

  Returning home to a cheerful parents, a happy moment and a lively environment had been Ximena's dreams. But the opposite of it all was what she had been welcomed with.

  She sat there in the living room - face buried in her palms while the female inspectors sat next to her with her hand fondly crossed over her shoulders. She was on a call, while the rest of her team investigated the crime scene.

  Ximena's heart was weak and shattered; troubled. At some point, she felt she was not breathing any more. She just felt it.

  "How is it going, Anna? Do you think she can answer some questions now?"Ximena heard a familiar voice ask and knew the question was directed to the lady beside her.

  "I can't tell for sure. Let's try it out. Ximena?" Gently, the lady pulled Ximena's hands down from her face - exposing the red, swollen, teary face.

  She wasn't looking good - not at all.

  Ximena - on opening her eyes which she had closed for a while - was devastated when she first got embraced by the sight of her mother's corpse in front of her which had been covered with a white sheet. Her father's corpse was still up in the room and she couldn't believe it. She really couldn't believe her parents were gone.

  More tears spilled her eyes at the traumatizing sight; she had to close them up again.

  "Oh! Come on, honey; you don't have to do that" the lady beside her cooed as she quickly hugged her.

  "I completely understand how you feel. But you need to stay strong and help us bring justice to your parents, alright?"

  But Ximena said nothing as all she did was weep. And after a while, the lady was able to take down her hands again. Although, Ximena wouldn't look at anyone but the floor.

  "Okay, uhm..." The man in front sighed and crouched in front of her.

  He looked older than the lady, and on a normal day, Ximena could tell he'd be a strict man.

  "I just have some few questions for you, honey". He paused and reached for his pen and jotter.

  "In a clear statement, could you tell me what exactly happened?"

  The question alone made Ximena's heart skip heavily as she realized she'd have to travel down that ugly lane. She wasn't even so sure she'd be able to speak anymore but decided to give it a try.

  "I was..." Her first attempt was horrible, her voice sounded so croaky, she had to cough it out.

  The lady beside her was there to rub her back soothingly.

  "I was meant to meet them at the airport" she continued, her voice still wavering a bit anyway.

  "But they didn't show up. I.. I tried calling their lines, they weren't picking either. So, I.... I boarded a cab and drove home. But....but getting here, I found my mum...." She broke down again and buried her face on the lady's laps.

  "Sshh. Come on, sweetie. You're doing just great" the lady cooed.

  They gave her sometime to keep calm before proceeding.

  "So...." The man peeped into his jotter.

  "You didn't find anyone else at home? Not even the..."

  "No. No, no" Ximena shook her head.

  "There was no one else at home. No maids, no security; no one at all. It was just my mother lying dead on the floor, and my father doing same in the bedroom. They were both shot".

  The officer scribbled it down in his notepad.

  "Taken" he sighed.

  "And... do you think your parents had any rivals? Maybe some...."

  "I've been away for ten months; I have no idea" Ximena whimpered.

  "But as far as I can tell, my parents were lovely people and wouldn't do anything to attract killers to them. I don't know why anyone would want to do this to them. I don't know..." More tears, and the lady's laps were there for solace.

  "Okay; okay. You're doing a great job" the man commended while scribbling down on his notepad.

  "And unfortunately, there are no cameras" he mumbled in the process.

  "Okay, honey. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. But, I assure you, we will do everything in our power to bring your parents' murderers to book. But first, I'll need you to give me some names to start with. Like... The names of your relatives...."

  "I don't know much relatives" Ximena interrupted ruefully.

  "My parents never introduced me to any".

  The male Corp had to glance at his female colleague. That was weird.

  "Really?" He scoffed and Ximena bobbed.

  "Uh... Alright" he returned his gaze to his notepad.

  "I'd also be needing some other names like house servants, securities, business associates, friends..."

  "I don't think that should be now, Herman" the lady cut in.

  "She's answered enough and should rest now".

  "Aiit. I got you" he stood up in surrender.

  "I'll just check out for some more clues" he added and walked away.

  With Ximena's head still resting on the lady's laps, she closed her eyes and wept some more. The pain was just too much for her; she completely had no idea how to fight it off. How does she cope with losing her both parents? Just how?

  Her phone began ringing again but she didn't bother picking it up.

  "It's still your friend calling" The female corp said.

  "This should be the hundredth time. I think you should pick it up".

  And being a little convinced, Ximena collected the phone from her and answered the call.

  "Finally! My goodness, Ximena! I was so scared; I was about booking a flight to the US right away. I thought you must've done something nasty to yourself" Kyya lamented over the phone.

  "I am so sorry, Ximena. Why should this even happen to you on a special day as this? Who could've done this to them? Oh! Girlfriend, I am so so sorry about this. Please, can you just calm down and...."

  The whole time, Ximena was silent and listened to her speak.

  Kyya was the second person Ximena had reached out to when she discovered her parents death. Unfortunately, she had been crying and could barely say the entire story to her. That had gotten Kyya really worried since she only heard Ximena's parents were dead but didn't know what happened after.

  "How're you feeling now, sweetheart?" She asked sweetly.

  "Not fine" Ximena managed to reply.

  "Oh! I am so sorry, Xi. But believe me, everything will be fine, okay? I strongly believe the culprit will be found soon".

  Kyya went on with the compulsory encouragement while Ximena listened. But shortly, her attention was divided by something in the room .

  Two of the officers that had been examining her father's room, climbed down the staircase with some items in their hands. Some of the items were in transparent bags, while one - something that looked like a medal - was held openly by one of them.

  They walked up to their Superior who had been the one questioning Ximena and got his attention.

  "These are the items we got from scene that proved suspicious" they said to him. We might have to take them to the lab and..."

  "Ximena? Ximena, are you there?" Ximena's attention had been so taken away - she didn't even realize Kyya calling her name the whole time.


  "I'm... I'm sorry, Kyya. I'll call you back" she stuttered and dropped the call, standing up immediately.

  One of the things in the men's hands looked so familiar - so so familiar.

  And when she got to their point, she snatched it from him.

  "Miss?" One of the officers called in surprise but she didn't give a damn as she studied the object in her hand.

  It looked like a seal, having the Letter 'N' on it. And below it was inscribed:

  'Alpha Nir'.