
The Alpha And I

Cici is sad and abused. She's lost her wolf as a result of the beatings. When she is sold off she finds her mate, will everything finally turn out ok? Or will it just get worse?

CharlotteKing · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Alpha of the Midnight Sky Pack's POV

Things are getting out of control here... I had helped kill my entire pack to focus on our plan and to use their essences as a sacrifice to feed Sophira's powers. Dark witches needed that apparently, we had enough for her magic to last a few months, but she wanted to unlock a way to not have to keep topping up on the essences she stole. She wanted to always have her magic with no limit.

I on the other hand wanted to become more powerful in order to take down Cici and her mate. Luckily for me she ran straight into us during one of our collections of supernatural's, so I already had half of my revenge hanging in a cell.

And yet the witch Sophira had stopped letting me know what was going on with all the tests she had ordered the scientists to complete. I was starting to get the feeling that any power she found she was able to cipher from the supernatural's we had collected would not be shared as we agreed.

I would deal with that later though. Right now, I had more important things to worry about. I was just glad to be able to take out my revenge on that little bitch that calls herself my daughter. I was finally going to rid myself of her tonight and I was buzzing with anticipation.

I hated her... she got gifted with Maya as a wolf and a mate who was gifted with Victor. My mate and I were destined to be bonded with the power of those two legendary wolves. But the goddess decided to skip us and as a result we weren't strong enough when rogues attacked our pack so many years ago. She wasn't strong enough. I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't save her. The love of my life and the only mate I ever wanted and needed was taken from me far too soon all because our wolves weren't as strong as what they were supposed to be.

When I found out our daughter had been blessed with Maya I couldn't hold in my pain or my heartbreak at the fact that useless bitch got what was meant for my mate. She was blessed with her at such a young age too. She didn't need her... but my mate did. I HATE HER. Maya isn't rightfully hers so why should she live her life happily protected by her powers?

I thought I had beaten Maya out of her when she was young but of course when she met her mate she returned. I should have killed her the second I found out, but I wanted to punish Maya for choosing the wrong person to bond with.

Luckily, I had another shot now and nothing was going to stop me.

Cici's POV:

When I came to again, I felt so weak and I was in so much pain but the fog over my mind was gone.

'Ash?' I called out to him in my mind.

'Cici? Thank god, are you ok?'.

'I am for now, but my father told me he will be back to kill me soon, I just need to tell you how sorry I am for ripping our lives apart and leaving without a proper goodbye'.

'My Luna you don't need to be sorry I will be there to protect you soon. I love you and I'm not going to let him take you from me!'

'Ash I love you too, but I can feel it in my soul, I'm going to die tonight, there is no way for you to get here in time. I just need you to forgive me for leaving.'

'I will do no such thing until I hold you in my arms back in our pack. Do you understand me? I will do no such thing, so you have to hold on for me to gain my forgiveness!!' He growls at me through the link. I love him for trying, I really do, but even after I was able to contact him earlier it would take time to find a witch and time for him to get here. It's a two-day run if you go flat out, and I would be dead by tonight. 'Cici?'

'I love you for your optimism my Alpha, but it'll take too long for you to get here, I am going to die tonight.'

'Stop saying that dammit, don't you dare quit on me unless you don't love me anymore!!'

'Of course I love you, I'm just being honest and trying to get our goodbye rather than leaving this word without it. It takes two days to get here from our home. Let's be honest, I'm not going to survive but you have to, you have to live on for me.'

'Cici, stop please. I already came to find you when two weeks passed, we found your old pack slaughtered. We are still on your fathers pack lands; I can get you we are just waiting on our coven allies to arrive with their strongest witches to make sure when we attack we can get in fast.'

'You're here? Maybe that's why I can talk to you now, it's not as much of a distance for my power to cover.'

'I am here my Luna, hang on for me I'll be with you soon!'

"What the fuck are you doing you bitch?!" My father screamed, he rushed to get someone to unlock my cell door. He must have noticed my glossed over eyes while I was linking Ash.

'My father knows I've made contact, I'm sorry he's going to drug me again, so this is goodbye... for now. I love you!'

'I love you too!'

"You filthy mutt, you distracted me, and I never drugged you! It's a shame that any call for help you've made will be in vain... there is no way your mate can make it here in time to save you." He spat in my face as he injected my neck. "I hope you said goodbye Cici" he smirked as the darkness took me again.