

The past and present might always mingle..

Cherryvillexoxo · Others
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19 Chs

A One Night Stand.

"I'll call you if there was harm done"

His voice re echoed in Alex head.

Like, what the heck!

Man! He had an attitude.

Was this man serious?

So.. she wasn't his type?

Alex face crumpled as she stared at him. He was a real fool then and she was real jewel. Her mind scoffed when she watched his features.. Why the heck was he so absent minded! Couldn't he see her? She was.. she was..


Why was he arching a brow at her?

Did she owe him something?

Alex smiled halfly,


"I asked for your card,"

"Oh." Alex quickly brought out her wallet from her pocket and handing out her business card over to him.

"But, I doubt there's a scratch though."

"Till then." He replied and then turned, moving back to the direction of his parked car.

"Wait!" Alex called at him.

Yes. They were completely strangers to each other but.. Alex looked around her. This place was deserted and lonely, even if she she was a werewolf she couldn't stand it. So, how about he just helps out? Huh?

The stranger turned slightly to face her,

"Ur.." Alex began. He was a rude man and she was abit lost at words on how to start. He wasn't soo bad to leave a woman in the middle of nowhere, right?

" Can you please drop me at the nearest car station? I'm abit stranded" She said.

The car station was already in the city she wanted to arrive at so... what a nice Brain Alex has.

The silence that followed after her question made her scared.

Was he really that bad?

I mean how long does it take one to reply yes or no?

The stranger eyes met with hers and she gave a soft smile..

Don't.. Fucking.. Say... No..

"Please?" Alex added when it seemed he was going to decline.

He still stared at her for some seconds before using his keys to point the other door making Alex breathe out softly with a smile.

"Thank you!" She happily sang as she rushed to her car, taking out her phone and locking her car.

_ _

His lips let out a somewhat shaky sigh.

Of all times for him to find her, it was now.

Why now?!

Damn it!

He slowly glanced over to the woman beside him. Her face was at the side of the window as she slept.

It was that same face she carried.

The same voice.

The same scent.. eyes..

If only he didn't know about all this kind of stuff, he'll conclude it was her. Just a change of hair color.

He didn't blame her for sleeping, he had been driving for an hour. The next car station almost near blue Sea city..


Could she have known that and asked for the exact place?

Or maybe not. Besides, the car station was the only place with people in the whole traveling boundaries.

Another sigh escaped his lips again. His plans would have to changed because of her. And who would've thought she was going to be a werewolf? He had expected a human since he didn't find her after a thousand years.

His car slowed down as he reached the car station. The place was filled with bright lights as a medium sized motel was beside it. Alot of cars filled the parking lot too. It was the holiday season. He parked his car by the side of the road and looked at her, She was still sleeping. He sighed as he alighted his car moving to her own side.

He opened the door as he moved his hand to wake her but then stopped noticing her face was covered by her red fiery hair. His hand moved without questions as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Her face to his view.. It was- beautiful.

She was beautiful.

Alex moved Abit in her sleep as she felt a hot hand tuck her hair behind her ear.. The hot hand touch under her ear.. Then it stopped.

What was that..

Why did it stop?

Who was...

Her mind suddenly brought up images....

She sighed Infront of a standing mirror in a luxurious room. She was naked and moaned as two hot hand wrapt from her back to her breasts. Her moans echoed as those hot hands brought her delight.

Her eyes flew open!

Meeting with the dark orbs that was also looking at her.

It was a dream.. She thought and let out a shaky breath.

"It's late." The stranger said making her look at him again.


" You can stay at this motel, then continue tomorrow" He said and turned towards the path of the motel.

Alex sighed and followed.

Oh.. Her mind stopped at looking at the car station.

He got here with her. She thought they would still be far away from town. She smiled and breathed out. Thank goodness she was out of that lonely road. At least it would be easier to see the girls.

She walked ahead and faster seeing that the handsome Stranger had gone in.

But then, her thoughts went back to the dream she had..

'What was that about?' She thought but shook her head as she tried to calm down. She entered the motel and met the stranger discussing with the attendant. She halted in her tracks as she let eyes drink him

Fucking grace!

'Oh my gawd, he's hot' Her inner mind screamed and then she was tempted more. She used her inner vision to check him out-

Alex gasped loudly.

The attendant and the handsome Stranger looked at her.. He even arched a brow at her, His brow was sexy too.

Alex gave a sly smile and then laughed softly,

"Are you okay?" The stranger asked.

"Yeah" She answered simply. Her smile almost turning coy.

He nodded at her and turned back to the attendant,

Alex wowed at him. His abs were strong, really strong. Like he worked out for years, and now her hands were itching to feel.

'Damn sexuality!' her inner mind scoffed.

"Just how many years did he train for those" She murmured to her self.

"You couldn't beat it"

Alex turned with wide eyes. He was still walking to her so how the hell did he hear her?

"Did he hear what I just murmur?" She asked her self again to be sure. Her voice so soft to only her ears.

"It's about more than a thousand years" He answered with a sigh as he stopped Infront of her.

"And yes. I could hear you murmur."

"From all the way there?" Alex frowned but asked in wonder.

"I didn't need to stress myself. You're just too loud" He said.

Alex forced out a laugh. It wasn't funny though.

You bastard!!

I'm was not loud!!

"Here " He gave her a key.

" What's it for?" She asked looking at it.

"To the room you'll stay for tonight. You seem tired"

Wait a second..

Mr handsome Stranger but rude and arrogant bought a room for her?


What's with his kindness?

And who the hell is he?

Alex nodded and sighed as she received the key but then remembered.

"What about you?"

"I have somewhere to be before tomorrow"

"But, it's late." She said and checked her phone. It was some minutes to midnight.

"It's almost twelve. Can't you just rest for tonight?"

Don't get our Alex wrong but.. He extended kindness to her, the least she could she do was act nice. Although she really wanted to run to that room and have a nice night.

He stared at Alex for a second or more.

He needed to go..

For his own good.. For her own good.

"I can manage" He said.

Alex mind jumped in excitement. But Alex dear, ask again to look nicer.

Ask just this last time. For sure he'd say no again.


" I only purchased a room."

"Can't you purchase another? Is it that expensive? I thought motels were cheaper"

"Did you see that cars parked outside? Alot of people are traveling this season. The motel is also packed with people. And one room, is a triple price."




She can't send him out like that after he bought a room worth three times pay..


You win Handsome stranger. You get to stay with me tonight.

"So, just stay. I'll go"

Stop acting nice man! I'm being good now!

Alex frowned slightly..

"We could just share.."

"Share?" The stranger asked. Slightly amused by her statement. His lips finally curved up in a little smile. This lady was really something.

He didn't feel like saying no anymore, how tempting.

"Yeah." Alex agreed softly but kind of regretted asking further at that time. If only she had shut her mouth, only her would have slept in that room. Sleep naked maybe.

There was a Clear smirk dancing on the stranger's lips. It made Alex shudder.

What's he thinking?!

Her mind laughed it out..

No way it's what she's thinking..

Yes. One night stands were not new to her but then, Not with a complete handsome Stranger that had hot abs, sexy smirk , hot hands and drowning eyes.

Get a hold of yourself, Alex!

"Lead the way" He told her making her confused Abit, she looked at the key....

"Room 49" She voiced out walking to the elevator.

A One night stand with Mr handsome won't be bad though....



Ciara sighed as she wore a long coat. This was a bad idea but then...

Why the fuck did she even listen to her best friend?

Those girls advice was always bad and trouble.


She was taking it.

The palace halls were very much empty since it was already midnight. Only guards were awake and she was very much aware of how light her footsteps should be.

Soon enough, she was at his door. That door that could change everything.

Knock.. Knock

She didn't wait up to two seconds when the door flew open. Welcoming her to his intoxicating scent and shirtless body. He looked quite surprised to see her even though he must have smelt her already.

Her eyes watched him.

Shirtless, and sweating???


Who works out in the middle of the night?

She only smiled. She was pleased. Her eyes couldn't come off his body.

"Is there a problem, Alpha?" Zayn's voice came through and disturbing her thoughts.

Her eyes reached his.

God! She wanted him

"Yes. My body is on fire" Her imaginary self would have said but ..

"It's Ciara when we are alone." She corrected and he sighed out as if stressed.

"It's late, Cia." He called her short name and she smiled softly.

"What do you want?' He asked again.

" I came.. to sleep over"

Her voice was soft almost like a whisper but Zayn sure heard it and it made his heart to leap and his eyes to widen.

Ciara only gave a coy smirk to his reaction.

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