
Chapter 8: Macon Forrester

Macon Forrester

“Is she coming down?” Millie asked. She was a pretty young woman, with brown hair, and brown eyes, and she’d been with Aldric for centuries. She had been born a werewolf, and the two of them had met when she was twenty-one. Werewolves weren’t immortal. We could be killed. But our blood made it harder for us to be killed because we were stronger, swifter and faster than everyone else. And the witches helped keep us safe, and we did the same from them. That was how we stayed alive.

It would continue to be that way. At least if Serena did her part.

“She’s coming down,” I said. “When I left her, she was getting ready.”

Millie paced back and forth. We were in the dining room of the house. There was a large table, and usually most of the pack gathered in there. But almost everyone else had gone, except for my main people because I didn’t want to overwhelm Serena. “You don’t think that she jumped out of the window or something, do you?”

I frowned. “No. I don’t think so.”

Theo, who was sitting at the table looking hungrily at a stack of pancakes, said, “Are you sure? There were a lot of rumors about her and that Damien kid. I can’t imagine she’s too happy about being stuck with you right now. And you know what her power is, don’t you?”

I glanced at him. “She told me it was light.”

He made a face. “That’s sort of true. She can make it day or night, and she disappears.” I’m surprised she didn’t tell you. She must not trust you yet.”

I frowned. We didn’t know each other, and yet…it still stung. “What do you mean, she disappears?”

“Anytime she uses her powers. It’s been kind of a problem.”

“How do you know this?”

Theo smirked. “Listen, you might like hiding up here in your big fortress all alone, but some of us have social lives. I mingle. People talk to me. I’ve got nice eyes and a nice smile. At least that’s what I’ve been told.”

“And who, exactly is telling you those things?” Aldric asked from his place next to Millie. “You know you could have a mate.”

“Oh, I could,” said Theo. “But as of yet, I don’t, and so I’m going to have as much fun as I possibly can.”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “You’re going to start a war one of these days, Theo, and I won’t save your a*s when it happens.”

Theo laughed. “You always save my a*s. Although someone might have to save yours, if Red doesn’t appear.”

“Don’t call Serena that,” said Aldric. “Our sister was a redhead and she threw a kitchen knife at your head once for it, brother.”

Theo chuckled. “Perhaps I just want to see if Macon’s new mate has a bit of fight in her.”

“I do, and I’m not afraid to take on a werewolf. I’m a witch, after all. Want to challenge me?” I looked up at the sound of Serena’s voice. She came into the dining room. Millie got up and bounded over to her, hugging her tightly. Theo, on the other hand, shut up instantly remembering that there was a witch in the pack now.

“You’re Serena!” she said. “I’m Millie, Aldric’s mate.”

“Nice to meet you…um, who is Aldric?”

“I am.” Aldric got up from his seat and walked over to her. “We’ve been part of Macon’s pack for several centuries now. I never thought I would see the day that Macon took a mate, so we’re happy to see you, my dear.”

Serena smiled up at him. “Thanks. It’s nice to meet you too.”

“You are much prettier now that you aren’t writhing on the ground,” said Theo, getting up from his seat and walking over to her too. “We’ve actually met before. I’m Theo.”

Serena tilted her head to the side. “Nice to meet you, Theo. You know… I think that I remember you. You are friends with Eden, aren’t you?”

Theo coughed. “Something like that.”

I wondered at Theo’s reaction to Serena’s best friend, and decided that I would have to talk with him later.

“I thought there were more,” said Serena. “I mean, last night when we came in---”

“They’ve got lives,” I told her. “And anyway, you’ll meet them all eventually. You still haven’t had a proper birthday party.”

Serena bit her lip. “Oh, we don’t need to make a big deal over that. There are more important things that we have to worry about.”

“Yes, there are. But I’ve lived long enough to realize that if you don’t take time to appreciate the small things, like birthdays, then there may come a time when we aren’t able to appreciate them at all. So, we’ll celebrate your birthday. I already talked to your mom. She’s agreed to move the celebration here.”

“I’m going to pick up the decorations!” Millie said. “And she’s going to come with me. I’ll show her around The Fortress.”

Serena scrunched up her nose. “The Fortress?”

“It’s what we call this place,” said Millie, gesturing to the house. “It’s technically a mansion but Macon thought that sounded pretentious.”

“And The Fortress doesn’t?” Serena said, looking directly at me.

I smiled at her. “I was a farmer before I was turned into a werewolf. In France. I’m not overly fond of anything that has royalty associations.”

Serena paled. “Oh. I suppose I could understand that. Then, I guess you must be really disappointed having a High Priestess for a mate.”

“A High Priestess is a leader. That’s different. You look nice, by the way.”

She was wearing jeans, and a blue blouse that Millie had lent her. A faint smile crossed her lips. “Thanks.”

“Are you hungry?” I asked. “We’ve got plenty of breakfast if you are.”

“He wouldn’t let us eat until you came down,” Theo whined.

I smacked him on the head. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Ow!” Theo hissed. “I’m not, you are!”

Serena laughed a little. “I’m not hungry, actually. I just want to see Enora, and figure out what’s going on.”

Aldric looked at me in surprise. “You told her about Enora?”

“She is her cousin,” I reminded him. “And she’s the only one that might provide us with answers about this whole thing.”

Aldric made a face, but didn’t say anything.

I turned to Serena again. “Well, if you aren’t hungry, then we’ll head out to see Enora. Get some answers….and get some lunch later, maybe.”

She bit her lip. “Maybe.”

“Come on, let’s go. We’re off to see the seer.” I headed out, and she followed. But even though I knew she was right behind me, I couldn’t help but think she was a million miles away.