
The Alpha And I

Cici is sad and abused. She's lost her wolf as a result of the beatings. When she is sold off she finds her mate, will everything finally turn out ok? Or will it just get worse?

CharlotteKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Cici's POV

I breathed in the scent of Ash as I walked over to the desk by the window, set up recently with stationary and a few files on it. I spin around to look at him and he smiles down at me placing his hand on my waist, "do you like it Cici?"

Hearing my actual name coming off his lips made me grin like an idiot... even if I did love when he called me his Luna, my name sounded so good in his voice. "It depends," I smirk up at him "is this for me or for you?" I question.

"What do you mean? It's obviously for you, you know this was my office, so I already had a desk?" He looks so cute when he's confused I muse.

"I only ask because I'm sure a Luna has her own office normally!" Smirking up at him still I see realization cross his face as he growls and lifts me to straddle him.

"Oh my Luna", he started seductively kissing my mark, "trust me this is all for you", still shivering from his lips on my mark as he talks, "you said you wanted to work beside me not for me!"

I let a moan slip out as I open my eyes to see his flash black and then glow gold, "well then", I start knowing my eyes were turning silver, "thank you for listening to me" I lean in closer so that I'm whispering right against his ear, "myyyy alphaaaaa!". He roars with need as he crashes his lips into mine.

As much as I'm enjoying it I pull out of his embrace and unwrap myself from him. "Now I think we should start working, we didn't know what my father is planning but we have to prepare." I look into his now blue eyes and see he's calmed his wolf down after my teasing, "but I promise that if we work hard today that I'll let you take me again, after all it really is helping with my heat" I added that as a tease. He pouted and placed his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Is that all I am to you?", he fake cried, "just a piece of meat to be had to help with your heat?" I giggle uncontrollably and before I know what was happening, he had hold of my waist again and he collided his lips with mine. "Goddess I hope today goes fast!" He mumbles against my lips.

"So do I!" I wink at him and we settle down. After a few hours his Beta, Paul, showed up and was followed by a very handsome, strong looking wolf. 'Not as strong as me or mate' Maya said in my head, 'No definitely not' I reply to her. Paul looks at Ash and then straight at me.

"Luna, I just want to apologize for how we started on the wrong foot..." I put my hand up and cut him off.

"Paul I completely understand, and I would have done the same thing back then so let's move on shall we? No point dwelling on the past when we can't change it and it was the right choice for the pack at the time!" I say and smile at him.

"Spoken like a true Luna!", I place my eyes back on the man who followed Paul in and smile at him too. He shifts on his feet realizing he said that out loud and my eyes full with a silent giggle but I'm sure he can see it dancing in my eyes.

He calms down and smiles at me, "Luna, it's my honor to me you, I'm Darius, your Gamma and I think we are going to be great friends." Ash growls at that and he turns to look at him and paces over to his desk and punches him on his arm. "Got a problem do we brother?" His eyes full of a cheeky, teasing look and I burst out laughing. They both turn to look at me and my eyes widen.

"What?! You can't expect a girl not to laugh at all the theatrics!" I say wiping the stray tear that had rolled its way from my eye as I chuckled. "I think we will be great friends too Darius," I claim, "but we have to keep a close eye on this one", I point to Ash, "he's a bit of an emotional one!" I giggle again along with Darius and Paul to my surprise.

"Oh shut up you two," Ash looks moody now and it's kind of cute.

"Now back to work", I say, everyone looks at me surprised, "Paul when my father called you about me what was said? Because he told me I was promised to you to bring our packs together?"

Paul looked shocked, as if he'd forgotten that I was supposed to be here for him until I found my mate, but he quickly recovered. "That was the plan, he told me as an Alpha child whether you had a wolf or not it was a compliment to me and my pack so that not an alliance, but an agreement could be made."

"What sort of agreement?" Darius asked just before I could, he came and sat on the edge of my desk as Paul sits in the chair in the corner looking very thoughtful.

"He said he knew we didn't 'do allies' so if we get into wars it's not like the other will run in and help....but that he was hoping we could agree not to fight each other and live in relative peace as two packs that share a border."

"That sound too strategic and… well… smart for my father. I wonder what he got an idea like that. And you agreed to this?" I asked looking between Ash and Paul.

"Yes," Ash looked in my eyes "but that was because we needed to ensure peace with at least one nearby Pack, so they didn't all decide to make a truce and attack up together." He stated flatly.

"Good tactics", I blurt out and he smiles looking proud I had complimented him so openly, "but then why would he attack? It makes no sense. He may be an idiot and an abysmal Alpha, but even he isn't that stupid."

"I did call him to say we couldn't take you, but we could still keep the agreement" Paul looks at me with sorry eyes "I said I gave you the choice to go home or be a rogue and he said you had better not go back there no matter what."

I look at him and smile reassuring him he's done nothing wrong, "I would expect that", Darius looks at me shocked but stays quiet even though I know he wants to know why my father would be like that and why I'm not shocked... I'd fill him in on my life later though. "The problem is I still don't see a reason for him to attack, if anything he would have felt more bonded with this pack as you did rid him of his 'problem daughter'. But that was an act of war if I've ever seen one."

Darius looks me in the eyes, and I mouth 'I'll explain everything later' and he nods. Paul looks deep in thought with a very confused face on and Ash is just looking at me with sadness and anger in his eyes as I know he's imagining hurting my father. "I think I should call him" I state, and everyone snaps out of it and all three of them shake their heads and start protesting with me. "Goddess guys he can't hurt me through the phone and to be honest, as much as I hate him I need to know why he's doing this to my old pack if not anything else." Ash looks at me and nods.

"Very well," be nods to Paul, "but you call him here, in front of us!"

"I wouldn't dream of doing it any other way" I purr at him as I go to sit on his lap and Paul hands me the phone. I dial the number and hear my stepmom pick up.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hi slut-mum, I need to talk to my sperm donor please." I'd never insulted them or spoken back before but this felt bloody great!

"Cici?" She questions, I hear a roar from behind her and she screamed.

"Cici you fucking bitch is that you?" My father screams down the phone.

"Why yes, it is, I just had a few questions for you father." I calmly reply.

"What's wrong my little mistake?" Ash growls at that comment but I place my hand on his chest to calm him down. "Don't like the present I left you and your new MATE?"

"How do you know I found my mate?" I question ignoring his attempts to rile me up.

"I have friends everywhere", he says "and a friend over there said you had found your mate and your wolf had returned" he growls through the phone, "I thought I'd fucking killed her years ago when I saw who she was, but I guess I should have done a better job and just killed you!" With that Ash grabbed the phone off me his eyes shining gold and his claws starting to come out.

"Who do you think you are talking to my mate like that," he is roaring not talking, I slide my hands under his jumper and hold them over his chest, skin to skin, to calm him. "You have now declared war on us, and we will wipe you out one by one. I will send out an announcement that I will not be taking prisoners so any that wish to avoid the fight should leave your lands by the end of the week." And with that he puts the phone down.