
Chapter 6: Macon Forrester

Macon Forrester

It was a show.

Me, tossing her over my shoulder, and taking her to my room. I wanted my pack to know that she was mine. That she was not to be touched. If I showed anything but possessiveness over her, someone would try something and Serena would end up hurt or dead. And I wasn’t going to have that. No, she was mine. For better or for worse. Mostly everyone respected mate magic. But sometimes… Sometimes there were those that didn’t care, and pushed boundaries of what the Goddess wanted.

“Macon, please,” she begged. “Please don’t hurt me. I----”

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I growled. “But I needed them to not have any doubt that you’re mine.”

She went still on the bed, and her green eyes glared up at me. “So, you thought manhandling me was the best way to do that?”

“Would you have preferred I kissed you in front of everyone?” I asked.

She blushed. “Um…”

I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t think so.” I walked over, and I sat on the side of the bed. “I’m not going to hurt you, Serena. Whatever this is, the Goddess wanted it to happen for a reason. You’re not a prisoner here, and I won’t force myself on you. No, when we’re together, it will be because you want me.”

Serena hiccupped. “Ookayy…” She hiccupped again.

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s happening?”

A third hiccup.

“I---" Hiccup. “----hiccup----” Hiccup, hiccup. “---when I’m----” Hiccup. “Nervous.”

A small smile crossed my face. I reached out and stroked her cheek. “You don’t have a reason to be nervous, Little Priestess.”

The hiccups vanished, and so did the nervousness. It was replaced with irritation instead. “Yes, I do!” she snapped. “You and I both know that if the Goddess is pairing werewolves and witches together, that means something bad is coming. War. Or a curse. Or an apocalypse. Or a d*mned prophecy. Mates are based off of power. Love comes second. And I haven’t even completed my High Priestess training yet! I’m not ready for this.”

“One thing at a time,” I told her. “I realize that I wasn’t who you wanted. I know all about your history with Damien Craven. But, now is not the time to play favorites, Serena. We need to appear as a united front. If only so that whatever is conspiring against us doesn’t succeed in their plan.”

“Please don’t make me sleep with you yet!” she blurted out. “I’m not ready. I don’t even know you.”

I chuckled.

“What?” she glared at me. “Is that such a ridiculous request?”

“I don’t know you, either. There won’t be any sex until we’re both ready, Little Priestess. But I’ve got to have you stay in my room. It’s for your safety.”

Serena nodded. “I…I guess I get that. Um, I can sleep on the floor. Or conjure my own bed or something…”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re not going to sleep on the floor. You’ll sleep next to me, and I solemnly swear that I will be a gentleman the entire night.”

“Oh.” She bit down on her lower lip. She was so young. A tiny, slip of a girl. I couldn’t imagine her with me. If I couldn’t control myself, what if I crushed the poor thing? But already, I didn’t want her anywhere else. Or with anyone else. The thought of that made my wolf want to rip something to shreds.

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No.”


She shrugged. I took that as a no.

“Alright,” I said. “You need something more to sleep in other then just that robe. You’ll drive me crazy. Let me get you something to change into. You can shower if you wish. And then, we’ll get some sleep. We’ll have things to do in the morning, Little Priestess.”

“What kind of things?”

“We’ve got to prepare, for whatever’s coming our way. I’m going to take you to see the seer.”

“Seer?” Serena made a face. “There’s not a single seer in Moon Shadow, and they’re really unreliable because fate changes all of the time.”

I smirked. “Witch seers, maybe. Werewolf seers are different.”

She stared at me, wide-eyed. “Werewolf seers? What do you mean?”

“Some werewolves have powers. It’s not just humans that can get turned, you know. And if a witch is turned by a werewolf, they keep their powers. They usually don’t last long though. It makes them targets. Strong magic, that.”

“If a witch had been turned into a werewolf, wouldn’t I know about that? Or my mom?”

“No, because the pack has been keeping this woman protected because we didn’t know if someone was trying to kill her or not because she’d been missing prior.”

Serena’s jaw dropped. “Missing prior…. Macon, you…are you trying to say that my cousin Enora is alive?”

I took a deep breath and nodded. I had kept the secret of Enora being alive for ages. It had been hell, especially since the pack had been accused of her kidnapping at first. The Cravens hated that we had so much power over the town’s security, and they did anything they could to get rid of us. “Yes, Enora is alive. Her and your father were attacked on their trip to help the coven, and Enora thinks…well…”

“Well, what?”

“It’s complicated. She’ll explain it better.”

“Why can’t you explain it to me?” Serena demanded, glaring.

The truth was, Enora had her suspicions about it being witches that had attacked them. Maybe even someone from Moon Shadow, but I didn’t want to tell that yet. I could only imagine the fight we would get into if I did. And I had to work on getting her to trust me.

I went to my dresser, and I pulled out a pair of boxers and a shirt for her to wear. I tossed them at her. “You can ask me all of the questions you want in the morning. For now, get changed, and we’ll go to sleep. We’re going to need rest for whatever is coming, Little Priestess.”

I could see her mind buzzing with questions. But she took the clothes I gave her, pouting only slightly which almost made me laugh, and went to my bathroom that I pointed to. She closed the door, changed quickly and came back out. In my oversized t-shirt, she was still beautiful, and my c*ck hardened at the sight of her. Oh, how badly I wanted her…

But I would wait.

Until she wanted me too.

“Come on. Get some sleep.”

“Aren’t you going to bed too?” she asked.

“I’ll be back, and I’ll keep the door locked,” I told her. “I’m afraid I don’t have the luxury of sleeping tonight. I’ve got business to attend to. Don’t answer the door unless you hear me knock, three times. Got that?"

She nodded. “Got it.”

“Happy Birthday, Serena,” I said softly, and then I slipped from my bedroom, locking the door behind me.