty shade of pink. “Why are you looking at it like that?” He voiced out tentatively, color filling out his cheeks even more, and I almost cooed from how cute he was. “D- don’t look! It’s embarrassing.” He added on a whisper as he averted his gaze bashfully, and I got the sudden urge to growl once again, because there was no way this gorgeous, gorgeous boy doesn’t know just how irresistible he currently is. No way at all. “Oh, doll… why am I looking at you like what? Like you’re a meal, hm?”

Theodore_Ivy · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Wallowing In Regrets

Lorenzo's POV 

    If I could turn back time and undo the last few hours, I was going to do so without hesitating, I thought to myself as a cry of pain bubbled out from me, just as I got thrown into what I'd assumed was a dungeon. The intense amount of pain that shot through my whole body as my body hit the cold, concrete floor really harshly made me puff out harsh breaths as uncontrollably tears streamed down my face.

I couldn't believe all that had happened, it had all happened so fast, that a fun and exciting research which my colleague and I were conducting, had quickly morphed into nothing but chaos right before my eyes, and it hurt so much that I had got to survive the crash while my colleague, who had been the one behind the wheels, had to die with the crash.

I hadn't purposely jumped out of the plane to save myself, I was too chicken to do that; when the plane had tilted sideways, it had thrown me out itself, and I could have sworn that I was dead until I blinked my eyes open to realize that I was still alive, with my colleague burning with the plane, some spots away from where I had been splayed out on. Before I could even begin to gather my thoughts, or wonder if the plane had managed to hurt some people, telling from how much screaming had been going on– huge and buff looking men had emerged from nowhere. I had thought they had come to rescue me at first, but when they started to drag me on the ground like a sack of potatoes, a dreadful feeling slid down my spine at that moment.

More tears streamed down my face as I carefully pushed myself into a sitting position, with my back leaning against the wall. I glanced around me slowly, noticing the lack of window, nor any other lack of ventilation, except for the retangle shaped spaces in the gate of the dungeon.

A sharp pain shot into my side as I moved a little and I let out a sharp cry, I had a feeling some of my ribs as broken from the fall I had experienced. I glanced down at my blood soaked leg and bit on my torn lip, the leg was definitely broken, and I had already lost a lot of blood. I needed medical attention as soon as possible, but I wasn't sure I was going to be getting that luxury, from the looks of things.

A particular thought bloomed in my mind, and that thought hurt so much, because it was a scene where our third colleague named Jacob, had tried to persuade Eric and I not to make this trip, but Eric and I didn't listen to him. If I could turn back time, I wasn't going to ever make any research themed trip, or any kind of trip that involved me getting into a plane.

I had faced death right in the eye today, and I had escaped at the very last second. How it had been possible that I didn't end up dying, was still beyond me.

But, what was almost funny to me in this situation, was that; as soon as I had escaped one death, another one had been waiting for me, a few feet away. When I got dumped by the feet of a man, I automatically knew he held the most power in the entire gathering, I had thought he was going to finish me off with a slice of his sword.

The sight of the sword shocked me tons, because I wasn't even aware there were some people who made use of that in real life. There had been so much anger in the man's eyes when he had held the sword over my head, that it had made me want to hide away from him in fear, and why he hadn't ended up killing me was still unclear to me. He, and the whole crowd, had wanted me dead, and then suddenly, he was kicking me really harshly and ordering me to be thrown into the dungeon.

Those harsh kicks of his had managed to worsen my injuries even more, that it was almost really hard to move an inch without a sharp pang of pain shooting into my side.

And, I had a feeling that man still wasn't done with me yet, for reasons unknown to me, and that left a whole lot of frightening anxiety bubbling inside my chest, it felt like I could burst from it.

And now, with me not knowing what else to do or how to reach out to my family back at home, who were countries away, I had a feeling I was undoubtedly going to die here, and that made me start to sob hard once again.

If there was a way I could be able to send a message across to my younger sister, Charlotte, I'd be so grateful and reassured; because I was sure she was going to storm here with her men to rescue me as fast as she could.

It doesn't look like there was a thing I could do to help myself out in this situation, other than to cry, pray and hope my death can be as fast as possible, to avoid me being in a lot more pain before dying.

I leaned my head against the cold wall and slid my eyes close, feeling more tears slide down my cheeks and continuous pain throbbing through my whole body, as I awaited my fate.

And somehow, I managed to fall asleep.

For how long, I had no idea.

But I was jolting fast awake as soon as the door of the dungeon got rattled so hard, it made my head which had started to pound when I was asleep, vibrate against the sides of my head in an intense headache.

As soon as I blinked my eyes open, I was locking eyes with the man who almost ended my life in the midst of the crowd, hours ago. My heart started to forcefully hammer against my chest in fright, and it was almost impossible to breathe. There was nothing but pure venom and hatred in his eyes as he regarded me silently.

And then he unlocked the door and made his way in.