
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


"Mine." Brody said as he kept sniffing her. He couldn't get enough of her. Parts of the attic started making cracky sounds. 'I have to get her out of here.' he thought.

He held her in a tight embrace princess style. As he carried her out of the attic and from the burning building.

He carried her far away from the fire and the commotion which had reduced. He knelt on the floor with her head on his thigh as he caressed her hair. Dust and smoke had covered her face so he couldn't see her face clearly. She looked so peaceful and vulnerable. He stayed like that for quite some time that he didn't realize his Beta and Gamma were searching for him. Warriors from the town in the Shadow pack had gathered the surviving pack members to the pack house. They had finally cleared the area. All that was left of Kyle and Adrian was to find their Alpha. The smell of smoke had made it hard for them to track his scent. After searching for minutes, they saw a figure sitting on the grass with someone in his arms.

"Brody." They approached him. But when they got too close, he growled at them.

"Woah, it's us." Adrian said as he got closer.

His growl was louder this time as he held the girl tightly. His wolf didn't want any threats close to her.

"Mine!" he growled again.

"Shit! shit shit shit. Fuck. I think he found his mate." Kyle said. He step closer to them but very slowly. He tilted his head to show his neck as a sign of submission and to show that he wasn't a threat.

"Brody, it's us, Kyle and Adrian."

"Mine." he growled again.

"Yes, she's yours. We don't mean any harm." When Kyle saw that he was calmer, he continued. "She's not safe here. The weather is not steady and I can smell a storm coming. The car is already waiting for us. Let's go back to the pack house." he said calmly. When a wolf gets his mate, he almost doesn't recognize anyone especially when she's vulnerable. Anyone who comes closer would seem like a threat. This simple and short information made Kyle know immediately that the girl he was holding was his mate.

Adrian just stood watching the scene in front of him. Was that his Alpha? Why is he holding this girl like she was running away? His mate? Is this how having a mate feels like? He wanted one too. The possessiveness is on another level. Is this even real? Brody? Alpha Brody?

"Hey, let's go." Kyle nudged him.

"Huh?" Adrian shook his head bringing himself back to the present.

"Brody let me help-" Adrian was cut off when Kyle said "Don't. Except you want to lose your head."

"I don't."

"Good." They walked towards the cars that were parked at the border.

Brody got in the back seat of one of the cars, carefully carrying the girl so that she doesn't hit any part of her body.

He let her lay on the seat with her head on his thigh. He stared at her long eyelashes that was covered in dust. Her clothes were oversized and dusty.

"I'm going to take good care of you when we get to the pack house. You'll make me so happy, I wouldn't want to leave you. He inhaled her scent as it filled his sense. He couldn't think of anything that smelled better.

However, Adrian and Kyle were having an argument on who would drive.

"If I drive, then you'll have to take the other car." Kyle said.

"If I drive, you take the other car." Adrian said.

Kyle knew that the argument wasn't ending soon. He sighed and turned to the driver's seat. Brody and the girl had occupied the back seat, so one of them had to drive if they didn't want to miss out on anything. They still had their curiosity to fill. Hearing it from someone was no where as satisfactory as experiencing it yourself.

The drive was quiet. With the aura the Alpha was giving off, no one dared interrupt his staring session. He kept planting light kisses on her forehead.

Even though it was over an hour that they had been in the car, it felt like no time at all to Brody. It wasn't enough time for him to be with her.

"Alpha, we're here." Kyle announced. Brody nodded his head. He gathered her in his arms again and carried her all the way to the fifth floor of the pack house, where the Alpha's family (aka only Brody) stayed. It was a restricted area.

Since everyone had gone to sleep, no one saw the Alpha carrying a strange girl in his arms up to his floor except his Beta and Gamma.

On getting to the fifth floor through the elevator, Brody halted at the front of the door to his room. As much as he wanted her close to him, he didn't want to scare her. He noticed she was defenseless and he couldn't sense her wolf. Seeing her in an attic and the clothes she wore meant that she was mistreated. The thought made him furrow his eyebrows. He turned around and opened the door to the room opposite his. Only a few Omegas were allowed to clean on this floor. Good thing the remaining rooms were well maintained too.

He placed her on the bed gently and covered her with the blanket. It was a cold night and thunder could be heard. It was going to rain heavily. He made sure the temperature of the room was steady before sitting beside her to watch her sleeping. He stayed there for an hour before retiring to his room. He came to the room every hour to check up on her.

He did that till it was finally morning. She still hadn't woken up. When it was finally 12pm, he headed out of his room and called two Omegas to be checking on her and inform him when she wakes up.

"If anything happens to her, consider your head a different entity from your body." he said with a deep voice.

"Yes, Alpha." they said in unison as beads of sweat formed on their foreheads.

Brody went to his study which was on the fourth floor. He was having a discussion about work and the welfare of the pack before their discussion diverted to the girl.

"She still hasn't woken up?" Adrian asked.

"No. When we're done here, I'll go check up on her."

"How did you find her?" Kyle asked. Brody explained everything to him in details and then said.

"We can't tell anyone yet that she's my mate, okay?"

"Why not?" Adrian asked.

"Because she's vulnerable and defenseless. I don't want people to come after her."

"If you say so."


'Come in.' Brody said to the Omega through the mind-link. The Omega stepped in with her head bowed.

"Alpha, she's awake."