
The Alpha Boy

BlackGirlMelo · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Sasha stood frozen in her tracks as the words echoed in her ears. "Ethen got bitten by a pitbull." Panic surged through her veins as she could hardly believe what she had just heard. Without a second thought, she ran for her car, her heart pounding in her chest.

Ethen and Sasha had always shared an undeniable chemistry, yet their teenage shyness held them back from confessing their feelings. Every time Ethen caught a glimpse of Sasha, his words would evade him, leaving him feeling frozen in place. His best friend, Tim, found endless amusement in his expense, mockingly teasing him about his lack of courage.

As Sasha sped towards the hospital, her mind raced, replaying the countless memories she had shared with Ethen. From stolen glances in the hallway to unspoken words exchanged in passing, their unspoken connection had always lingered in the air. Yet, neither of them had mustered up the bravery to break the silence and reveal their true feelings for one another.

Regret washed over Sasha as she realized she had missed an opportunity to pick Ethen and Tim up when she had offered earlier. She had been preoccupied with her own nervousness, imagining scenarios of finally confessing her love to Ethen. Her selfishness had left them vulnerable to this unexpected situation, and she blamed herself for not being there when they needed her the most.

As Sasha arrived at the hospital, her heart raced with a mix of concern and anticipation. Ethen's well-being eclipsed any doubt or fear she had about her own feelings. She sprinted towards the emergency room, desperate for answers and determined to make amends for her absence earlier.

Upon entering the hospital, Sasha frantically searched for Ethen's room. The smell of antiseptic and the echoes of hushed conversations filled the sterile corridors, adding to her growing anxiety. Finally, she spotted Tim in the waiting area, his face etched with a mix of relief and concern.

"Tim! Is he okay? What happened?" Sasha blurted out, her voice trembling with worry.

Tim turned towards Sasha, his expression softening with compassion. "He's stable, Sasha. The doctors are tending to him now."

Sasha's heart sank with an odd mixture of relief and guilt. She peered through a small window on the door, catching a glimpse of Ethen lying on a hospital bed. His face was pale, and his arm was bandaged where the pitbull had sunk its teeth. Seeing him in pain only intensified Sasha's remorse, and she knew she had to mend their fractured connection.

Swallowing her pride, Sasha approached Tim, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "Tim, I am so sorry I didn't pick you guys up earlier. I got caught up in my own nerves and... I shouldn't have let that get in the way of being there for both of you."

Tim regarded Sasha with surprise, his usual mocking tone replaced by a newfound understanding. "Look, Sasha, we understand. Ethen freezes every time he sees you, and maybe it's time we stop teasing him about it. We should focus on supporting him instead."

Understanding bloomed in Sasha's eyes, appreciating Tim's perceptiveness and willingness to set aside their usual banter. She nodded, grateful for his kindness and realizing that it was not only Ethen who froze in moments of vulnerability but her too.

Together, they waited in the hospital, supporting each other and contemplating the fragile nature of teenage emotions. As the minutes stretched into hours, Sasha held onto hope that once Ethen recovered, they could finally summon the courage to break the silence. The events of the day had shown them the importance of seizing the moment and taking risks in the face of uncertainty.

In that hospital waiting room, Sasha vowed to not let fear dictate her actions any longer. Life was too precious and fragile to let it slip away. Perhaps together, in the face of adversity, they would unmask their true feelings and let their hearts guide them towards a connection that had been silently brewing for far too long.