
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Real dream

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have not been feeling too well for the past few days, so I couldn't upload any chapters. I'll be dropping this bonus chapter to cover up a little.


"*Gasp*" Evie opened her eyes and saw that there was no more fire. She was sweating profusely. She was back in her room. No, she had been there all these while. 'It was a dream.' But it felt so real like she was actually there. She always dreams of things that felt so real the past few months. It was already late at night. Everyone had already gone to bed. Her throat felt dry. She went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She climbed back up to her room. She felt weak and tired.

She remembered the dream like it happened a few minutes ago. In the dream, her heart was beating wildly. She felt overwhelmed by the situation. She was... scared. At that moment, she didn't feel like herself. She felt like her present self was far more superior. Her dream self was like a weakling, defenseless, fearful, helpless and traumatized. Evie felt like she couldn't control anything in her dream. Not even her body. It was like having power and being unable to use it. Like her strength had been shackled for a very long time.

She tried to think of where she had seen that room before. It looked ancient but modern. It had ancient settings but some modern things were in it like the candle. It was not an actual candle, but a bulb that had the shape of a candle. It was modern.

Whenever she tells her dad or Dave about her dream, they always ward it off and tell her it's just a nightmare but she knew that there's something more to it. Was she having psychological problems? Maybe she really does need therapy. Her mom says it all the time but she was never willing to accept it. Her mom was a very crazy person so...

She stayed still on the bed, afraid to go back to sleep. Her mind wandered back to how her day had been. She never thought she would see her best friend again. He was all grown up and very good looking. He had a beautiful smile but he seemed very dangerous. Darkness lurked in his eyes but purity surfaced it. He was dark but somehow has a pure heart.

However, his brother, Myles had pitch black darkness in his eyes and his heart seemed tainted. He was quite rude and to openly regard someone as your 'toy'. It's quite heartless. Evie didn't have the slightest pity for Kim. She knew what was in for her but still dived in. She must be very much aware that Myles sees her as his toy but still decided to stay. How cheap and stupid.

Her mind drifted off to when they were having lunch. Everyone seemed very welcoming and happy with her. At least, she didn't leave a bad impression today. Except with Kim.

A few hours had passed. Different things kept running through her mind. Soon her eyes started to magnet together. After a while, she was fast asleep. However, she failed to notice something that had started to change in her body.

"Evie, get up. Time for school." Annah's voice resounded as she knocked on the door to her daughter's room to wake her up.

"Okay, okay. I heard you the first time." she said crawling out of bed. Her face felt heavy and she felt somewhat different. She looked in the mirror with lazy eyes.

"What the?" she stared more closely at the mirror as she noticed that some strands of her hair at the front were changing color.

"FUCK!" She exclaimed loudly. Her hair color was changing to gray. Not the kind of old woman hair gray but like harsh (dark gray). "How the fuck?"