
Chapter 68: Forest Creatures

Rowan moved away from the table and let out a frustrated noise. She knew she needed to get on a plan together to get to Alaska. But Rowan had no idea how to do that without risking getting caught.

Every plan she came up with seemed even more dangerous than the last one until she felt almost hopeless.

Rowan got so frustrated that she had to get out of the house.

The instant she stood up, Burger was right on her heels, ready to follow her wherever she was going.

-I’m not going far, Burger. You can stay here and sleep if you want- Rowan told him with a scratch behind his ears. -I know you’re tired-

Burger shook out his fur. -Rowan is pack. Burger protects Rowan-

Rowan smiled at him and let him lead the way out to the door. She really did feel safer with Burger with her.